What happens if you cut and open a Möbius Strip ? | The Math Grapher

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Hi guys,
Welcome to the world of equations.
In this video you will get to know what happens if you cut and open a Möbius Strip in half.
Follow me on Instagram
Subscribe to my YouTube channel to know more about Math, graphs & their equations
Music: Voyage
Musician: @iksonmusic
Thank you
The Grapher
#mobiusstrip #topology #immpossibleobjects #math #mathematics
Welcome to the world of equations.
In this video you will get to know what happens if you cut and open a Möbius Strip in half.
Follow me on Instagram
Subscribe to my YouTube channel to know more about Math, graphs & their equations
Music: Voyage
Musician: @iksonmusic
Thank you
The Grapher
#mobiusstrip #topology #immpossibleobjects #math #mathematics
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