High Functioning Autism Aspergers,Making sense of the world

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Ref: Weak central coherence

Re:Throu the eyes of Autism

Autism/Aspergers syndrome is a developmental disorder. Autistic children grow up to be Autistic adults. Some people think "how can you be autistic, you are nothing like Rain man" well most of us on the Autistic spectrum are not exactly like him Although I do now Autistic people that share some of his ability to remember important dates and huge amounts of facts and data that can be recited instantaneously. Autistic symptoms are based around the central Autistic diagnosis criteria called the "Triad of Impairments" This encompasses a) Social and emotional difficulties b) Language and communication difficulties c) Flexibility of thought (imagination)

Recognising the Triad of Impairments in my experience is just the starting point, and as many people affected by Autism will tell you, Autistic spectrum disorder can be a hugely complicated condition to understand. And even though there are common symptoms that Autistic people may share, Not everyone with Autism display all the symptoms all the time. Then when you add in other factors such as personality trait's enviromental factors and co-existing conditions then trying to find a "one approach fits all" mentality to working with Autistic people is not going to work. I sometimes think that everyone on the Autistic spectrum is practically a sub category in themselves.

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Thank you so much for this video! It's taken me so long to figure out that I was concentrating so hard on the details that I couldn't make sense of the ideas of many/most things as a whole. Even in figuring out what was happening in my own mind, I couldn't see that this was my main stumbling block. There's not a lot of talk about this particular symptom that I have seen because you have to see the big picture to know what to look for. You have really helped me out. Again: Thank You!!!!


Hi Caleb
thanks for watching, I'm glad it helped. I found that before I began to understand this problem, I just thought I was stupid and ignorant. It really helps with ones self esteem when we begin to understand ourselves more.

Regards Steve


Another great video!"Weak Central Coherence:" I'd never heard the phrase. I have Asperger's. I'm one who benefits from this. I am an artist, and I have done some tutoring in seeing. Students have a hard time seeing the small parts of a picture, and they struggle to find important details. I am smiling, because it didn't occur to me that it was my weakness that enabled me to see them. Also I had't thought of it being that same thing that overwhelms me in busy public places, but it makes sense.


Hi MrMerceyFender
Thanks for your message. I do wonder sometimes if I am to open publicly about personal stuff but I have taken confidence from others on tube that make videos and talk about personal stuff. I get a lot of nice comments from people so hopefully others are getting some benefit from watching. Best wishes Steve


Hi Tina

Thanks for your message. I agree with you that weak central coherence can be useful sometimes, I sometimes also benefit from it when I'm working on a video edit etc. But it can also make life confusing in busy places like train stations where there are lots of things happening and it is hard to get an overall picture. As you say it does cause a lot anxiety for us. Best wishes Steve


Hi cheesusrice1981. Thanks for that. I'm glad you enjoy them. Best wishes Steve


Uhm, no, I (aspie, 50yrs) do not share that experience. I recognise that I see a lot of fragmented details. But I do have the overall picture too. The only thing about the fragmentation is that I do not like to go into situations that you describe with a lot of sensuary input. But hey, that's life, so I deal with it. Resting can be done later.


Hi, I agree 100% what you said, there is another theory called: "monotropism" about this topic. Good videos.



Yes that is a very good point. I will do some research to see if there is a way to change the viewing options. I'm not sure how to contact youtube I have tried in the past but could not find a number. I will check again. regards


Hi Walarbid, with the AQ test your score may indicate some Autism/Aspergers. with a score of 35 you should talk yo your doctor or contact an Autism charity to get their advice on what to do next. My AQ was 38 and EQ was 17, I think the lower your EQ puts someone more in autism territory. These tests are legitimate tests and were also done again by my psychologist during diagnosis, but there will be other tests as well for a diagnosis. So firstly see what your doctor says, regards Steve


That seems to be me, but what happens when we create the big picture and build it down to the small? I seem to also be obsessive of learning the "spectrum" of details in the world, with the goal of linking it down to the small


I have that in a lesser degree but when I got antidepressants (I never got the official autism diagnose) it really got terrible so I stopped them.


it's all an illusion and you know it. when you grow in love and perception then you will be more and more able to realize how people feel and why they feel that way... an nothing stresses you out anymore. you are able to watch a movie am i right? does it stress you out? why not... because you feel save. that's my opinion. but i understand, that you are not able to see that from your current perspective.
