How to Deal with Condescending People

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The screwed up part is when they don't even apologize and expect things to go back to normal but sometimes enough is enough.


Always remember; it's THEM, not you.  KNOW it.  Feel sorry for such toxic immaturity and feel PROUD you will never have to be THEM.  Fight the good fight.


people who put other people down is from lack of self-esteem


Normal, happy, peaceful well-adjusted people who like themselves and are at peace don't have to behave this way. Remember that someones poor behavior is a reflection of them and their experiences, not you. It takes practice not to take things personally but once you learn this it is so freeing. Also helps to engage with such people as little as possible: don't waste your time. A slug is a slug, not a butterlfy.


these people need to seek psychological help rather than being rude and mean to others.


Thank you. Favorite phrase: “What you think of me is none of my business.”


I searched this on desperate need. I do not need to go to jail for reacting to a broken person.


Doesn't matter whether they know they're doing it or not. Never allow anybody to undermine you. It's abuse and it's diabolical.


"I'm hearing what you're saying, but I'm not taking it on board. What you're saying is coming from your perspective, and with respect, it has nothing to do with me." Good answer!


When they are belittling, they are screaming out ‘I have a serious problem in my personality and i’m going to sh*t all over you’. Remember these people go to bed unsettled all the time. If its you today, then its someone else tomorrow. Temporarily they get that boost knowing they’ve knocked you down, but it doesn’t last until they do it again to you or find another ‘mark’. No matter how confident and in control they appear, the behaviour is very revealing that deep down, they are unhappy and unsettled.


The problem is that they make you look foolish/ineffective in other people's eyes (it works or else they wouldn't do it ). You can say then don't care about those other peoples' opinions, but sometimes it is in front of people that DO matter to you. Yes, they are insecure, yes they are putting you down to feel better, but honestly, other people do buy into it.


I have family members who are this way with me .They sometimes make me wish I had no family at all


The secret to adult living! Don't take on / react to the the disfunction of some one who reacts like a child.


Wise woman and wise words. No need of reacting. Stay silent and watch them exhibit their madness. It's well. Its not my job to fix toxic people.


My logical brain knows it isn’t about me, that said, after years of living with that behavior, it becomes bullying and mental abuse. It is very hard if you are a caring human being to push that aside and not have a lasting effect or have it take an emotional toll.


When someone is belittling you you say OK and you laugh never take it personal ✌️


I'm lossing my temper for those person feeling Superior and belittling others. I want to punch them in the face 😂😂


When people are ages 60 +, I have no patience to try to teach them how to be respectful. They rarely change at that age.


I think in reality these people feel personally helpless deep inside. So they try to elevate their sense of their ego by belittling other people. Then they get caught in this bad trap -- envy, etc, which is very addictive behavior. It is like a drug addict taking a drug to feel better instead of doing something different in their life. Their self-image is maintained by taking "hits" on other people, rather than based on whatever it is they are doing in their own lives.


Observe but don’t absorb. Or say ‘thank you for revealing more about yourself to me’. If they are a narcissistic bully they are not capable of reflecting sadly. Great tips. Thank you.
