How To Release a Tight Psoas Muscle | 3 MOST Effective Methods

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Have a tight psoas (hip flexor) you're trying to stretching and release? Watch this video!





#hipflexor #psoas #iliopsoas
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I've been doing bridge on the floor with just 20lb weight on a foam cusion, I actually have butt muscles now, and my back pain went away! I'm so glad i learned about glute activation and psoas stuff, its changing my life!


Great tip here on the Pso-rite, but save yourself $60 and use a dumbell with thin plates. It does the same thing.


After years of trying to stretch and release my hip flexors, your tip on strengthening the antagonist glute muscles may have been the best tip i have ever had. Thank you!


I am 51 years old and I have suffered with low back pain most of my life. I have watched a thousand videos and this one is by far the best! I finally know what’s actually going on anatomically! Thank you so much!!


I think my psoas was always tight, but after the trauma of my total hip replacement at age 49, my psoas, adductors and hip flexors had a MAJOR trauma/PTSD response with major tightness and spasm. This also caused low back pain. Thank you for explaining in a technical way and not treating your audience like we have a 3rd grade education. I love it when my PT’s treat me and speak to me like I actually have a functioning brain. Thanks for talking TO us and not taking DOWN to us. Excellent video. You’re an excellent teacher. Keep up the great work. (Can you address how to make the adductors more flexible for THR patients?


wow I feel enlightened after watching this 😭, i’ve always labeled myself as having tight hip flexors & never did anything about them, after 2 years of weight lifting i’ve noticed my weakest points are my legs specifically lunges, squats & hip thrusts . after watching this i’m realizing my weak flexors are the powerhouse of this . 100% going to begin strengthening them


You are correct. The front groin area tries to compensate for what is going on at the back, namely the piriformis etc. It means you then have pain both front and back. Concentrate on fixing the piriformis first and the groin area MIGHT fix itself.


Great video and tips. Was struggling with psoas and back pain until I learned how to stretch hip flexors and strengthen glutes and lower back. I fixed my pain within 2 weeks and still do regularly the exercises to prevent the pain coming back. It is so worth it!!!


I have been struggling with this issue for well over a year now. To the point where it’s affected the way I walk. Did physical therapy for four months and now seeing a chiropractor. Your video makes a lot of sense. I’m going to focus on the strict thing of my glutes. Hoping this is my saving grace! Thank you for your video! I’ll be watching for more


I used to do this prior to my FVFG (2002) .... and boy every time one of your videos (or any PT video showcasing this exercise) pops up, I am reminded just how LAZY I've been to ensure my psoas is not entropy'ed and causing me pain.

Thank you for being the reminder (again). I am incorporating this back into my life.


Oh so much gratitude guerrilla zen. I’ve had 3 hip replacements. And lost a lot of mm mass in my gluteals. Doing all of these and adding lbs.!
You make it so simple and easy to follow how the body works, and why.
just following along to this video myself minutes before typing this it’s instant relief.
Yes, stress and need more active movement as I age.
The breathing exercise and floor position with legs over the ottoman-footstool is a awesome way to put my autonomous nervous system at rest and give the psoas a rest and reset.


Probably the best video for APT tight psoas out there. Great work man. Been battling it for years have gotten some break throughs this year with the psorite and glute bridges. For anybody out there struggling with this. Overload the glutes. The psorite is a useful tool as well. Get your stress level under control too. That was a big one for me to unclench that psoas


I'm really impressed with the accessibility and clarity of your explanation. I'm going to try this because I suddenly developed lower back pain that came around to the front of my hips and seems exactly what you're describing with psoas. Thanks!


Brother, you are my hero! I have suffered with Psoas issues (almost crippling) for almost 4 years now. I have been searching, and searching for information about Psoas issues, and how to treat/recover from this extremely common, but little known problem. I have a long history of Gym time/Body building so I know BS when I hear it, and also recognize true knowledge from someone who knows their stuff. You have given me hope my friend. I have liked and sub'd, and will keep you ( and everyone else ) posted about my progress AND your awesome channel.


This saved me! Literally, all weekend long, my left hip/psoas was tight, and I had no strength in my left leg. As a senior, this is dangerous! I was almost crippled from pain and the twinge. When you said to focus on the opposing group of muscles (gluteals!) it helped IMMEDIATELY! I was able to finally get some decent sleep, and minimal pain! I am focusing on the glutes all day...THANK YOU!


Been struggling with painful psoas for a while. This video helped a lot. Thanks


At my age and hip pain from too much sitting over the years, I cannot even explain how much I needed this information! Thanks for making it easy to understand!


I didn’t even know what the psoas was until I watched your video, only to find out this right muscle is what’s causing pain, tightness and posture issues. Having legs up on a foot rest or something while lying on the floor while deep breathing is heaven. I’ll be working on glute strengthening as well. Thank you so much for taking time to make this video!


Omg, throughout most of my life I could do many squats as I wanted. Now that I am older I can’t and my Psoas has been killing me. Thanks SO much!


OMG I’m so glad I stumbled upon this !!!
The amount of money I’ve spent to fix this problem. At the end of the working day, 8 hours on my feet I’m in absolute agony, I get home from work and am literally crippled. I’m thrilled I found this, cause I know that this is my problem. When it gets that tight, it feels like sciatic but running down the front of my hips and legs.
