Surprising Fix For Knee Injuries

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@slinkydog2222 Popping can be due to arthritis, the knee cap not gliding properly in the groove, injury to the meniscus or tendon/ligament/soft tissue issues. Are you missing range? Pain? Weakness? Giving out? instability? I would get the knee checkout out by Physical Therapist before doing MRI or anything drastic. It might be just an issue with poor mechanics, strength or stiffness. Having to release pressure indicates there is something that needs to be addressed. Take care of knee ASAP.


if it's around the kneecap, could be patellofemoral problem. The patellar tendon might be irritated or weak too.


@Slinkydog2222 Eastern medicine paradigm states that there is an energetic blockage with circulation issues causing poor health of the tissue. If this is addressed the body will heal itself. Too much popping indicates excessive air and dry quality in the system. Is the joint dry, cold to touch, atrophy? moving/shifting/variable pain?
If the health of the system is restored the joint will heal. Don't let it get worst specially if you are planning to join the military.


I would recommend you get Panchakarma (Ayurvedic Detox and Rejuvenation Therapy) in Kerala. If you had severe trauma to the system with chronic numbness and pain you need to focus on settling down the hypersensitivity of the nervous system. Acupuncture can also be very helpful for removing blockage and allowing proper flow of Prana/Qi so body heals and functions properly again. The only exercises I would recommend are Pranayama - Anulom Vilom and Kapalbhati.


Regular massage of the joint with herbal oil - for healing and lubrication. Omega 3 fatty acids, Vitamin D, Glucosamine can be helpful too. There are also some amazing herbs to help and heal injured tissues. Check out my site for more info on knee related issues at tridoshawellness(dot)com.


check out my video on cross friction massage for the patellar tendon. also check out my site for more info at tridoshawellness(dot)com


I've had some outside knee pain, especially after running, and have tried ITB stretching etc, but still pain lingers. I was also told by a chiro that my right leg is slightly shorter? Might this be the reason? If so, what can i do to correct this?


im 24 and I`ve aways had problems with my left knee patellar tendon and now im doing jiu jitsu and its starting to hurt again. what type of exercises or treatment would you recommend??


sounds like there is instability in the medial lateral or side to side and possibly rotational planes...when you are changing directions or jumping side to side. What part of the knee hurts? Is is painful to touch? Strengthening will help, balance, motor control exercises are essential for you. check out site for more info tridoshawellness(dot)com


The leg length difference could cause outside knee pain and other issues. You can always correct the difference by putting a heel lift on the shorter side. Stretching is not a effective in my experience, ITB is a very thick band and requires massage and myofascial release. Also need to make sure foot mechanics and hip strength/flexibility is addressed to properly treat this problem. check out my site for more info tridoshawellness(dot)com.
