Mormon Temple Washing & Anointing Ritual w hidden camera

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Before 1990, to be washed and anointed, you entered naked except for a white poncho, so that with the right hand and on one side of the poncho, the temple worker, put a little water and then oil directly on the skin, in each part of the body, for the genitals they put water and oil at the beginning of the ass and back, obviously first they did it on the head, eyes, chest, belly. I lived the experience in 1982 in Spanish in the Sao Paulo Brazil Temple.
For women this was administered by sister workers of the Temple priestesses of the highest God.


At 17 seconds into the video Norman J. Jacobs, who is dead, becomes an elder in the same and equal priesthood as Jesus. A priest after the order of Melchizedek!" All the requirements are swept away and Norman is ready to enter the school of Godhood. Jesus had to live a sinless life, die on a cross and rise from the dead and purchase salvation for all mankind. Norman has been baptized, confirmed a member of the church, received the holy spirit, now receives his washings and anointings and will soon receive his endowment. Norman didn't even have to show up to the meetings. He never did anything nor did he ever hear a word of the Mormon gospel. Never read the Book of Mormon and never prayed about it, either. Norman did not have a testimony, never tithed and never held a calling. Norman never learned any names, signs or tokens while alive and would have had to know the five points of fellowship but did not. Norman gets a free pass into Celestial Kingdom!


why would you tape this? It is obviously sacred and it is very cool. Why couldn't they see his camera? Very cool though if yu read your bible. This is in there. What do you think the tribes of Jacob did in the temples?
