The Baptism of Fire is NOT for Believers - And Mark Hemans

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Many in the New Apostolic Reformation and the Hyper Charismatic movement believe that the Baptism of fire is for believers; but what does the bible say?

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#BaptismOfFire #TheBaptismOfFire #TheBaptismOfFireIsNotForBelievers #WhatIsTheBaptismOfFire #BaptismOfTheHolyGhostAndFire #Nar #NewApostolicReformation #FalseTeachers #FalseProphets #MarkHemans
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I went to Todd whites church once and they did this where they were walking people through a “ring of fire”. Scary. I felt convicted to stay in my seat and not go down to him and I always felt bad after wards that I didn’t. But later realized that The Holy Spirit was protecting me. Praise The LORD


I studied these texts about a year ago and came to the same conclusion. This is encouraging


I remember I kind of fell for the trap a little bit myself. I didn’t think too much of it. But now I understand. Thank you so much. God bless you.


First of all, Great Job Again Sean!
When I went to Bible College the wheat and chaff is exactly what was taught! Fire is damnation!
Kundalini is what these people are experiencing! There are some awesome videos comparing the modern so-called baptism with kundalini awakening. Gurus do the same touching and movements (Benny Hinn, R H Brown, Kenny Copeland, etc) Insane laughter is part of the show too! What an insult to Our Savior!
This horrid teaching is leading souls to hell and eternal fire!
God Bless You Sean! Keep up the Awesome Work for Gods Kingdom, Christs Bride, and the True Annointening of the Spirit!


Every time I see this kind of manifestation and someone told me that this is the manifestation of the Holy Ghost, I remember the prayer of Salomon when he ask GOD to give him wisdom, not riches or earthly posessions or the death of his enemy.And I was yesterday in a church where the pastor finish his preaching saying:Before asking for the baptism with the Holy Ghost, before looking for signs and wonders, we should ask wisdom from GOD like Salomon did.


When I was fifteen, I had rededicated my life to Christ at a youth group event. At this event, the youth pastor called for those who had raised their hands (I being one of them) to receive the secondary baptism of the Holy Spirit. However, when I stepped to the front, an acquaintance at the time, motioned me towards him. For some reason, and as I think about it now, I never understood why I stepped outside the building with him. But, this friend explained to me, saying, "You already have the Holy Spirit." I truly believe this was one of the times the Holy Spirit protected me from receiving such a false doctrine as the secondary baptism of the Holy Spirit. I have countless more, but I would first have to sit in awe at the many times God laid His hand on me to protect me.


Back in 1978 I was 19, and I started to hunger, and desire Jesus to come in my life. Egnorant of the Bible, I started going to a Pentecostal Church, was Baptise in water, had hands laid on me, and was told, I was Baptised in the Holy Spirit, and Fire. I even woke up one morning, and started speaking in tongues. I started reading the Bible, searching the Heart, and Mind of Jesus, and cried, and cried, for the truth set me Free. I'm 62 now, and I still cry, knowing that Jesus Protected me, an Egnorant Wretch, with His Love, Mercy, and Grace. Today nothing matters, but keeping my eyes on Jesus, daily surrendering to the Potters Hands. Jesus you are Worthy, my Lord God and Savior. Amen.


The term baptism of fire is widely stretched these days. People like Charles Spurgeon, Zac Poonen, Leonard Ravenhill etc. Were preaching a so called "baptism of fire" but not in the sense those charismatic lunatics mean it. They meant a refining fire or in other words the Holy Spirits sanctification in us and becoming holier and holier day by day. That's the old meaning of the term that godly men used.


Thank you Sean for explaining this scripture. I was a member of a church that teaches this and it was always puzzling to me what exactly the baptism of fire was. It was always taught to be a special empowerment from the Holy Spirit and I often wondered why I never received it. It is sad how many teachers wrongly interpret scripture.


Hey, Pastor Mel preached on Matthew 3 just yesterday. Yes, the baptism of fire does not carry any good connotation. We can be on fire for the Lord, but not offer Him strange fire. God bless you.


Someone needs to go into these places and cast the demons out of these so called pastors.


As always Context, Context, Context! If these Guys Don't Repent they will be Baptized by Fire! God Bless you Brother Sean!


Exactly, well said!👌 Awesome vid!👍💯 Another home run👏 Thank you for all your hard work🙏 God bless you brother💛☺️


when i received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, i made a complete U turn in my life, the paths of darkness in which i walked, and the pleasure of indulging myself in living a life of sin became a nightmare, very slowly i left the broad way and started to hate sin (long story) all i can say is, i moved from darkness to light, and started to hate the things GOD hates, (my sins) and Love the things GOD loves, (his son, his word, and the narrow path, true white perfected Godly love) the Gospel killed the old man that lived in me, now i am a new creature in CHRIST and growing. Now this what i am seeing is NOT the Holy Spirit i received, this could be the Kundamini false spirit that speaks gibberish in some of the churches, God have mercy.


What happened within me at the point of my rebirth experience, I've since thought of that and explained it as white pure fire in the heart. But it's merely analogous to the sense of purity, love and forgiveness I was being shown, which was so utterly contrasted with what I had known before that specific moment. Not heat that I can recall, merely an extremely strong and heart-changing experience of seeing the Lord for who He is, which is pure love.


If I had a dollar everytime I heard Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, etc... say "The power of God is all over you" I would be wealthier than the both of them.


Well I’m a believer and I can honestly say I received a baptism of fire.., if that’s what they received at Pentecost ? I had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.., and as he opened his mouth to breath his breath/fire into me, I heard what can only be described as the sound of a rushing wind (tornado is how I put it at the time) coming through my bedroom.., that is how powerful the breath/fire/spirit of God is!!!! And He literally breathed into me and burned up every impure thing within me and from that moment I could not stop evangelising about Jesus Christ and sharing the gospel….., as Jesus said to his apostles ‘wait for the gift that God has promised you’ or words to that affect…, where you will be imbued with power from on high…, that’s exactly what happened to me…, It felt very very hot yet not burning as this fire/breath of God went through me from my feet to my head…, and I’ve never been the same since. I believe I received the Holy Spirit the moment I accepted I was a miserable sinner and had at some point in my spirit in eternity turned away from God to sin and this life was an opportunity given by God to wake up…., I realised I was the ‘walking dead’ at that moment…, this is when I can honestly say I became born again, my whole world and thinking was turned upside down/right way up and I repented wholeheartedly and offered my life to Christ…, the Word had already started cleansing me, I felt it within my heart and soul and mind…, I had a joy in my heart I’d never ever experienced so I fell on my knees, and repented and gave my life to Christ but my baptism of fire so to speak was a few weeks afterwards…, the more I hungered for God, and heard Christian testimonies of a baptism of fire I asked Jesus to fill me too and He answered my prayer! I’m just offering my experience.., it is a good thing…, because the all consuming fire of God burns up every evil, wicked, dead thing within us and we become full of Him!!!! It’s amazing, the ego is no more! It’s heaven ❤❤❤


I have always wondered about this thing of being baptized with 'Holy Spirit and of fire'. I've understood the Holy Spirit part but not the fire part. This clarified alot for me. I do believe I must go through the texts of scripture in context again regarding the fire part.
thank you nonetheless. This seemed to be helpful and with scriptural exegesis :) May God bless you for this. Sincerely - a brother in Christ from Finland


But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire. ' Matthew 3:1-12.


I just appreciate your videos so much! I was raised Pentecostal and saw this kind of circus act regularly. People say “the spirit really moved in that church” and I’m like which spirit?? Even as a child this stuff freaked me out. I used to hide under the pews til the screaming was over😩🤣
