The Problem with the Protestant Interpretation of Scripture w/ Alisa Childers

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In this clip from Matt's interview with former Christian popstar Alisa Childers, they talk about how the Catholic teaching makes it easier to point out heretics, unlike in Protestantism where anyone can interpret the scriptures.



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Whenever we feel like being "Cafeteria Christians" and try to take our doctrine from the à la carte menu, I am reminded of G.K. Chesterton's quote - "We do not really want a religion that is right where we are right. What we want is a religion that is right where we are wrong. We do not want, as the newspapers say, a church that will move with the world. We want a church that will move the world.”


As a Protestant, I really appreciate your videos. They are excellent, well reasoned, and just. You seek truth, which is always an admirable quality. Keep up the good work.


She said "We have to know what Christianity means." I agree and I think that is what the Nicene Creed seeks to outline.


Just a shout out to credit Patrick Madrid for coming up with the, “I never said you stole the MONEY” argument where emphasis was placed on each word individually and how that changes the understanding of what’s being said. He used that with a couple guys after a talk at Denny’s where he wrote it on a napkin. One of the two fellows actually credited that napkin with causing him to revert back to the Catholic Church.


I can’t imagine thinking Luther got it right 1500 years after. Just a ton of mental gymnastics to get there.


There is nothing more beautiful, complete, whole and sweet than being Catholic. When one fully understand Catholicism you have touched the paradise/God in such a beautiful and unique way that you’re enamored of the Catholic Church, the Church that Jesus Christ left for mankind for their Salvation.


Sadly the Catholic Church had the wrong Pope in the Reformation time! If he would have been wiser, Catholics and Protestants wouldn't have divided, at least not Lutheran and Catholic!


Now this is a discussion I have been waiting for, comparing this 'progressive' phenomena in both RCC and various Protestant denominations.


The infinite theologies and endless opinions and profound watering down, has lead me into a Christian mid life crisis, and I’ve been going to an Orthodox Church for few months.


I am surprised protestants are not yelling that catholic church is a cult!!!!
Very pleasant conversation like Jesus intended, no divisions no names calling


Denying hell is not Christian, whether they claim to be catholic, orthodox, protestant


Text being tone-deaf can be applied to romans8: 28-30. And the part of "rushing to apply before they understand what's being said" is spot on.


As a Protestant myself, I also think that the modern “Bible only” mentality doesn’t work all that well, while the Bible is by all means the most authoritative source of knowledge ever presented to human beings and is completely infallible (when translated correctly) and is the living Word of God, as humans we are tainted by our sin and pride, which makes interpreting the Bible correctly nearly impossible, and while I do think that using proper hermeneutics and looking at the original languages and earliest manuscripts as well as letting the Holy Spirit aid you can help but, humans will resist even these things. I think one thing Catholics often get confused about Protestants is mistaking the “evangelical” or independent church type of Protestant with almost all other Protestants, who do believe in having a church that can pass judgement on the correct interpretation of scripture, we understand that God in His wisdom has given His Body a church to aid them and keep them from making grave errors, and luckily many of these type Protestants are looking back to the fathers of the church and the witness of the saints (all believers) through history, just as the reformers did, so we need to have a balance between scripture, tradition, the church and reason.
But I do not deny the doctrine of sola scriptura, I simply believe that the church can act as means to give us the correct interpretation of it, but it is not infallible, only scripture is.


My heart cries for the lost and deceived. After much searching, I simply read the Bible from front to back, the way a child would read it, and came to realize the simple truth of the Bible. I didn’t need to go to seminary or have some priest or pope tell me what it meant. It was obvious and simple. It’s clearly not about all the traditions, big hats and necklaces. It’s also not about latte’s, skinny jeans, stage lights or smoke machines. It’s a collection of Spirit inspired books that make up a unified story of redemption. In the Old Testament it records the fall of man and reveals God’s plan to rescue His creation. The New Testament reveals that plan in action.

When my Mom came to this country, she was a devout catholic and my father was a lukewarm baptist. They were on the verge of divorce and my Mom knew they needed God to help. My Dad used his denomination to hide behind as an excuse to not attend mass so they compromised and decided to flip flop each Sunday. It was apparent to my Mom that there was something different at the Baptist Church. She said she came away changed and felt closer to God every time. Then, one day she got on her knees and surrendered her life to Jesus Christ as the Lord of her life. She realized her desperate need for a Savior, not for some external mechanisms or manmade traditions to “manage” her hope and assurance of salvation. She realized then and there that the Blood of Jesus Christ was sufficient and nothing else. This is why Paul preaches Christ Crucified not manmade traditions (1 Cor 1:23).

Unfortunately, my Dad remained lukewarm for the majority of my life which led me to wander in my faith as a young adult. I’m now a retired Soldier. I’ve travelled the globe and spent lots of time in predominately catholic countries and seen the self-inflicted atrocities (both physical and mental) of its devout followers. Observing that makes so much sense because catholicism helps push people to two possible scenarios. Either 1) a place of despair where you realize your own sinfulness but can’t quite seem to do enough penance to feel worthy in God’s eyes or 2) you can end up feeling superior to everyone else that doesn’t adhere to all the traditions that you do or as much as you do; legalism.

