Pros and cons of doing a PhD (personal experience)

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As I hopefully made clear in the video, this pros/cons list is based on my personal experience, and I'd welcome additional perspectives from current and former PhD students. If you think I neglected something important then please put it in the comments below!
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Huge thanks to my supporters on Patreon: Dan Hanvey, David Efird, Suzanna Hofman, Amy Hadden, Ethan Fuller, Charles Bray, Jay Wright, Louis Gillet, Michael Phillips, Martin Hermes, Cameron Matchett, Lachlan Woods, Tim Boxall, Gabriele Mozzicato, Jawad Alalasi, Gaia Frazao Nery, Kodzo, Claire Anthony, Eve Dillon, Rowan Gow, Matthias Loos, James Bridges, James Craig, Sanaa Al Derei, Mark Anthony Magro, Liam, Wendover Productions, Kendra Johnson, Caitlin Louise, Daniel Blume Høj, Leighton Mackenzie, Thusto, Fernán González, Paul Everitt, Kendall Hendrix, Jia Xin Peng, Jonathan Trimble, Ryke Allen.
Pros and cons of doing a PhD (personal experience)
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