What is Baptism by Fire? | Matthew 3:11 commentary

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What is baptism by fire? John the Baptist mysteriously reveals that there is also a baptism by fire. Over the years commentators have attempted to reconcile this with eternal punishment, because if God's refining wrath is baptism that means cleansing and sanctification for the sinner. This was the understanding of the early Greek speaking Christians, that God is a kind of refining fire purifying and sanctifying sinners

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Thank you Holy Spirit for your knowledge, and using this man of God to share this message😇


Everyone is saved by grace of God through Jesus. My fellow christian friends hate the idea. I can't find any christians who support 'universal salvation' in Korea. I feel lonely and special at the same time. I am a few chosen person who God revealed the truth. The good news which I learned from the church is not good news but horrible news to me.


I picture God as my father, my God, my comforter. My mom told me God wraps you in His wings and wings are soft and they keep you warm and make you feel loved, I never forgot that.


Thank YOU Lord For YOUR Cleansing Here On Earth, so it won't be so bad so intense or so long in Heaven. Thank YOU Lord for any Reward YOU Grant me.
May YOUR Will Be Done with me, thru me, for me, by me in anyway YOU provided for human life, even Eternal Life In Christ Jesus 💞


Thank you we have the same SPIRIT. Finally someone understands this batism it purifies the believer it removes all evil from the heart mind and soul wereby that believer is supremely HOLY before JESUS and the church


This is so interesting as far as getting closer to the true intent of Yahweh. But these topics deserve so much more research on the part of the individual who is seeking the truth.

Thank you for this insightful and courageous channel!


I got baptized by fire 🔥 2020 Saved 2019 Praise God Thank you Jesus 🔥👑🙏😇🙌


Asking everyday for the baptism with the Holy Spirit and to be filled thank you


What Is The Baptismal By Fire. Losing the earthly works & accept the Heavenly Cleansing. Thank YOU Lord for YOUR Cleansing. Wages Of Sin Is Death, But The GIFT Of GOD Is Eternal Life In Christ.
Stay In Prayer 🙏 Stand Strong 💪 Healthy Safe Encouraged With A Smile 😁 In Jesus Christ Precious 💕 Strong 💪💗 Holy Name.


I understand that baptism by fire is a test that solidifies our christian attitude and devotion towards God.


Sanctification By FIRE 🔥.
By FIRE 🔥 There Will Be Sanctification.
A Purification Process.
Our GOD Is A Consuming FIRE 🙏 🔥🙏.


Bless you and yours forever and ever. May the Lord bless all who seeked out this answer.


HI. I am Greek Cypriot. We have also with one of the oldest churches (Greek Orthodox) that uses the same liturgy since the beginning of Christianity with the same language. (Koine Greek) On the Island, The Virgin Mary stayed outside of Nicosia, Apostle Barnabas Built his Chruch, Lazarus the best friend of Jesus (Isos the Christ - Joshua Emmanuel) lived and became the first bishop on island, Also, Apostle Andreas (or, Andrew) performs a miracle during his ministries there and Cyprus is also home to where Saul was Re-named Paul. (It is not just a small pointless island that most Western Scholars tried ot make it out to be, or some attacks they place on the few surviving Greeks.) Anyway.... But, this Baptism of fire that you speak of, there are groups of people that retain some meditations that refer to the Baptism of Fire. And, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. These meditations are apparently passed down from generation to generation and originate from Jesus the Christos and was delivered by the Apostles. Apparently, you need to baptize yourself in Water, Fire and the Holy Spirit. All beings will eventually come this point either the long way or easier way... The First Baptism is with Water.... But, the last baptism is by the Holy Spirit is a very long process and you are required to spend a lot of time in self-reflecting and realization of your true nature. (meditation, forgiving inside and removing egoism, Prejudice thinking, etc.) Some people probably do it naturally by doing great things, like Mother Theresa.... but, you are required to keep cleaning yourself of Sin by self reflecting your Egoism, Negative and Positive Thoughts, and you must keep yourself in this mode every night to meditate in self-reflection. (Examples are, what have i done wrong to my co-worker, ? i shouldnt hve said this to them, ... what should have said ? what did i not feel that i should have felt...and in end you must find a way to love them again. and Free yourself of desires, egoism and putting yourself above or below others.) But, once you do it you must continue even if you start to enhance yourself spiritually because you are living in the World of Good and Evil, you will be further tested. Also, in this system are also meditations mentioned in New Testament which are the Bridal Chambers and explanation of the 5 foolish and 5 Wise virgins and about who you really are, etc. etc., , As we are all a small piece of God. And, capable of creating just like God, but you create your own life. But, inside of you (in your consciousness which is the eternal soul) is the capability to create your own heaven or hell, as you think they are... but you can clean yourself so that you may have eternal life. ( say, the person you become, your human name is Alexandros .. Alexandros doesnt live long but will die one day but his created personality emotion/mind will live forever.) The thing that has eternal life always and never is touched is your soul and it can use the personality you develop, it is you... .. But, Sin is nothing more than just a error that you had done.. and it starts inside of you, your emotions, thoughts and desires. Your thoughts become living things literally and came come back to haunt you, or return to you for the good. Evil, or Dark peoples are nothing more than just a lack of Gods Goodness or light. You soe what you reap. Literally. However, the Baptism of Water and most important one is the Baptism will remove and clean the incarnated soul (beamed down by the Logos) of Sin or negative personality traits that may have carried onto you from your family (3 generations) or even yourself. There is a form of incarnating again into life for another chance to experience but is not the same as re-incarnation, as the Hindus or Buddhist portray it as. It is God's Grace at a new fresh life. Jesus Christ came to allow up to be forgiven upto 90 % of wrong doing as long as repent. (Forgive me my trespasses as I forgive those who trespased against me.)

