What is Baptism by Fire?

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When I got the baptism by fire, I had never heard of it. Thought it meant I was going to hell. Thought it was my punishment. The Lord "refined" me in such a loving way, gently and one piece at a time. Amazing.


Thank you Lord for Your message and I pray it has a solid impact on us all. That we, who are children of God, may walk through life boldly glorifying You wherever we may go. Amen


Thank you Pastor Jeff for this sermon. Every time I listen to a sermon by you on YouTube I learn something. Thanks for writing these sermons and uploading them on YouTube. I learned a lot. And I'm going to try to be more bold in my life and speak the truth in boldness without being rude. I don't do that anyways. But I will try my hardest do it in my life. The way I do it the most is in my music I don't have any of my solo music out yet. But when I do I hope it touches people's hearts and I hope it changes people's lives. Thank you again!


The real message starts at about 26:00, when he reads from Mat. 3.


Great sermon Jeff! I believe God is glorified in this message. Keep up the good (faithful) work!


Hello Pastor Durban, thAnk you so much for blessing & encouraging me. I’ve been following & studying via your work here for a few years now. Thank you for not only preaching, but truly educating with His word & spirit.


OH MY GOSH, he just called out the pastor of Hillsong church in New York This man is bold, and it's awesome!!! Look at "Pastor" Carl Lentz on The View talking about abortion...


If I say try to preach the word in my family I'm labeled the 'goody two shoes', even though my whole family knows my whole past which is the exact opposite of goody two shoes. They just don't get it and they hold my past against me. It's best not to throw your pearls to the pigs in these cases.


Holy Fire burns, physically. Know what else burns? Hell.


Powerful. Praise Him Who does all things, speaks all things, and knows all things; through the humble servant whom He enables to do the work of the Father. The LORD bless you and your family and the ministry of the True Gospel of King Yeshua!


wow thx for helping me understand this
"baptism by fire" was never clear to me before - but now i get it
thx : )


Mighty men of God in the past lived lives of real prayer. The prayer closet is empty and the fastings are few in this day and age.


I’m a little confused. I understood the Refiners fire as being one of purification or sanctification process. “But He knows the way that I take; When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold. Job 23:10” I understand that once we are saved we are placed in right standing with God, through Christ alone. I also understand, through experience, that even while in right standing, we fall short. When refining metal it is heated through flame to bring unseen imperfections to the surface so the refiner can scrape them off until the metal becomes as a mirror. The reflection of the Creator. Not equal to but a reflection of He whom we serve. I understood the baptism of water as being the death of a life in rebellion to God and coming up out of the water into a life united with Christ. But in the fire I started researching the refiners fire. I thought the singing, “God bring Your fire” as being more of, “purify me so that I may be willing to not just love and follow You but also hate my brother or sister, father or mother and follow You faithfully.” More of a fear and trembling that one day I will have to face my Creator and give an account of every idle word spoken.... the acknowledgment the He is sovereign and I am incredibly imperfect but through the Refining fire on earth I may form such a dependence upon God that He will not say to me, “depart from Me for I never knew you.” I have prayed fervently that whatever it takes in this life to get me to stay firmly planted at the feet of Jesus. I will be there. He has been incredibly faithful to answer those prayers. It has been Gehenna on earth at times but through it all, He has sustained me. A weeping and gnashing of teeth on earth that has pulled things from my person that I was unable to remove myself. Followed by a season of such sweet peace that I felt in heaven and a kiss of heaven in my prayer closet. I cannot pretend to possess the knowledge of God but I am thankful to have His presence in my life, leading me on the path of His choosing, if for no other reason than for Him to be my God and for I to be one of His people.

I have been to many different churches trying to find a home and quite frustrated with the inability to align with the Word. What I have found most fascinating is that even though we almost always get it wrong... He is so faithful to always be working for His children. With that said, I am beyond thankful for your ministry. I enjoy watching your sermons on YouTube and I find it refreshing to hear the God that I know through scripture being preached. I believe that God will plant me in a local church body that preaches Christ as He is.


Pastor Jeff I have have a emence amout of respect for you and have only found a few pastors that have the understanding that you have. My town of 30, 000 people has 2 mega christan churches, 1 mormon church, 1 seventh day Adventist, multiple catholic churches, multiple Methodist churches, multiple Lutheran churches, 1 baptist/Lutheran church, and a few non denominational churches. I have been to most of them besides the mormon and jehovah's witnesses churches and seventh day Adventist. There is not one that lays it down like you do. So how do I get involved in a church if they only preach about how much you should tithe and get shunned and looked down on for even stepping into the building. I have been escorted out of the new hope church just for wanting to speach to the pastor. I'm talking big men pushed us out the door. I'm a strong believer in christ jesus and have a personal relationship with our savior Jesus Christ. So please help me understand what I am supposed to do with this? How can I go to a church that doesn't teach truth just to be safe to not loose money or risk losing members. People here in Williston, ND that seek truth have no real options. HELP


The amount of commercials youtube puts into this video is ridiculous!!


His relics are kept in several places including:

St. Demetrios Church, Neo Phaleron, Piraeus
Benaki Museum, Athens
Sacred Relics Room, Topkapi Museum, Constantinople (entire right arm and cranium)
Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria
Cetinje Monastery, Montenegro (right palm)


You can't carry a message, Ministry a movement based on a personality.= Gold


Baptism by fire is this:
Matthew 3:10-12 (KJV) "And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore EVERY TREE WHICH BRINGETH NOT FORTH GOOD FRUIT is hewn down, and CAST INTO THE FIRE.
I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and WITH FIRE:
Whose fan is in his hand, and he will throughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; BUT HE WILL BURN UP THE CHAFF WITH UNQUENCHABLE FIRE."



Out of curiosity Jeff where does one go if that kind of a church doesn't exist within a 100 miles of your house?


I just have one question... is “baptism” necessary for salvation? I have received Jesus Christ as my Lord & savior. I understand that I must work out my salvation with fear and trembling. I have also been baptized as an adult with the infilling and evidence.
