Day 3 of Beginner EPIC | No Equipment Ab & Core Workout

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Day 3 in the EPIC Beginners Series featuring an ab and core workout for those of you wanting to progress to the full EPIC Program! For 30 minutes, we will be lifting, lowering, holding, pulsing our way through a variation of core and abdominal movements.

A perfect workout involving the staple movements to master in order to progress to more advanced versions.

This is an EPIC beginner upper body workout using your own bodyweight as resistance to build your strength and co-ordination! We will be targeting the core, entire abdominal area whilst using our upper and lower body to assist.

This is a no equipment workout however, you will need a mat.

Remember to work at your own pace! You can go slower, you can even go faster if you feel like it.. just maintain form and alignment!

The timer will be on for 45 seconds of work and 15 seconds rest to get ready for the next exercise.

Every 3rd exercise is a variation of the plank. The plank is one of the best isometric exercises to really activate the entire core and is so versatile as you will see!

Please ensure you warm up for at least 5 minutes prior to beginning. (See link below for my new warm up routine)



Disclaimer: If you are new to exercise or planning on embarking on a new fitness programme, you should consult your physician. This video may offer health, fitness or nutritional information and is meant for educational purposes only. This information is not meant as an alternative to seeking professional medical advice or suggested treatment. Please know that performing any exercise or programme is solely at your own risk. Disclaimer: As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases
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Just finished day 2 had to watch day 3 to mentally prepare myself 😂😂


i guess i'll add sore abs to my collection of wobbly arms and trembling legs.
Edit: guys don't stop doing it, I'm halfway into epic program and the soreness stopped after the first 2 weeks.
Now I can lift all the weights without being sore the next day


Hello everyone!! I hope you all enjoying an active or complete rest day! Tomorrow is full body dumbbell session... Lots of fun and hard work!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Your colour coordination always makes me so happy. 🙌🙌


doing this while my legs are still screaming at me since day 1's lower body routine definitely made this feel a million times harder 😅 i'm going to try again next week so my body adapts to feeling epic


Wow, I’m only day 3 in on this beginners Epic, and am I the only one that thinks they need a Pre- beginners 🙈🙈I thought I was fairly fit but now I’m thinking I have zero upper body strength and very little total body strength 🙈but I’ll keep going 💪😊


That was tough but this 61 yr old made it to the end.


WOW - just love these videos. It's my 3rd day. Love that there is no talking, no repeats, view of what is coming up, view of progress bar, 3 second warnings. And I'm so sore, it's just perfect :). I also thought I was in OK shape... but these beginner videos are really challenging me. Oh yes, and it's free. I'm in heaven :). Thank you Thank you Thank you! (from Canada :))


WoW can you even imagine how hard she is working!!!! Two amazing, and well edited videos a That’s dedication and generosity. Thank you so much Caroline! 🙏🏼💪🏼♥️


Loved it! great combination of interesting exercises, especially for someone like me who gets bored easily. I plan to finish this week and then do EPIC I and EPIC II. Feel very motivated, thank you!


I love that your ab and core workouts doesn’t consist of a bunch of crunches and sit ups. Its really geared towards strengthening my abs and not over working my hip flexors.


I must say she has got a great workout fashion sense 😅🔥.


Just finished this and it was really hard. I couldn't do a lot of the exercises. But...I did the best I could and improvised....thnaks again. 😊


Throughout 4.5 years of barre, abs were always my favorite part of class, and it shows. Lower body was hard but I was able to execute decently. Upper body was a mess. This was ... well, not EASY, but I felt competent in every exercise, and my form was on point through the end. Very much looking forward to the rest day tomorrow!


Hi Caroline, I love your exercises. I am 60 years old and have just started on your beginners EPIC no body weight. It has taken me two weeks to run through the program twice, and I am pleased to say I completed each program right through on my second attempt. Onwards and upwards.


This is so good for my soul. Im going to be 55 years old this year. I've had both hips replaced. Your the only one I know that when I'm finished with one of your workouts, I feel it the next 2 days.


I loved this long ab workout! It was super shoulder-friendly since all the planks weren't right after one another! Thanks for this <3


I am loving how these workouts just fly by!


Great program. I'm a 60 year old man that has exercised regularly for years and the full range of exercises Caroline goes through in this EPIC routine.


Okay guys don't give up!! I had to pause the video around 30% because I was literally dying, my abs were burning so hard. I thought I wouldn't be able to finish but after a quick break, little stretch and a sip of water, I started again and it went very well till the end 😃
So guys : take a break if it begins to hurt too much and go on after a few minutes. It's normal that the beginning is really hard and then when your abs get warmer it's more easy (well not really easy but not painful). You can do it !💪🤗
