What is the Mormon Washing and Anointing Temple Ritual? Ep. 45

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Just like ancient Israelites, modern Latter-day Saints (otherwise known as Mormons) consider their temples to be sacred. Because temples are so sacred to us, we don’t talk about what we do inside them very often. Unfortunately, many people unfamiliar with Latter-day Saint beliefs interpret our reverence for the temple as evidence that we’ve got “something to hide.” In this episode, Dave talks about the Washing and Anointing ordinance—what it is, where it comes from, and why we do it.


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I’m about to go serve my mission in Argentina 🇦🇷 and I soon will be through the temple and I’ll be honest, I’ve been very apprehensive and so this video has helped teach me a lot without needing to look at critical sources that would neglect the sacred nature of the temple. Thank you so much!


I just want to say that as someone who had some small experience with the Church as a youth and recently as an adult of nearly 40 years have re-joined, I really love your videos. There is so much I didn't understand when I was younger that now has increased my faith more than ten fold. Some of those things come from these videos and they bring me great joy to understand and comprehend. The comments bother me sometimes as I can't fathom being so hard hearted, but I guess I was in a similar state of mind once. Please keep making these, I often have to just stop reading the comments; but, you must also increase the faith of many like myself.


I went through the temple prior to the “modestitazation” and I think you should know that we were never naked. During the washing and anointing, we wore a large robe or tunic. No naked parts of the body were ever visible to any other person.


Sincere question - If the endowment was restored, why the need to change it? Not just the washing and anointing but other parts like the Five Points of Fellowship? If they aren't necessary now, why were they included? Same with the penalties pre 1990.


"It's not magic. Stop that!"
Thanks. It needs to be said.


The washing and Anointing is an Early Christian practice. It is called the Holy Unction, or Holy Crismation. It was done in private. It was done woman to woman, man to man, Some Eastern Orthodox churches still practice a form of it. The Roman Catholic Church changed it to just touching the forehead with water and oil and making the sign of the cross. How ever the original rite was done as the LDS Church does it. See Bishop Cyri of Jerusalem's "on the Mysteries" .


For some reason I thought they were going to talk about the Second Annointing.


Exodus and Leviticus. Moses washed his clothes before climbing up on Sinai to receiving the Law (10 Com., Torah).

He established a perimeter, a boundary around Sinai where noone were to trespass only him and Aaron could.

He journeyed upthere, fasted 40 days and 40 nights, his countenance shone and his eyes werent allowed to behold His glory at eyesight so he veiled his grace.

The Mount at that moment became Holy Ground. The rest of Israel were restricted outside that perimeter.

Sinai is a symbol to Moses' tabermacle, the Solomon temple, the 2nd temple down to our current Temples. A safe Haven from the "world", the profane. (Lev 19:2. Lev 20:26. John 14:30 kjb) "Thou shalt be Holy as I am" (paraphrasing).

Garments represent that. Holiness as a reminder of our setting apart, our peculiarity, our dedication unto the Lord through Christ. Leviticus was first and foremost addressed to the Levite tribe and their wives. Through Christ in the similitude of the Melchizedek calling (Ps 2:7 kjb) to having "no end", we are now part of that same calling "as kings and priests"... "sons and daughters of the Most High" (Ps 82:6 kjb) unto Christ.

That garment, our deducation to working at having a "circumcized hearts" (Lev 26:41-42 kjb) work in tandem. A covenant is made and IS honoured.

I could go on and on... Thank you. Brother. 🙏


You made this, and baptisms for the dead. Can y’all PLEASE make one for the endowment and sealings


Your perspective of women and the Priesthood needs needs adjusting. Women don't hold keys or office in the Priesthood but we have as much access and right to use Priesthood power by faith in Jesus Christ as men do. Also, consider this question...why are men required to have the Priesthood in order to enter the Temple, just as a patron, much less an ordinance worker, and women are not? Some food for thought.


I've never endowed before. But I am trying to visit the temple on this month. I am look forward to visiting there!!


Hey youngins.... back in the day- They had “shields”, like a poncho....


There were never ads on your videos... are you guys monetising your videos now? Some ads are from different churches trying to derail the one people are trying to watch...


I know That Jesus Christ is our Savior💗💗💗💗💗💗💗


Can you share any references from the new testament and the BoM please? Thankyou!😊


You have answered some important questions for me. Thank you.


I love you guys but I love you the most, your sense of humor is wonderful too.


THANK YOU for taking away all the weird stigmas around being LDS. I recommend your channel to pretty much everyone that asks me about the church <3 I wouldn't have given the church even the slightest chance without your videos x


I haven't been endowed yet but I'm working on it


Good job at showing the historical and scriptural foundation of the washing an anointing. I don't think the modern format of small drops of oil and water are in any way comparable to the pouring of oil as an anointing and the full body washing in historic times. As a side note, the Salt Lake temple had a couple of GIGANTIC bathtubs for the washing ordinance.

Also I think people just need to get over being weirded out by nakedness. We're humans, these are our bodies. Get over it.
