Should You Block Your Ex on Facebook? by Clay Andrews

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Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat.

Today we're so well connected, its hard to disconnect ourselves from virtual reality we call social media.

When you break up with your ex, what do you do about social media?

Should you block them on all social media platforms? Should you block your ex on facebook?
Should you block your ex on instagram?
Should you block your ex on snapchat?

lets consider your reasons for blocking your ex.

Are you constantly creeping around your ex's facebook page?
Are you checking up on all your ex's snapchat updates?
Are you stalking your ex on instagram?

If that's what you're doing then you're not doing active no contact.

At least not the way Mika and I advocate Active No Contact.

If your life is reaction to what your ex posts on social media, then you're doing it wrong.

You should not be in anyway using social media to keep tabs on your ex.

You should be disconnecting yourself from social media, and focusing on your own life.

If the reason you're blocking your ex is to send them a message, then you're doing it for the wrong reasons.

Plus it will only send them the wrong message.
Picture this,

You unfriending them because you reacted to one of their updates.

Only to re-send a friend request because you made a mistake?


awkward much!

Instead a more mature approach is to hide your ex's updates from your newsfeed.

If you find yourself constantly on the edge because your ex is oversharing on social media, you have the option of hiding their posts.

If that helps you stay focused then by all means do so.

But not checking up on their social media page takes a lot of self control.

I hope this gives you a little bit of perspective about the difference between, reacting to your ex on social media versus embracing what we talk about in active no contact.


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Clay Andrews
Leading Relationship Expert For High Achievers
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I unfriended my ex because you don't want to constantly see them in your newsfeed, you don't want to see them in pics with new girls, etc. You want to move on with your life.


just unfriend or block them. otherwise youll obsess over them. And if they care enough theyll find a way to hit you up


I disagree, by blocking my ex I am protecting my self from future pain. Some women love to post what they do in a form of revenge with the sole intention of hurting. I miss her so much but I would never post something with the intention of making her living harder.


I deleted him once, then added him and he approved the request. Now I deleted him again and won't add him. Lol It feels better to not have him on facebook, now I have even no reason to check my news feed.


Thanks! I was in the need of earing this! Many praises!


I unfriended mine bc it was making me crazy to see his updates. Like Robby, I needed to be able to step back and I wanted some privacy!


What about posting pictures etc For example pics of my brother and I being happy, often my cool younger brother will do it; or pics of me away 'having a good time' should I allow them to see my posts?


I just blocked her on the only app we always talked and face chatted on. She can still contact me through Twitter, Instagram, Texting, or Call me, but we never did that except text, but I'm not going to contact her I'm going to wait till she contacts me.


he deleted me, but he kept my sister and mom! i told my family to remove him aswell! I did block him, but after a few days i regretted it so i unblocked him! He revenged me by blocking the message button on his profile! I must say i feel better that i unlocked him, i felt quite bad.


but is that a good thing if I post some positive things on my facebook, so he can see I am really changing or changed to positive life? he text "good morning" to me right after I posted "good morning everyone" on facebook at 8 something in the morning. In his mind, I was a sleepy pig who always wake up after 12 noon on weekends.


my ex and i agreed to unfriend eachother because we were tempted to message eachother or to check if we were online or not. So, i unfriended him but i can still search him up and "stalk" him. I kinda feel like i should block him so i don't do this i really want to do this active no contact thing. It was my idea we might see eachother next summer and we both said we'll see we were are down the road and maybe we can be friends.I just want to get over him. So should i block him?


I don't have facebook but I wish my ex would get off my son's facebook though...its creepy


I'm just protecting myself I'm hurting.


I did the exact same thing. I didn't block her but removed her. I made the mistake of not doing it as soon as we broke up though. Unfortunately I didn't know about the privacy settings.


Prečo ma ex, po 2 rokoch, odblokla? Aj FB, aj mesenger. To uš po takej dobe, najej mi este, , bich zabudol na človeka. Nechapem to


I deleted my ex after we had a fight, but I now regret the decision. Should I send a friend request back or do I just leave it? She still has me on every other social media platform.


I looked at my exs fb yesterday for the first time in weeks and he had a new profile pic with a new haircut and a fake smile. I miss him so much, but I'm giving him space and hoping he will miss me and come back.


Do you thing it's a good sign? Help me


What does it mean to be blocked on fb but not the phone? It's like I don't wanna see u but phone call is ok even tho I'm in no contact


ok what if she unfriend you?
how can i get her back?
