9 habits to help you enter your ~SOFT LIFE~ era

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9 habits to help you enter your ~SOFT LIFE~ era

Here are the habits that have helped me enter my soft living era and make life as easy as possible for myself. I hope you can take some inspiration from these habits and create your own soft life too.

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Free Switch Off masterclass: How to stop thinking about work all the time

Burnout coaching membership: The Thriving Medics Club

Overwhelm course: Spring Clean Your Life

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00:00 Intro
02:10 Joy journal
04:52 Prepping in advance
06:28 Setting boundaries
07:52 Say no to drama
10:18 Make your home your sanctuary
11:54 Quality over quantity
13:36 Take exquisite care of yourself
16:17 Be fancy
17:00 Guilt-free relaxation
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I have chronic fatigue, and the joy journal is something I need to. With all the confusing info out there, this could help my brain to turn into positive mindset.


I didn’t know there is a name for how I’ve changed my life over the past 8 years…love this! We moved to the country, work from home, long walks with my Australian Shepherd Roxy (who looks like Tilly🐾), simple meals, bath nights, stretching in the afternoon, and my mom lives with us so my family is under one roof ❤ I used to say yes too often, but now I’ve embraced my Introverted personality and mostly, happily say no😎 Loving my Soft Life era✨


I love this I’m so stressed all the time. I’m a yoga instructor for seniors chair yoga and I love it. Been teaching 18 years. And I know I am in burn out majorally thank you for this video. Inspirational


This may seem strange, but since I have gone fully plant-based, I feel so much better and inner peace.


We moved to the county again . Love it!!!


I Love your video’s! I decided to become a Health, Wellness, and Life Coach a year ago at the age of 53. My Life is forever changed! I just completely look at my surroundings differently. I became present in all my moments, learned to incorporate healthy living in my family’s life on a daily basis, and learned to slow down and just live.
I so appreciate listening to your helpful advice. Thank you again💕💕


As a busy Dr myself, this sounds great but triggering as near impossible with little children 😂 I love them to bits and wouldn't change them for the world, but no chance of being extra, or taking exquisite care of myself etc 😂 Important to strive for but also hard to relate to for a parent


Got myself some comfy slippers for work (early years teacher). They make my work place so much better!!! ❤


I love writing notes. I write everything down all the time. I bet your days are so stressful working as a dr. My hubby gets stressed as a paramedic. I’m not in the medical profession but I feel stressed a lot so your tips really help. I just want to be the best for my 10 year old girl ❤❤❤. I’m a people pleaser too. You are a very caring person as it comes across in all your videos so you will want to please others. I used to worry what others think

If you work in A &E you may have met my hubby if you’re not a million miles from Sheffield. He’s been to hospitals all over lol 😂.

Is Tilly a Border Collie? She’s beautiful 😍. ❤❤❤

Thank you for sharing xxx


I have been having chronic headaches and dizziness for 3 years now, after checks, it could only be attributed to a slipped disc/ bulge in the cervical spine which could be due to baby carrying lots. I have trouble sleeping well at night which is a result of the condition or could also contribute to it. I have learned to slow down as much as I can but I wish the sleep could improve. Sleep is really a key part of overall good health as you mentioned.


I’ve always heard of writing what you’re grateful for in a journal. I chose not to do it, bc I felt like I would just be writing the same things in it over and over again. I’ve not heard of a Joy Journal before. This journal makes a lot of sense. Especially, since I have children, pets & a husband. There’s always something ridiculously silly going on in my house. I think it would be fun to write it down & then be able to look back & read my journal & laugh. We have a saying in my immediate family that goes, “You can’t live here if you’re not ridiculous!” Over the weekend, my cat decided to sit beside me & watch me put my makeup on for 45 minutes straight. It may not sound funny to other people, but u just had to see her. The other night, my daughter woke me up in the middle of the night & told me that she couldn’t go back to sleep bc we didn’t have internet! The thing is, she’s only 5. She’s never been on a tablet, video game, computer, barely watches a tv show & she has practically zero screen time. It made no sense at all, but we got a good laugh at that. I’m going to start a Joy journal. Thank u for all of your tips and this very nice video.


What a wonderful video. İ mostly live a soft life but it was a good reminder to take more time that is just for me.


Love this! All great tips. Thank you 🙏


I love cooking for my family and having quality time with my family and friends


I really needed this message. I will implement all these tips into my life.


Being a little bit extra, yes this is something I try and do with every aspect of my day.


This is so inspiring as a fellow doctor, love this type of video 💖


Sarah! This was such a great video! Thank you! So many actionable tips. Several of these things I do already, but there were some I could really use to do! (This is totally my own opinion here, but I noticed at the beginning of the video you had music going and for the body of the video it was quiet. I was finding the background music at the start very distracting for some reason. This might not be an issue with most viewers but thought I would mention it anyway. In no way is this a criticism, just an observation from my pov) I always enjoy your thoughts on life and how to live better, Hugs from Idaho, USA!


Hi there. I am brand new here. Love this joy journal idea


❤❤ love this! I appreciate all the advice
