Should you block your ex after a breakup #breakups #nocontact #avoidantattachment #datingadvice

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Nah I had to block cause he kept coming with breadcrumbs all the time, creating a cycle I didn’t like


I want my ex back, but I blocked her. She broke my heart, she’s not burning me twice.


Your ex is your ex for a reason, don't take them back


POV: If someone breaks up with you, give them the space that they want because that’s the mature thing to do Don’t stay where you’re not wanted. This gives them a lesson for the future. This shows them that you have the maturity and the confidence in yourself to pick yourself up dust yourself off and keep it moving. Loss is never yours.. it’s his.

It’s a great way to call their bluff. And if you guys get back together and he decides to do this again, it’s going to make him think that he can’t use this to control you, so if he wants his freedom, give it to him. Instead of him seeing the break up as a punishment towards you they will remember that you didn’t chase them down. It’s not your job to fix what they broke. Instead you just give them the break up space they want. They will see this is one way that they can’t manipulate you in the future. This is so important because now they see that they can’t manipulate you by breaking up to get you to behave like a dancing monkey.

This is very important so if someone breaks up with you show them that you believe in yourself enough that you would just give them the break up and you’re not gonna stay where you’re not want it.


I had a breakup today brother, i loved her more than myself, but she chose another guy who just met a month Thanks man, you lit my day up. I gotta focus on myself and watch her regret this decision that she made.


I Dont want NO contact with any ex!

I unfollow
I Delete
I Block
I Unsubscribe
And i forget.


If they toxic forget blocking change your number.


I block him because i know I’m gon answer n he’s no good for me🤷🏽‍♀️


I blocked him. No attention needed. He started dating a woman he just met & its long distance 😵‍💫 I blocked both them. For my sake!!!


But what if the ex is neither toxic nor you want them back but you just don’t want to chance see how fast they may be moving on or doing whatever they can to move on? Sure the philosophy is: “if they haven’t blocked why should you?” BUT I find that blocking them anyway will help you with urges to peek or help with accidents where something is shared and your ex might be involved (if that’s possible). Blocking, I feel, will help you with not contacting them. Which is what most people need after a break up. You need a cool down, a phase where you calm yourself, where you make yourself the ultimate priority. Be selfish. Heal you. Always. Only you. And you shouldn’t think of anyone else but taking care of yourself. Stay transparent with friends. Talk as often as you must to vent. Cry. Grieve. And move on. But keep them blocked. Not because they’re bad or toxic, but because you need less exposure to a place that is sensitive and emotional and too raw. Heal. Work on you.


She ended it, and she blocked, so I blocked back. If she wants me, she can find a way to get in touch with me she has to work for it


I had to block him because he’s seeing someone else and continues to call me. Yet, he is adamant he doesn’t want to work on our relationship and chooses his rebound over me. So I had to block him to move on.


I had to block mine, it allowed me to have the chance to heal and stop obsessing. Plus, this is not the first time we broke up, each time we did he stalked me on social media. Since he broke up with me, I wanted him to feel a real loss. What I didn’t expect was how powerful this made me feel, I got my confidence back putting my foot down.


Yes blocked them and never looking back. Cheating with someone who love you truly was never okay. Blocked her and move on


Sometimes - just sometimes WANTING them back is not the best may HAVE to move on even though that want is can be strong that it feels like a NEED..

At times taking then back can block a GROWTH [ blessing-if you will ] that comes with connect / disconnect..
The line can be thin at times

Appreciate your KnowLedge Bruh


I was going to block my ex but I know it kills them more knowing u haven’t and knowing you have the WILL POWER not to that drives them crazy like it’s going on right now as we speak to me.. I’ve been like this for 5 days already and it’s none stop… she’s with someone else who she admitted me that they kissed but yet told me she doesn’t want me out of her life even cried and everything.. so what gives me the will powder not to pick up and reply.. simple.. accepting what she told me and moving on.. it’s hard but doable.. keep y’all self occupied.. what is meant to be will happen if not you’ll never seen them again.. don’t force the outcome just let it be. Be strong my Kings and Queens and shelter yourself under Gods love.


I love your content.... Your voice is very soothing and your contact is very helpful… Thank you so much!


The best way to put her in her place is to block, block her 🤨


I blocked him...n will never more looking back.


In my case I'd blocked my ex-girlfriend because she was emotionally toxic and I don't see a future let alone be married to her. Had I chose to stay in that toxic relationship and even married her, one of us would've initiated a divorce. Plus she would've acted emotionally out of control and blame me for everything. So the mature way for me to handle the situation was just to say absolutely nothing.
