Cons: More Research is Needed on the Safety of Genetically Modified Foods

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We need to be very careful about eating genetically modified (GM) foods because we don't know enough about their long-term effects on health. Changing the genes in crops is a new science, and we do not fully understand all the risks. Some health problems, like allergies or other issues, might not show up right away. It could take many years to find out if GM foods are safe or not. This is a big concern because people’s health is very important.

Scientists say that more research is needed to understand what happens when people eat GM foods for a long time. Right now, we do not have enough information to say that GM foods are safe for everyone. We should not just look at the short-term effects. We need to know what could happen if people eat GM foods over many years.

Another problem is that GM crops can spread to other plants, causing problems in the environment that we do not expect. If we do not understand these effects fully, we might make mistakes that could harm people or nature.

Because of these possible dangers, we need to be careful. More testing and research should be done before GM foods are eaten by people all over the world.

Know the facts: A survey found that over 83% of South Korean consumers want stricter rules on how genetically modified (GM) foods are handled, stored, and labeled, showing that many people are worried about their safety.
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