What Happens When You Block Your Ex On Social Media | Samantha Popp | Relationship Expert

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Today I’m going to share what happens when you block your ex on social media and also what happens if you keep them on your platforms.

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I blocked him everywhere... I feel free. It feels great!


I’m not a blocker, but found myself looking at his posts, wondering if he viewed my story, posting things for him.. etc. Even though I was in no contact, I wasn’t moving on and I decided enough was enough. I had to protect myself from myself and I feel so FREE. At first I was worried about what he would think and if my decision would hurt him, but he didn’t care about my feelings when he left so why should I care now? He left me, so he lost his right to know what was going on in my life.


I unfriended him first and then blocked him. He doesn't deserve to know what's going on in my life.


An ex blocks you simply because he/she doesn't want to see your face anymore. People call it "bitter, " but for me it was therapeutic af.

Block and never look back 💖


caught my ex cheating and after communicating he was still lying about other things. i considered MAYBE being friends but i knew that wasn’t a good idea because he’s a liar. so i woke up this and blocked him on everything. it feels so good and free. i don’t have to worry about if he’s checking on what i’m doing, or if he “still cares” sure, i might think about him but it wont hurt as bad seeing him or what he’s doing. i have to protect my heart.


I honestly love blocking people, especially my X's. I'm too hot to handle for most anyway. I'm focused on my career and work. Once I drop them off in the Goodwill clothing container(a little harsh) I don't look back. If I come across them store or supermarket and someone else is wearing them... cool😎
I'm happy, they're happy, and we're all happy.😊
I'm a blocker. When they're gone, pretty much they're gone.


I know I should, she broke up with me and took up with someone else the very next day and it hurt so much more, I asked her to block me on Facebook as I was too weak to do then she just didn't do it, wouldn't block me anywhere but refused to talk to me at the same time. She basically broke my heart then took great pleasure in me embarrassing myself, I had to block her as my mental wellbeing was in serious trouble by allowing her to have a hold on me. I really wanted her back but she had no intention of fixing things so I blocked over everything apart from WhatsApp. It was tough but I had to do what was right for me and not her ego


I blocked him everywhere
He discarded me but offered to be friends!!! Wtf?!?!
I said
Blocked even on my phone
He could easily contact me from fake unblocked accounts but hasnt ... obviously that shows me exactly the situation .... its over I will never go back if he ever came around ...its been 2 months it hurts still but im coping better now
I did it to also helped me exactly !! Thank you!!


The best video so far about blocking your ex! You’re so right! Block him to protect myself and never care about what the hell he thinks about me!!


You block or unblock life will go on, it doesn't stop on any single person


I’m the one that’s been deleted, and I can’t lie, it’s devastating. The relationship wasn’t bad, and even after we’ve broken up, neither of us hate each other. But she knows how much I wanted try and make it work, and how much I love her. I’m desperate to get her back, and I am genuinely so lost.


It wasn't a bad breakup. We tried being friends, but that felt like roleplaying as a couple. I broke off the friendship, but kept her on social media. Seeing her stories, and posting stories just to see her viewing it felt like too much and broke my heart. I had to unfriend her.


Experiencing a breakup, followed by being blocked and deleted, is incredibly challenging. It means a total rejection, denying any chance for a softer closure. In most cases, I believe in handling such situations with more grace. Maintaining my dignity and self-respect is paramount and I respect others' choices to block or delete as they want. No stalking, no begging, no regrets on my side: just learning, improving and moving forward. Someone's decision to cut all ties abruptly says more about their issues than it does about me.


I blocked her to keep me from digging into her life and creep on her profile. I needed to separate myself and get rid of that temptation. I had to. I was so entangled with her it was hurting me. Bad. I'm doing this for a period of time to undo this, I feel I have to do this. She got stupid mad at me when I did. I didn't block her cell number. So she can text me if she wants. GLOW.


This helped so much with my healing process, thank you


Ditch anchors in your life. Don’t think twice


How come all my ex's have therapists??
Am I attracted to crazy women with issues??
I honestly get sick of them telling me what their therapist thinks is going on in our relationship...
That's a big red flag for me 🇨🇳


If ur are a dumper than blocking an ex would be easy at first but as times passes the dumper will eventually unblock them.


I unfriended him after a bit over a month just because I didn’t want to embarrass myself and I wanted to make sure he wouldn’t see my posts or I could see his
