The Secret To LONG-TERM Relief Of A Tight Psoas! (you've never tried this before)

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0:00 The Root Cause Of Psoas Tightness
2:09 The Solution To Psoas Tightness
3:51 Step #1
6:55 Step #2
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I have had almost constant hip and groin pain for over a year. I tried it last night because what did I have to lose, right? Well I felt something release and within minutes the pain was gone. I cried! I went to bed pain free and woke up with no pain!! I can’t thank you enough!


Man. I’ve been a massage therapist for 10 years—your body awareness and nuanced anatomical knowledge blew me away.
Thanks for sharing!


This video was the one for me. 3 years of chronic right Psoas tightness and right hip pain Left AIC Right BC pattern. Countless chiro, Physio consultations etc. so many stretches and psoas release techniques but nothing stuck. Connor you have been gifted such intricate understanding of the human musculature and the skeletal structure and you certainly are a gift to us. God bless you bro. Daniel, Melbourne, Australia


I have seen so many youtube videos about this, however you are the only one who has another approach that is natural and makes sense. Thank you.


you saved my life!
after years of shortness of breath, unbelivebal tension/knots in diaphragm and abdomen und psychical consequences i guess their is a strong connection between sideabs, psoas and diaphragm.
i saw nearly every video for psoas release on youtube, but this works for me.
after one round i feel my body again, my mind calm down.
Thank you so much!!!


Great video Conor, its something I struggle from, particularly when I sit all day. A tight psoas is incredibly stressful and generates a lot of anxiety!


Very good queues. I used a modified version with my lower back against a wall, sitting in an asymmetric open leg position, and reached with one hand while exhaling, alternating and shifting leg and arm positions. Doing this slowly and mindfully really opens things up. The lower back, the psoas and hamstrings, especially my intercostal muscles started loosening up.


This video just helped me realize how true this is. For the last few months I have had a different job and I have been trying to “walk up right” more by trying to push my shoulders forward rather than slouching. And doing so forced me to push my ribs out. And looking at my natural form and the error form, my natural breathing showed me and also released my tightness. Thank you so much.


The thoroughness of this and the fact that you actually explain how and why is incredibly helpful. I am working on this stuff with my chiro and my PT so having even more insight and ways to understand something is super reaffirming that I am understanding my body and the movements properly. I can’t stand seeing a whole bunch of shorts, reels, TikTok’s, etc with five seconds of footage and no one showing anything deeper than that these days.


Thank you so much Conor a lot of people do not know this ! I had 14 weeks with my physical therapist she was excellent we were doing breathing, but I didn’t fully understand the importance of it ! Appreciate you 🙏🏾♥️


Thank you, Conor! Doing the first exercise was a revelation, I don't think I've ever breathed like that, and then I felt such joy. Just amazing. I got really confused doing the second exercise, which usually means I'm going to get a lot of benefit from playing with it more. What fun!


We need more people like you in this world. This is amazing critical work.


I got mashed between 2 trucks in 99 an dhave for the last 24 years dealt with pretty much constant pain.. lost one eye- etc... GLAD to hear this-- thank you.


I discovered this by accident this summer! I told several people but couldn't explain the why!! Ok, a bit of context. I took up ballet in my late 40's and 5 years later I still dance almost daily. About 2 years ago, I started experiencing a super tight psoas. Nothing helped or nothing helped for long. Then as part of our summer dance program, we had visiting instructors teaching a lot of breathing techniques similar to what you describe--including breathing into a balloon and breathing into a straw. Within 2-3 days, my psoas pain was gone. That was in has never returned. And I don't regularly practice the things they taught us (though I am so much more aware of my breathing and consciously try to breath deeply and fully several times a day). As an added bonus, I also found these breathing techniques help with my singing. I'll never go pro, but my notes are clearer, and I can more fully support and sustain them. So thanks for explaining how I "accidentally" cured my psoas (PS, I knew it was connected to the breathing, but I just didn't exactly know how). All the best, tg


Blowing my mind right now. I never made the connection between my diaphragm and pelvic tilt to my tight psoas .
I'm the poster child for everything you explained . Will do these exercises . Thank you !!


This is way over what others are suggesting. Thanks for the content!


Omg after 2 years of pain and countless massages, exercises and streches (either from my physical therapists or yt videos) that only ever stuck for a couple of hours at the most this finally gave me some relief!

I did this a couple of times yesterday and woke up without pain, being able to reach my toes no problem.
This is truly amazing thank you so much!!


Trevor is the BEST demo model ever!
Seriously, he's so good at demonstrating the various exercises; I really appreciate how the two of you work together to show how even little moves and position changes can make or break an exercise, such as the shrugging extended shoulder and beginning to slouch!
I have had 13 abdominal surgeries due to peritonitis caused by a nicked bowel during surgery for an ovarian cyst.
I've had my ventral incision (pubic bone to sternum) stomach muscles and skin stuffed with wet gauze tied together several times a day because of post-op flesh infection and was forced to lie on my back for three months as it healed.
Adhesions from blood inside my peritineum (gut sack) glued ny organs together, and glued the peritoneum to my abdominal wall.
It made the simple act of breathing difficult, fulling inhaling/exhaling impossible, and has caused me to live with debilitating back pain for nearly 30 years! Arrrrgh!
This great video explains diaphragmatic action so clearly! You've given me hope that by doing these exercises, I might be able to take a deep breath again some day, and that my poor, tired psoas will get a chance to relax do its job correctly and thus relax!🥴
I'll send updates somehow.
Thank you!


You are so helpful and have made such a difference in my life with my back pain thank you so much!


Omg! This is the first time that I actually understand what's happening in my body. And I've watched so many videos that just don't connect the dots. Thank you so much!
