Jar-5 Dominator Stress Test & BREAKDOWN in Helldivers 2

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A Breakdown and analysis of the newly buffed Jar-5 Dominator in Helldivers 2 due to popular demand. This weapon is insane! Thanks for watching!

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Here is the Jar-5 Breakdown as Promised, thank you all for watching! As always my favorite comment from this video will be featured at the end of the Next!


Dominator seems like a very great contender for Scorch now.
Previously, in pretty much all situations, anything the Dominator can do Scorch can do it better.
Now there more clear tradeoffs. Scorch is easier to handle, have a faster fire rate, and can “penetrate” a lot of heavy armors by dealing plasma explosive damage that ignores armor. Meanwhile, Dominator have more raw damage output, more stagger, and I think because it have higher “armor penetration” stat it deals increased damage to weakspots too.
Being able to stun lock those medium robots do feel useful.


The Jar-5 Dominator, or How To Roleplay As A Warhammer 40k Space Marine In Helldivers 2.


I've been rocking the dominator since the first week, it was my go-to for both races until I unlocked the scorcher for bots.

Some fun facts are that if a teammate is rocking the dominator the shock wave from its firing actually rocks your screen if you are close enough. and you can see the rocket propellant activate as rounds leave the weapon. I love Arrowhead's attention to detail, they have got to be the most passionate game developers around at the moment.


The dominator is how I want all the marksman rifles to be. Satisfying with a good hit or hits hard on non critical spots.


This game man... This game.

I havent so much fun since Battlefield 3 back in the days.

Yeah i'm old, like 40 years old 😅


It’s fun watching your channel grow so fast my man. Thanks for the insight and helpful info, keep it up brother!


I know it’s hard work making these videos! Thanks, and that was the conclusion I came to with the J5 vs Scorcher as well. It is too loud if you are running stealth vs bots but very powerful otherwise. People with great aim are going to love it even more.


I loved using the Dominator before (my main bot gun) but after the changes it is a beast.
Haven't tried the updated gun against bugs because the pre-update it was horrible for them.

Also glad they didn't fix the awful hipfiring though. Too many people try that and end up hating the gun, thinking this is a Slugger.


An awesome amount of detail, thank you.


Jar -5 finally is living up to its 40k bolter inspiration.


Sounds like someone has some real world experience, I love the correct use of terms and immediately said "😮" when you mentioned the gyrojet, definitely subscribing


Looks like the Jar-5 got a new breakthrough with its recently issued gyrojet shells. Its hits truly dominate the enemy while being somewhat more gentle on the user with the easier gunhandling compared to using the previous shells. A great improvement to one of Super Earth's experimental weapons technology issued to our venerable veterans that have continued the fight thanks to democratic prosthetics.

On the game side of things I'll mostly expect the gun handling to be returned to its original state as it felt a lot smoother after they issued the new munitions. I think they thought the gyrojet bullet properties that leads to less accuracy, 15 round mag, noticable pause in reloading and the need to get your shots on target to maximize each and every gyrojet propelled shot is a proper tradeoff. Though now that I typed that in I think that's enough tradeoff in using this weapon for the raw power it provides. I'll happily pair it with the stalwart for mobile general purpose work and whip out the dommy Jar-5 for hardier rascals to truly show Democratic superiority.


Love your weapon break down, hope you do more weapons and stratagems!


Thanks for this video. I've recently been using the Dominator over the Scorcher for most bot missions, especially since the new Automaton factory walkers have been recently boosted. The Dominator is great at taking out the machine gun turrets under its head front, making it much easier to deal with.


Since the JAR is inspired by the 40k bolter it would be so cool to get JARs with different ammo types to emulate how certain space marines utilize different ammo, like hellfire rounds that do corrosive DoT against armored targets, vengeance rounds that penetrate even heavy armor but have an overhead mechanic, or dragon fire rounds that do small AoE flame damage on impact


Thanks for covering this weapon. I learn a lot


Excellent videos, well to the point without unnecessary rambling like other YouTubers. Thumbs up!!


Ok I'll comment! Love the outro. Good update on the new buffs.


Thanks, Eravin!
I was hoping you'd do a breakdown for the dominator!
