If your ex blocked or unfollowed you recently do not react #breakups #nocontact #avoidantattachment

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From together forever to blocked everywhere. 😂


i know the pain you all are going through but trust me it gets better i did. all the steps and my ex never came back but i found someone way better than her and now i’m happier than ever


Every girl whether they were my gf or not who has ever blocked me on social media would unblock me from anywhere from 3 months to 3 years later and suddenly send a message. Do nothing and never look back or analyze when you get blocked, gentlemen. Treat it as if she's good as gone and make your own life better.


This isn’t always true. Sometimes they’re doing it so they can heal and move on without the constant reminder of you.


I blocked my husband last month, after he told me he got someone pregnant while we where separated. He wanted us to work it out. He must be out of his damn mind. We don’t have kids, so what makes him think I would except him having a child outside of our marriage. Divorce is the next step.


If your ex recently blocked you on social media... Become the person that people want to be with physically, mentally, spiritually, financially


BLOCKING gives them supply, “i got to them so much they blocked me” they love it
They are a joke don’t let it bother you


I unfollowed my ex for my mental health. He broke up with me in an unhealthy way and was watching my stories everyday without reaching out. Just wanted to note that people unfollow each other for their mental health and to move on, for anyone going through the same thing ❤


they unfollowed me today. i love them so much but i’m going to pretend i don’t. because i am done begging. i’m moving on. and if they come back i’ll take them but i’m not reaching out


Take this time and work on yourself but do it for you. Self love! The person that left will never be back, even if they come back it won’t be the same person. Step up. You deserve self care and self love. I know it hurts but you need yourself right now. It’s taken me ups and downs, lost friends, lost myself in the process, therapy and countless of sleepless nights. Many times blaming myself and feeling unworthy, as someone who doesn’t deserve love but after almost a year, I feel better, at peace with what happened. I gave it all for the relationship, so much so that I lost myself completely. Now I must be selfish and put myself first. Get the money, family love and follow my goals. You got this. Much love and best wishes, please don’t forget to care for the inner child you carry within you, make sure it sleeps and eats.


I blocked my ex to move on and the peace of mind knowing that i cannot see any updates on their life and they don't have access to me. People block for different reasons


Youre truly a blessing for many people during this hard time of beeing the dumpee


I blocked her. She showed up at my door begging to be unblocked so I did and then she blocked me right back. Still don’t understand it🤷🏾‍♂️


my ex reached out after a little bit of no contact saying he missed me a lot but still was just not ready for a relationship. he made it clear that he was in the wrong for everything although he’s the one who broke up with me. he continuously apologized and said what he did wrong and kept saying he missed me. but he still isn’t ready for a relationship. when i mentioned that now that i’m alone a lot of boys are hitting on me and flirting he got pretty emotional and hurt and ended up apologizing more and blocked me. i’m unsure of what to do now :/ we had a good relationship despite some reoccurring issues that were in his hand to fix but he just couldn’t. i miss him a lot and idk what to do now because he said himself he really didn’t wanna let go but blocked me again

update: he was cheating💀
don’t want him back


ughhhh i miss him so much, its literally crushing my heart into pieces.


Please answer this; If you've been blocked 'everywhere' – what kind of reaction are they looking for? You can't even reach them at that point.


Yup. This guy ended things recently and I think it was just a game anyway, so I just gave him what he wanted and walked away. He sent me a few messages on Snapchat which I didn’t even care to open. Later I was blocked 😂 💀 he did it before and I actually fell into his trap and chased him, but this time.. hell nah! I’m actually done with his ass lol. Someone else can have him, I’m good!


The only authentic relationship coach on YouTube ❤❤


I broke up with him only because he was non committal .. No plans for our future. I haven’t been in contact with him since the run in at the grocery store and I only stopped to talk to his kids. I was looking good that day too 😂.. I do miss him but I’m not putting anymore energy into it especially if it isn’t reciprocated.


It’s easy to say not to react until it happens to u😭