After reading the Bible myself, I finally realized that I was under God’s wrath and just like my Mom realized, that I was in desperate need of a Savior. Not traditions or confessions to some guy in a booth. Just simply bending my knee to Jesus; personal, authentic and desperate. I simply realized I couldn’t live my old life any more and turned to Jesus in faith (Acts 26:20) because only His Blood could wash away the debt I had accrued, which was spiritual death (Rom 6:23). He died upon that cross and before He died, He said “it is finished”, meaning He paid the debt for my sin and because of that I was washed in the Blood of the Lamb and my name written in the Lamb’ Book of Life. But now instead of “trying” to manage my sin, which I had been failing miserably my whole life, I’m actually “able” to not sin (though I still will and unfortunately will continue to do this side of Heaven; Rom 7:15) because I now realize the cost of the cross. I’m not perfect but it’s easier now because I’m literally a new creation, my old friends hardly recognize me. God has given me a new heart with new desires and a hatred for the things I once loved. Like Rom 12:1 states it is an appropriate response because of God’s mercies for me to offer up my body as a living sacrifice. That’s what I do now, daily. No priests, no necklaces, or booths just God’s promise that those who confess with their mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in their hearts that God raised Him from the dead they will be saved (Rom 10:9).

As I spent some time on here reading comments from catholics I can’t help but detect and identify the massive amount of tap dancing that goes on in order to justify historical and theological arguments. The two biggest arguments for Catholicism I’ve seen on here is 1) there’s less division than protestants and 2) it’s older. Those sound good at first but the reality is that any clear minded human knows that unity doesn’t equal truth. The Mormons and JW cults have few divisions so are they correct? Furthermore, it makes more sense that if there was a group, or even groups, adhering to the fundamental truths of the Bible every time some yahoo came along with a new spin on Truth, that was a damning idea, there would literally HAVE TO be a split (1 John 2:19). On that note, there are a handful of denominations that are not considered “protestant” because they never “came out of” the catholic church. They claim to have followed Biblical truth all along (some of the groups are kooky, fewer are not). For the record I don’t consider myself a protestant but not because I got some kind of “true to my denomination” thing going on. I have as much pride in my denomination as I do in my guilt over the potential of my ancestors owning slaves which is ZERO. Why? Because I wasn’t there. I’m here now and that’s what matters. On the second point, unless absolutely true to the original, older doesn’t always mean better. True to the Word is what matters. Read Acts and observe the early Church (before catholicism) and even a knucklehead Infantrymen like myself can see the stark contrast from the disciples meeting in the upper room compared to a catholic mass. I’m not talking about style here, although that can be a factor, I’m talking authenticity. I get it, it’s difficult when you feel passionately about something. But I encourage you: read the Bible like a child and pray that the Holy Spirit illuminates you to the Word that He Himself authored. If you need help along the way go to a Christian that displays the fruit of the Spirit in their lives (Gal 5:22-23); one that reveres and elevates the Living Word of God. Don’t go to someone that is married to their denomination/religion.

I’ve been fairly cordial this whole time because I love Catholics but the truth is I hate catholicism. I know that’s a strong statement but it is literally sending people to Hell in droves. I’m not saying that there aren’t some born again Christians in catholicism (John 3:3) but when you’re surrounded and being fed their false teaching it’s hard to not be misled. Let me end with this: I no longer do “good works” in order to get to Heaven, I do good works because I know I’m going to Heaven because of what Jesus did for me. I have realized my own sin and what Jesus did for me personally on Calvary and that’s why it’s so much easier for me to live my life doing good works for Jesus Christ. For a cussing, alcoholic bartender, Airborne Infantryman that’s saying a lot. Do not be duped, the Christian walk is certainly difficult but it is not complex. Always remember that IF there was more that we “had to” or even “could do” for salvation than just being saved “by grace through faith” (Eph 2:8-9) then Jesus would never had needed to come down and die. I hope that’s simple enough. Don’t take my word for it though. Read the Bible as a child for yourself.

“But Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me and do not try to stop them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” ~ Matthew 19:14
If you take up the challenge and read the Bible like a child and you find that what I’m saying is true then consider taking a look at these resources I’d recommend. I’m not part of any of them, they’ve just helped me further my growth in Jesus Christ:

God Speed to you my friend. I hope to see you as a Brother or Sister in Heaven one day.
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” ~ Matt 7:7


Textualism has its place in both law and biblical interpretation. Hermeneutical Biblical interpretation can be more nuanced at times, but I agree that there is a path to objectivity that some Protestant denominations ignore.


I appreciate this video. But echoing other commenters, please don’t confuse progressive Christianity with Protestantism. The church, the entire church, Protestant, catholic or any other sect that exists (which both Paul and Jesus warned us against btw) needs to focus on the Bible, what it says, and what it says in context


At first, the congregation of Christ follower was called as Christian.

“and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. And for an entire year they met with the church and taught considerable numbers; and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch.”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭11:26‬ ‭NASB‬‬




"The Church Fathers are not Infallible" - Matt Fradd

Now that's a Catholicism I can agree with!


Catholics: The gospel of Mark according to the Church (the pillar and foundation of truth).

Protestants: The gospel of Mark according to me as an individual.
