How Are US Soldiers Different From European Soldiers? #usa #soldier #military

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Ever wondered about the disparities between US soldiers and their European counterparts? Join us as we delve into the contrasting facets of military training, equipment, tactics, and cultural influences that distinguish American soldiers from their European counterparts. From historical roots to modern-day practices, we uncover what sets these two military forces apart.

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Respect for us soldier.. I'm Italian veteran served side by side with us army and marines in Afghanistan and Iraq... Truly exceptional soldiers!.. The true strength of the Americans is not so much training as devotion.. A quality that I greatly admired!!


Don't put all European military in the same basket. I am a retired Marine and had the honor of serving with our British counterparts, the Royal Marines. Superb troops, I would go anywhere with them.


I'm retired Marine Recon, there are units that fight like US troops do, namely the Brits, we train together, and fight the same way, I go into combat with Royal Marines all day long.


I laughed when it said "Officers aren't there to push their soldiers, but to RESTRAIN them."
I was like.... TRUTH!


As a retired Marine, the US military trains their lowest rank to fight the battle with the same warfare training as the officers in charge. Most countries don't. So, if the US military leadership is killed in battle, the leadership position goes down the ranks, and the unit keeps fighting.


Can just confirm that. Comrades of mine get MedEvac at the Karfreitags-Gefecht by two Helicopter Pilots of the US Army. They were told by our own Officer that the landing place was too hot, they asked twice to repeat and landed anyway and evacuated multiple WIA and KIA.
I was always calmer when I knew, American Air-Support was on Call. You can be sure these Soldiers will never let you down because when $8it hits the fan and even when their own superior tells them to stay put, they will come no matter the odds.


A WWII vet who fought across northern Africa was asked by an interviewer what distinguishes American soldiers from the Germans. He immediately said chain of command and tenacity. When a German officer was killed, the German offensive stopped while the German soldiers radioed back to headquarters to decide what to do. In contrast, if an American officer was killed, the offense never stopped. The next leader simply took charge and the mission continued.


Honestly, and I can only talk about my own experience in Desert Storm, I was super impressed with the British military that we were with. This is what I saw.

We came and kicked ass.

They came and kicked ass.

The only major difference was that the Brits brought volley ball nets and sail boats with them (I'm not making this up), so that when the fighting was all over and we were waiting in the desert to go home, there was something to do. We also had competitions with them, like pulling 5 ton trucks with a rope, etc.

Loved those guys. I felt as good about having them on my side as my fellow Marines.


US Soldiers do not lose wars, politicians do.


As a current American Soldier and prior American Sailor, wherever you send us, we will win wars. But our politicians and media ensure we will lose them.


In layman's terms "FUCK AROUND AND FIND OUT"


I am a mustang, an enlisted that later got commissioned. The taking of initiative is instilled into every US solder down to the recruit. There is a format for giving orders. Usually, the full format of the order is not given due to time, just a fragment, ergo the term "frag order". [Side note; I wonder how many people thought a frag oder was an order to frag someone? lol] One of the earlier sections in a full formal order is the "Commander's Intent". It spells out what the commander intends to accomplish and why. A section later on provides the specific orders for the unit. Should a unit lose its leadership or if the specific order can not be carried out, the unit is expected continue and fullfill the Commander's Intent though other means if possible.

Back when I was an E-4 Specialist, my battalion commander told me one of his proudest moments was during an exercise. Two buck privates (E-1) were separated from their unit and in a ditch. One turned to the other and asked when he joined the army. After recieving an answer, the private said, "I got more time in service. I'm in charge! Follow me, mother fucker!." And then they raced off to somewhere. It doesn't sound like much, but for for most armies, you take out a commander and the rest of the unit is paralyzed. You have to stomp out every little American private to do the same. That is significant.


"The most ferocious fighting machine the world has ever seen is a 19-year-old pissed off Marine." -John Ligato, Alpha Company 1/1 Vietnam


Nam vet here. We're taught to think for ourselves and not just to obey orders. An American GI will take charge and carry out the mission with or without orders from abbove.


"Sit tight, we are coming to get you" and "nuts" have to be the most American radio transmissions


As an Iraq combat veteran Marine I will tell you this. Our officers were our leash. They kept us from destroying and killing everything in sight.


The problem with the french army is not about the men's on the battlefield, the problem is about their officer.
In the french army you can get stuck on the battlefield for 4 hours without any reinforcement.
In us army if you have a problem just wait 15 minutes.

In Afghanistan A-10 and apaches save many french lives.


Dad was a WWII 1st Lt. in the 4th Armored Div, Armored Infantry and stayed in. As an Army Brat, we were schooled to not retaliate if citizens of a conquered country showed aggressive tendencies but to get home and report the incident in detail. We were expected to learn the language and customs of any country to which we were assigned and behave in a diplomatic manner to the locals. When Dad took his unit on winter maneuvers, it was our mother and the other mothers who sewed up the white sheets to go over the men's uniforms as snow camouflage. The families were as much a part of the occupation activities as the soldiers just with different orders. I've always been comfortable around live ordnance, tanks, C-47's and 2 1/2 ton trucks. Now, at 82, they are all gone and I miss those days...


Aussie here,

Glad you guys are on our side.

🇦🇺 ❤🇺🇸


it's better to have to tell 'em "hold up" rather than "giddy up"
