Is Fruit Bad For Weight Loss? (Is Fruit Sugar Bad For You?)

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We know that sugar causes weight gain, and that fruit contains sugar, right? So, is fruit bad for weight loss, or is the sugar in fruit somehow special because it is "natural". Watch this video to find out.





The content in this video is not intended as a substitute for the medical advice of a primary physician. Please regularly consult with your physician in matters relating to your health, particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or immediate medical attention. Due to the variance of individuals’ lifestyles and bodies, the methods elaborated on in this video are not guaranteed to produce your desired result; therefore, the author does not assume any liability to any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by the choice to implement any of the following health strategies.
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Eating fruit ( fructose ) is fine as the fibre is the key as it creates a barrier to stop the glucose going straight into you blood stream
I also stopped eating added sugar but kept eating fruit and I lost weight


Eating fruit didn't cause the obesity epidemic, nor disease epidemic. Therefore science shows us that fruit is healthy and you can be physically fit eating fruit alongside lean protein & vegetables. Anything that is not ULTRA processed gets a tick in my book. I understand that fruit has been cultivated to be sweeter, however the reality is when you consume fruit compared to lets say, a donut, or a twix, you're going to get more nutrients and your body will feel healthy. Who has EVER developed fatty liver or become overweight by predominantly eating fruit!? I need to see the STUDIES 😂


I'm trying to lose weight, but I won't remove fruit from my diet completely. I would usually eat apples, but I also eat pears, oranges, mandarin oranges, kiwi's, nectarines, all that stuff. But no more than 2-3 pieces of fruit a day. I just like their taste and they do contain good nutrients, so I don't see any problem with incorporating them in a healthy diet. I've lost 90lbs since I started my weight loss journey, so I think I'm doing okay, especially after watching this video.


Excellent point about the role of selective breeding (not GMO!) in enhancing the fructose concentration in fruits and vegetables. Most nutritional authorities miss this entirely. As an avid gardener, I've studied the history of fruits, and the surprising thing is that virtually none of the fruits (or vegetables, for that matter) that we eat every day actually exist in nature. Almost all of these have been created by man over centuries. Oranges do not exist in nature in any recognizable form. Naturally occurring apples are more like modern crab apples, hard and bitter---nothing like a Honeycrisp apple, which is a man-made sugar bomb.


Taxes only punish addicted people. That is proven to be a failed solution. Cigarettes are taxed out the butt and people still buy them. Education is the key along with outright cessation of manufacture. We need to move people to less destructive life choices. Problem: the politicised medical authority has lost all credibility. So this is all a non starter.


Well, I can’t argue with that. So I have made up my mind to ditch the overindulgence with fruit. Thank you for straight talking exactly what I needed to stop eating masses of fruit and gain a more healthy perspective. I have been in denial about this for a very long time. Thank you, 😢


The only fruit I put in my smoothie is a half a cut of organic wild blueberries and the only other fruits I eat is tomatoes and avocado... the nutrition you get from fruits you can get from vegetables....


Excellent and well done. No taxation, but I would support an outright ban. But the corn growing industry would implode and they would never let it happen.


Please don't stop eating fruit because of this video


I love your videos because you’re so easily understood! Thank you for sharing the very important information related to fruits! In the old days we were told they were healthy, but the reality is like many other things they should be consumed in small amounts 😊


Tell that to lifelong fruitarians who thrive on practically nothing but fruit. Fatty liver is mostly caused by excess saturated fat in combination with fructose corn syrup, not whole fruit. So, I would go easy on red meat and eat more fruits.


I am a living example of obesity by fruit!
I do not eat fast food (I detest pizza) I do not eat ice-cream nor muffins, nor doughnuts at all! I NEVER drink fizzy beverages, even as a child. I eat fish, chicken, red meat in moderation & I am active. However, I go through tons of fruit which has led me to being obese. I can't just eat 1 fig, I can go through a whole box of 12 or 24 in one sitting. I go through punnets & punnets of grapes, a half a watermelon in one go, 5, 6 guava at a time, pears, apples & plums from my allotment in RIDICULOUS portions!! The result? Obese, weight on joints causing difficulty in walking. My friend has advised me to completely give up every type of sugar, including carbs, for a month. She is going to monitor my progress & see how it goes.


Honestly, I’ve been on a raw fruits diet for 8 days and I lost 10lbs


So interesting. I really didn’t equate the sugar tax to being the same as alcohol or cigarettes but you’re right. If excess sugar causes extra stress on the health system, then I am all for sugar tax!


Thank you. You do a great job in explaining things without the hard to understand scientific words.


Thank you very much for the great sharing Dr Maggs. Your videos are very informative, helpful and comprehensive. Great stuff, and please keep this going.


Has anyone ever met an overweight person who only ate fruit? I would like to find some examples. Not dried fruit but fresh.


Something that was not mentioned is total caloric intake. Fruit cant add fat to your belly if that fat is immediately needed for daily energy expenditure. If you were to eat fruits only and nothing else, my bet is it would be hard to bulk up


i dont have time to watch this any time soon. can somebody please tell me what the bottom line is in what he says here? is he pro fruit or anti fruit?


Many fruits have health promoting phytochemicals unique to them that can’t be found in other foods.
