'Sugar is the only Superfood' - Is Ray Peat Right?

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Most of us think of Sugar as anything from unhealthy but tasty treat, to the root of all disease. But controversial health expert, Dr Ray Peat, saw it as a literal superfood. He even claimed that eating sugar could heal diabetes! How is this possible? Is he crazy? Elwin Robinson and Krissy discuss.

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Executive Producers - Chad Newman, Krissy Hawkes
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The opening statement isn’t something Ray has ever said in case anyone is curious. Ray just acknowledged that cells complete cellular respiration with glucose, ketones do this as well. Fats slow down cell metabolism with beta oxidation creating a bottleneck in the electron chain transport increasing ROS and fats can’t be used for cellular respiration


Kempners rice and ripe fruit diet with added sucrose reversed type 2 diabetes in 100% of cases. It worked for me.


Clickbait title, specially saying the "only".


Duriander loves this ! Carbs the F up !


If you think sugar is central to Ray Peat’s philosophy you’re so lost. His dietary teachings are a drop in the bucket compared to the rest of the body of his research and writings.


that would mean that you could never lose weight! That's makes no sense. If you always have insulin floating around, you keep FAT from being burned, right? So, to me, none of this makes sense! I wish Ray had been more concise and not all over the place! It's so hard to put it together so it makes sense and really works! If you are Obese how do you lose weight on Ray Peat?


I have studied sugar extensively, and I look it at an evolutionary perspective, because humans, like all animals evolved.
The truth about sugar is that there are different types. All sugars are not the same. Many experts don't understand this simple fact.
Humans evolved up until about 10, 000 years ago eating very little sugar, and the only time they did was when fruit was available in the fall. Other than that, humans did not eat much of it.
After we invented agriculture, we started eating starches and grains. We ate oats, potatoes, rice, corn, bread, etc.
When we did this, our health got worse, depending on the amount we ate. Farmers has worse health than hunters did, although it did not make us metabolically sick.
As we learned how to make apiaries and have a consistent honey supply, and we learned to make table sugar, our health got a lot worse. Diabetes, heart disease, obesity and metabolic syndrome became a lot worse when we started eating massive amounts of fructose.
Fructose causes a metabolic change in our body that helps change our metabolism to help us gain a few pounds to survive the annual winter famine our ancestors used to face.
Fructose is the real, primary cause or metabolic disease. History clearly shows that starches are fine for healthy people, but fructose causes disease.
Dr. Richard Johnson is the source of this idea. Ray Peat did not understand Johnson's work obviously.
