Extreme Frugality. How we live on less than minimum wage & save half of it #budget #extremefrugality

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Run through our monthly budget with me to see the nuts and bolts of frugality.

Frugal Queen in France

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We are a British couple living in Brittany on a budget.
Frugal recipes, days out, home renovations and day to day making do in France.

We’ll give you hints, tips, advice and an insight into our life in France.

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Camera : iPhone
Editing : iMovie on a Mac mini


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Apple iMovie*
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Hi everyone. Yes, I missed off home and contents insurance and that costs us 220€ a year that we pay in full each January. Medication is covered in our social medicine and insurance. We don't pay car tax or tax on a trailer. Yes we pay property tax, that's in the video.


Here in the US I live on a "disability income" of $1100. I'm considered "low income" living below poverty level. But I survive because I'm totally debt free like u. I put into my sinking funds $700 a month n have a zero base budget too. It can be done even with rising prices, but u need patience n discipline.


Having an emergency fund gives such peace of mind. Same with sinking funds. Although, even though sinking funds are meant to be used, I hate seeing the balance drop when I pay a pre saved for bill. Thank you for sharing your budget. I always get good tips and encouragement watching the videos.


I shared your channel with my husband and he said he understands why I watch you and reference things you've discussed. He thought you were quite cheerful, intelligent and well versed in whatever you are discussing. I couldn't agree more. Because of your budget chats, I have become more organized and we are finally saving money on a regular basis without fear of the future. Thank you both for sharing how you budget.


When you asked if we were better off I thought it meant was I making more money. I'm not I am saving consistently for the first time thanks to you .Thank you so much


Thank you Jane and Mike. I retain something new every time I watch you do your budget. My car needs tires, brakes, a windshield and an oil change. Voila! A fully funded car repair sinking fund! It's like some sort of MAGIC!!


Hi from Spain. Very helpful. I like the idea of the discretionary fund. I have 2 kids and just this month we've had to find money for a school trip and craft supplies that we had not anticipated.. God bless you for your time and effort to help others via your channel.


A darn good video as always, as you know we are also in France not too far from you, we have been here full time since 2009, now retired, debt and mortgage free, we are now able to enjoy our lives, saving at the moment for a new roof ☺


Jane, you are delightful! Even though you have a small budget you are so upbeat about what is possible with it and how good life is with it


I really appreciate it when you go over sinking funds, because every time I hear it, it helps to cement it in my mind (it needs a bit of cement!). Thank you, Jane and Michael, for sharing how you live in a detailed way, because it gives the rest of us a roadmap and hope that we CAN do this, too.


I have encouraged several of my friends to watch your videos. Those who have, are feeling more confident they can pull themselves out of debt and build a more secure future for their older selves. Thanks for your precise and clear information.


Another clear and concise chat on how you manage your budget - the chats are so helpful and affirming for people including myself in the current economic conditions. Thanks so much 😊


Having a sinking fund saved us for the last twenty years. You explain it so well. Thank you.


happy to be with the frugal community, gives less headache


I always but in savings last. Because of you, i am saving first my last two social security raises. I also spent my grocery money the month ahead of my check. I now wait until the check is in the bank before I spend it. Now i have the money to pay the charge card when it arrives. I also started a more detailed sinking fund.for tires, brakes, and glasses. I use to make budgets but used them as guidelines as long as I didn’t go over the total a ount. Now, I stick to the budget. Anything lefypt over goes into savings now. Thanks for all your help!


Because of your very good and detailed information, I am on afar more peaceful journey. Not where I want to be but much better financially. Thank you so much. You can teach an old dog new tricks.


Until I saw this video, I've struggled to understand zero-based budgeting. I've always loved the concept, and have had budgets & plans, just never zero based ones! Thank you so much for your clear explanation! I now have a zero based budget and a sinking fund 😊. I have no debt or mortgage, so we're off to the races now!


Using your sinking funds idea over the past year has saved my life and my sanity thanks so much Jane and mike 😊


Very good talk, good common sense. A few years ago I was suddenly widowed. The first thing that was completed was a budget of all expenses-it was a lifesaver. I still record what is spent, so keeping track of expenditure is for me an absolute must. Thanks Jane and Mike. 🎉😊


I got hit with a 'surprise' expense this weekend.

It was planned for. I just thought it would be sometime next year before that refrigerator kicked the bucket. Since I knew it was coming up, I'd already made a budget for it. I was able to lock in a promotional special, with an upgrade I really wanted at no extra cost, and come in under that budget. I'm really glad I didn't have to make a completely unplanned emergency purchase.
