What Happens When You Leave In A Splinter For Too Long?

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If you leave a splinter in for too long, you risk a dangerous infection. Splinters are made of natural materials so there's a greater chance that they'll carry bacteria or fungi. Remove the splinter as soon as possible and then disinfect the wound to prevent sickness.

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i had like 10 small splinters in my hand for 8 months before eventually they came out on their own. no infections whatsoever


Last time my girlfriend left wood in herself for a little too long we had a new baby girl


not me watching this while i cant get a splinter out of my finger :D


I felt a splinter on my foot several years ago and I wasn't able to remove it because it got burrowed too deep but I didn't experience any infection. I know it's still there because there are times that I can still feel it when I run or contract my foot.


When I was a kid, I thought that it would travel around in my body through my blood vessels and puncture my organs 🙄


I had a splinter once when I was a kid on my foot. It was deep and long, they had to cut it open to get it out. It hurts as hell but looks oddly satisfying lol


This is not the case with splinters naturally they come out in time, what helps much is black drawing salve you can get at walmart or drug store apply it on the splinter wrap bandaid around it wait for two three days the splinter should be exposed enough to remove with tweezers.


One time my mom almost crashed a kite into me and I got a nature acupuncture cuz I was literally behind a 7 ft tall cacti


I just got a splinter today. It wasn’t wood, I was stocking onions at work and a very small piece of the butt end of one decided to get stuck in my thumb. I couldn’t get it out at first but was able to 6 hours later after my shift. All I had to do was squeeze the area like a pimple until it emerged.


Never once I have I taken time to disinfect or place a bandaid upon splinter removal.


I'm watching this because I got a splinter in my toes, and the problem is, it's very tiny. But it's still painful.


I thought my kitchen chair was safe, but I was wrong.


When I was 14 I stepped on a piece of glass that was half a inch long and it was stuck in my foot so I tried to take it out but it kept getting deeper and deeper so I left it...for 4 yrs while I walk I'll feel it move and slice but lately I haven't been feeling it anymore


I had 2 splinters of Pencil lid from atleast 15 years under my hand skin .i tried a lot but they would not come but they are visible over the skin.


This one time I stepped on glasses and the glass was stuck in my foot but I didn’t go to the hospital, instead my family pinned me down so they could remove it.


I have 2 splinters in one finger for 3 years now... two balls .. sometimes a sensation.... they are still there.. skin covered...


I removed a small splinter in just seconds after it went in. It was some thorn I guess. But my skin is swelling and going red. However there is no pain. I don't know what to do.😓


I suspect I may have a glass splinter in my finger from cutting myself on glass about a month ago. A month later, I have pain and this pinching sensation when I press my finger a certain way against something. Guess I should get it checked out.


One time when I was 7 (a long time ago...) I sat on a bench and then my backside started hurting and ai got on a bike and it hurted like CrAzY it was a splinter but I didnt know that when I got home when ever I sat on something it would hurt so then I told my mom and she said it will goo away soon but days and days and it never stopped hurting thrn my mom took me to the doctor and they did a ex ray im pretty sure and they saw a little sliver of wood and they said it was probably a splinter that got pushed in a lot then they had to take it out (it was pAiNfUl) so lesson learned when something hurts dOnT iGnOrE iT
And I also got a fever so I didnt go to sChOoL yAy


my mom just takes a needle and digs into my skin when the splinters too deep in if there not i just yank on it
