The Ageing Narcissist: How Narcissists Get Worse With Age

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The Downward Spiral: How Narcissists Change For The Worse.

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Check this out!
15 Rules To Deal With Narcissistic People.: How To Stay Sane And Break The Chain.

A Narcissists Handbook: The ultimate guide to understanding and overcoming narcissistic and emotional abuse.

Boundaries with Narcissists: Safeguarding Emotional, Psychological, and Physical Independence.

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For more information about understanding and overcoming narcissistic and emotional abuse, click the links below.

Check these out!
15 Rules To Deal With Narcissistic People.: How To Stay Sane And Break The Chain.

Narcissists Handbook: The ultimate guide to understanding and overcoming narcissistic and emotional abuse.-1

Boundaries with Narcissists: Safeguarding Emotional, Psychological, and Physical Independence.



It gets sooo much worse when they get older. Eventually they won't even try to hide it and forget to even pretend they care about others for more than a few minutes with strangers


You are describing my elderly mother precisely. Dad died bitter and full of rage. My sis, who lived with her, died bitter with addictions and full of rage at mom. I always wondered why such things happened but I was treated like the golden boy, and was blind. Assumed it was the fault of dad and sis.

My niece then became her caretaker and went into a spiral of depression and started seeing a counselor and stopped smiling. We intervened and agreed to take mom in. Niece went once-a-week 30 minute visit contact and told mom "Don't call me anymore." She's now like a new person, smiles, looks great.

We took mom in, moved our three sons out of their room and put their beds into the living room. We remodeled a bathroom for her. Got her setup.

Our family ethos is to always tell the truth. I told her this when she moved in last year. Mom agreed and said, "I'll try this honesty thing." But she has lied shamelessly. She fakes illness, fakes dementia, gaslights and flies into object throwing, screaming rages when you confront her and say, "Mom, 10 minutes ago you said X, but now you just said Anti-X."

When she gets really angry (she's in a constant state of suppressed rage), she goes on an unspoken "hunger strike." When she does this, she'll ask me to fix favorite meals, and I'll think she's going to pull out of the dive. But when I fix the meal and bring her a plate, she'll push food around a bit, maybe take a bite, then walk to the garbage can and scrape the entire meal off into it in front of me, and silently walk back to her room.

Another time, she spent two days telling me about a dream meal. It was a couple hours of prep, but I was desperate for her to eat and end the hunger strike. When the meal was 5 minutes from completion, she turned to our 12-year-old and asked him to make a microwave dinner from her fridge. I said, "Mom, but the special meal's going to be done in a few minutes!" She took the microwave dinner, had a couple bites, then went back to her room and refused to touch any more of it or the special dinner.

She constantly asks for help. One example: She will call for help to right an overturned lamp in her room. You'll put it back up, then she'll call you back 10 minutes later and the lamp will be overturned again. When you walk by her room she suddenly starts moaning like she's in great pain. If you walk back down the hall, moaning stops. Like a light switch. This happens probably 15 times a day. She'll claim she feels sick then tell you she took her temperature, and you'll check it and it's 108. Then you'll see that she turned her space heater by her bed on and you'll know what happened.

She got a doctor's appointment and told him we were abusing her. Turned us in for elder abuse. The doc saw the weight loss (a result of her hunger strikes) and reported us. Got a visit from county authorities. We showed them around, showed them her stocked fridge, showed them the beds of our boys who were displaced to accommodate her, and they left telling us "Everything looks perfect." But it doesn't change the fact that mom is playing this dangerous game with her health and fully willing to lie and let us take the fall, if possible. I think she'd get pleasure from seeing us thrown in prison and our boys carted off to foster care.

This is a short list. There's no way I could catalog everything. Not enough space. I have left out details of the worst things. I don't want to write them down. Too ugly. But when a narcissist's mask drops and that rare moment of truth is spoken by them, the change of voice and facial expression is the stuff of a nightmare. It's like something demonic. You cannot believe the level of cold hatred.


He did all this to my now deceased sister 😢


Your gig got me. It’s not you per say it’s your message and presentation. I’m so grateful for it. It’s real not like alanon. Thku. I have gringos coming ftonn my Montana for moms birthday. I’m gonna throw down and enjoy my old buddies from where it all started. I’m pretty jacked up. I fought table saws over mom. I’ll die with my boots on. Running through the jungle with a tribe of engines in hot pursuit. !!!


My father has cognitive empathy not genuine empathy he only pretends to care when you catch him doing you dirty .


Thank you Elizabeth for this information, I was not aware of this about a narcissist when they get old.
Have a lovely day Elizabeth 💜


Repentance is 180’ from tolerance
I’ve been an anti abuse reverse bully since about 7-8-9. I can’t help it. My instincts are like a I can’t explain it. It’s almost like it’s in my DNA. I just got a email from one of my commanders from 35 years ago. There’s a different energy coming from these people. I absolutely destroyed the army’s best and then kept going. I’m older now and more mature but that instinct has only increased. My senses are so acute I have to be careful where I go. It’s like gringos have just checked out. They’ll follow anything and go along with anything just to be part of whatever the thing is. Everything bad or good is not narcs. But narcs dictate outcomes by a herd of flying monkeys. I can’t say I’m any type of victim. I’ve meditated on your subject matter hourly and today just for 2 hours. Once at a clinic at the veterans hospital. I said. I’m sorry you feel that way. And a PHD grad doctor screamed at me and called me cruel. Later he ended his wife and himself. I’d like sometimes to just be a zombie but I know now for whatever reason. I was born this way. If you’re completely honest with yourself. Being a waff or a passive person is directly responsible for our culture of narcs and nut jobs. No one says anything. No one stands up and says no. No one stops these jackels. Empirical evidence is all around us all. Whether you can understand it or accept it. It’s our own responsibility


I love being an old broad, I'm quite comfortable with my mummy dust.