The New Testament of the bible originates from the Koine Greek Speaking Roman Empire of Constantinople. Under its administration and formed during the early councils in NIcean and around the Greek Anatolian and Med. Sea area. You dont learn about this properly because the Catholic church has changed the history since the fall of Constantinople to the Mulsims, they consolidated a lot of Christianity under their umbrella but changed a lot of the structure and dogma. But the point is that many elements of the Bible and understanding of some concepts is easier to understand if you spoke the language... some words are used in certain contexts that help you... but regardless, we are a Soul inside of the Body of Personality, your soul will be guiding you through-out your life.. it is you but part of your consciousness. (regardless of your religion.)

To understand these concepts you must seek historical Christianity and seek these meditations. There nothing punishing about God, nor is God a Sadist. nobody is going to Hell. there is no such place, the original church never beleived in Hell. it is made up B.S. there are extra curricular systems that greatest mystic, healer & teacher from Cyprus that re configured sacred meditations. He is one of greatest, explains in great detail many topics, and giving meditations that is mentioned in bible. He healed many people, in front of doctors. People call him, Daskalos Stylianos. Its a DIY system and requires a lot of self engineering. ( theosis) you might be able to find on internet, Google search.


Straight talking truth after truth. Thank you so much. Iris


Matthew 3:12 tells us what verse 11 means. You will either be baptized with the Holy Spirit unto eternal life with Christ OR baptized with the fire of judgement unto damnation. Those that will be saved are only those who put their trust in Jesus even though their works will burn up. You must put your trust in Jesus and receive the Holy Spirit!


Thank you for this miraculous video. The human self is tricked into misreading the GOOD NEWS! I want to do nothing but work for Christ, who is saving all of Creation!


So we are *all* saved and it is only by the Grace of The Lord? I know he does not want to see us perish and would do anything to prevent that from happening.


Under the Old Covenant, the law required Three Substance for purification. Blood, Water and Fire.
Whatever that can stand fire is purified by fire and whatever that can stand water is purified by water so is blood. Num 31:23-24

Same Is true under the New/Better Covenant principles which are symbolic.

Everyone will be cleansed by blood, water and fire unto a perfect man.


Prayers 🙏 Are Up In Jesus Christ Precious 💞 Strong 💪 Holy 💓 Name ❤️


Amen to this complete message and loosening matthew 3:11, 1 corinthians 15, ecclesiastes 4:4-5, acts 8, romans 6, romans 5, isaiah 6, 1 corinthians 3, mark 9, matthew 5, proverbs 17, hebrews 12, matthew 25, 1 john 4, revelation 21, 2 corinthians 6:14-15, matthew 6:24 and this message, binding the work of man and loosening and welcoming the work of God by fire baptism in my life and the body of Christ, while I and the body of Christ will not be unequally yoked with and have any common share with any evildoer serving satan, binding all that comes against the fire baptism of the holy spirit, in the name and the blood of Jesus Christ, amen and hallelujah!
