make your electric razor LAST much longer (clean and oil your norelco or remington)

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I’ve been shaving for 30 years and never did or knew this. THANK YOU


just apply a tiny (very small drop oil) on your fingertip and rub it gently on the foil/cutter or on the comb/blades of your shaver; do not apply a whole drop of oil as it might stick all cut hair inside the cutting parts and will make more difficult and messy the shaving, remember "less is more" so just a tiny-small on your fingertips and rub it on the cutting parts gently without damaging the foil/cutters/combs/blades.
cleaning and lubricating the coms, blades, foils and cutters will keep your shaver (rotary or foil) in tip-top condition and the blades will remain sharp for a very long time; I had shavers in the past that lasted me 10 years with just one change of blades; also drain the batteries till the shaver stops (do this by using it), then fully charge it again, this will maintain the good quality of the battery making it last for longer.


Norelco says that the screen and the blades should remain together always. If you clean the razor, but the screen back to the SAME blade.


I’ve had the same Norelco razor (similar to this one) for nearly 20 years, and never has it seen water or oil. I blow it out every day between charges, then when I do charge it (every 2 weeks or so) I take the head apart and give it a good dry cleaning with the brush. I can see using oil on a hair clipper or trimmer, but not on these rotary blades.


You should keep the foils and blades in pairs. They wear together with tight tolerances. Oil is a double edge sword. Instead of cut hair falling out of a dry razor, it sticks, clings and cakes to the inside requiring more frequent deep cleaning. I've read where just the oil from your face is enough. I've tried to get a solid answer from Phillips/norelco but no customer service person knows anything besides the form letter they pull up on the subject. (that you can read yourself but isn't clear). I'd love to get a real solid answer on this from engineering.


Norelco specifies making sure to keep each individual cutting head with its original container because that way they wear in correctly. Also why when using water to clean why rinse the heads out in dirty water? Why not rinse them in clean running water instead? I have never added oil because it gathers the cut hairs so they won't fall out IMO doing more harm than good.


Nice cleaning..what kind of oil can you use??


Agree - I also been shaving for 40 years and never did this.


it is a very bad idea because all of the hair stick to the blade !!


I should try it on my Norelco 7310Xl since it's 13 years old and still works and keeps a charge. I just sharpen the blades on a flat ceramic plate and never used oiled.


Philips blades seem to be sold by the razor&blades model. They stop cutting soon and are very expensive. I've not oiled them, and maybe I should have. But oiled hair is hard to clean out. I used dish soap, which is probably fine. I'd be more careful with the blades and avoid rubbing them against a porcelain sink or other hard materials, and put them back in the same screen the shape of which they conform to.


You didn’t keep the cutter and hesd together. When you mix the cutters and hesds up, it yakes a while before they work optimally, again.


Your cleaning procedure is sound but I don't know about oil on the cutting screens. I'm assuming this is not your shaver and you cleaned it for someone. What does the user of this razor think about oiling the cutting heads?


Should spin it after putting the drop of oil so it distributes throughout the cutter heads. But doesn't the oil get on your face when you shave, or clump the hair as it collects inside? I have one of these (corded 725RL) that is decades old and have never oiled it and rarely clean it. Still works.


The oil from your skin/hair is more than enough. been a philips/norelco razor user for more than 20 years.. you dont need to add extra oil


Many companies will tell you NOT to use a Hair-dryer to dry the internal parts.
The Plastic will become brittle over time.


Is there a trick to locking in the blades with the plastic piece? I have to try several times before it catches correctly. Wondering if you know how to do this. Thanks.


I had read years ago that during cleaning you keep the cutters and heads together since they are a matched set.

If you don't use alcohol based pre-shave products your natural face oil should be enough to lubricant and no need to oil.


My shaver is now 7 years old and still cuts like new.


Won't the oil get on my face while shaving after oiling?
