This Is Why You Should Never Cut Your Pills in Half Unless They're Scored

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If it doesn't seem straight forward on where to cut it in half, you probably shouldn't be.
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This makes no sense because the manufacturers don’t assemble each pill individually, they make huge batches at once and then equally divide the whole substance into the little pills. If splitting a single pill could result in the “blueberry muffin effect”, that would imply that the entire batch of pills could already be unequal to begin with, and therefore even taking an entire single pill (unsplit) is not assured to be the correct dosage of active ingredient. How do you know your bottle of pills isn’t the “half of the muffin” if the original huge batch that was full of inactive instead of the active ingredient? If the active ingredients in each individual dose are capable of separating from the inactive ingredient/s after being divided from the original huge batch, there would be no point in adding the inactive ingredients in the first place since they act as stabilizers and hence their job would require them to access all of the active ingredients, no? Of course the medical Industry doesn’t want us to economize our pills because that would mean we could spend less and buy less


1:30 she should have picked a different muffin. Literally all of the blue berries were evenly distributed, perfectly! lol 😂


there were just as many blueberries on the other side. terrible analogy.


1:28 Ray and the guy behind her are like, “Gurrrl... what is you talkin’ bout?! There is literally the same amount of blue berries. Why you playin’?!”


The doctors and pharmacists will encourage whatever is convenient for THEM. Lol.. jokes on us when we run into a problem. Like tough shit until and if they want to deal with it. I could go on for hours on this subject. But it gets you no where but flagged for even questioning your own meds.


The active ingredients are not Incorporated into one pill rather a large quantity of the medication is prepared and then converted into pills.
Active ingredients are very uniformly distributed in even the smallest pills.


Straight up BS. I have several prescribed meds that I have to split that are not scored--as prescribed by multiple doctors. Her analogy does not hold water as I looked up the manufacturers patent information and the meds are mixed in solution, apparently enough times to be considered relatively even throughout, and then cooked or finished as needed.


all this did was make me hungry for blueberry muffins 😋


I was told by my doctor to cut mine in half lol 😂


Tell that to the VA who constantly sends me pills to cut that DON'T have a score line and are oddly shaped, cuz in their words "it's cheaper for us to send you medications that are in larger doses.... nevermind how hard they are to frickin split.


Tablets are uniform lmao, the co concentration of drug is the same across the entire tablet. The only tricky one is suspensions


To me it sounds like a total way to make more $$ ... Think about it, say you are supposed to take 5 mg of medicine "A" ... if you get the 10 mg and split them, then you'd only need around 15 pills a month vs. 30.

Say the 10 mg is $1.50 per pill and the 5 mg is $1.10 per pill

10 mg splitting them = 15 (per month) x $1.50 = $22.50 for the month
5 mg pills = 30 (per month) x $1.10 = $33.00 for the month
So around $7.50 more per month per person

Here's a current example... using pet meds ... my cat needs methimazole for thyroid issues.
At Chewy a 5 mg pill is $0.16 per pill
a 10 mg pill is $0.25 per pill

$0.09 difference doesn't sound like much .... but let's look at it on a larger scale...

Using a 5 mg pill 2 x a day and 31 days in the month is: 31 days x 2 per day = 62 pills needed.... 62 x $0.16 per pill = $9.92 for the month

Using a 10 mg pill and splitting it and 31 days in the month is: 31 pills for the month (as 10 mg split in half is 2 x 5 mg doses) 31 pills x $0.25 per pill = $7.75 for the month

$9.92 - $7.75 = $2.17 more getting the 5 mg pills vs getting the 10 mg pill and splitting it.

There are around 95.6 million cats that are 10 years or older ... out of those an estimated 10% of those are diagnosed with thyroid issues which is around or roughly around 9 million 560 thousand cats.... if they all were prescribed this medicine at this dosage ... getting people to buy 2 x 5 mg pills vs 1 x 10 mg pill would be a profit of:

9, 560, 000 cats with thyroid issues x $2.17 more for the 2 x 5 mg pills per month = $20, 745, 200 more in sales per month over the 10 mg pill and splitting it ... thus also increasing their profit as well.

So yeah, pharmaceutical companies want you to think it's best not to cut pills as it cuts into their profits....


i ordered a pill splitter after watching this video


also more importantly, if you cut it in half, you cut big pharma's profit margin in half... such clowns...


I cut my bp medication every morning, Drs orders


btw doc presribed to cut metformin tablet in half for noon and dinner and one full for morning for diabetes recently started on medication for my family member, its not scored btw.


Why is she interrupting the pharmacist? Jesus! So annoying!


this is kinda stupid . pills dont have chunks of the active ingrediant like blueberries . i would presume the medication would be mixed in the same as the flour, not the blueberries .


The real question is, what will they do with the cut muffin?🤔


Fun fact cannot have them broken even if they're okay. In fact Excedrin is one of the ones that are okay. In fact if you do two Excedrin a migraine or headache in 30 seconds vs 30 minutes.
