What Happens To The Narcissist When You Leave First

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15,555 Terms & Phrases on Domestic Violence, Narcissistic Abuse & Parental Alienation

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They push you away until you finally leave and then play the victim.
It’s like killing your parents and then complaining you’re an orphan.


I did my research on the sly and beat my NARC to the punch. 👏👏 She was NOT a happy camper. I went 100% successful full no-contact. As an empath, it was especially challenging for me to go no-contact. If I can do it, anyone can do it when necessary.


They hold a grudge against you and stop trusting you as they can’t get there head around you leaving them my experience


It is infuriating that other people can’t see their lies and manipulative ways and I get all the blame and smear campaigns. Drives me nuts!!!!


They are gobsmacked because they thought they had COMPLETE control over you ! They are also deeply insulted, because it was THEM who should have dumped YOU, never considering for ONE MOMENT you might have the nerve, or the backbone ( because they see you as weak ) to actually do it ! Their pride and ego are hurt, but not their heart ! They switch into defence mode, and you instantly become enemy ! They will proclaim to everyone you have lost the plot and they no longer care, yet at EVERY given opportunity will run you and the relationship you had into the ground ! They will continue to act superior and quickly replace you with the nearest new source of supply . They will be charmed just as you were, but also be fed about just how terrible YOU were ! Narcissists think they are so sophisticated and sly, but in reality they are just extremely childish and so very, VERY predictable ! 😂💪❤️


I left the narcissist and changed my name back to my maiden name. 8 years later he still drives by my house. The only regret is not leaving sooner. I was married 13 years to him. Major depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc is what I had when I left.


The best thing to do while planning your escape from the Narc is to wear shades, minimize verbal communication, and close the door to intimacy. The Narc is no fool--they are aware when you figured them out.


They block you and they never want to speak to you again. As bad as it sounds, probably a good thing.


I left my covert ex 3 times. Last time after an attack on my daughter. I threw her out into the street. 2 days later called her and ended the relationship.
3 month later we met at a party at a common friend where she ended up storming out as I was dancing with another woman and she was trembling with rage I was told.
A year later she called me from a friends phone as her own is blocked. I only told her one Word: Goodbye and hung up on her and blocked her friends phone. Since then I have not heard from her...and the quiet is soothing 😊🙏❤️ Oh how much I have grown since then is crazy. So grateful I Got out 💪🏾😊


FACTS. The Narc leaves first in fear you would uncover their dirty laundry. And the sad truth is most poor souls have no idea of the action happening behind their backs, to end up getting discarded without knowing what they did wrong. But sometimes the Narc get a run for their money when they meet their doom opponent-the Narc Survivor-.


When they devalue, you discard. Period!


Great video, I ditched her, thankfully, called her a fxxking psycho which went down well. As time moves on it gets easier, the pain I was feeling has almost gone

Update: 2.5 months on she's completely out my system, went on a date yesterday with a healthy girl - so refreshing! There is light at the end of the tunnel, you just have to go No Contact!!!!


Well, that's just too bad, because I was able to see through the Narcissist, and for this reason went no contact. It was the best decision that I could have made for myself, and overall well-being. As a result, I have no regrets.


In short they just have to cause you maximum damage. They literally cut their nose to spite their face.


The are secretly seething and plotting their revenge against you!


Even when they discard you, remember you opted out well before ...even when they decide to get rid of you only to return you always have the choice to not get back with them...! Choose peace not chaos...we can change they cannot...they can't win and we can...


They explode because you are in control!


I just broke it off from my narcissist husband after a 4 year marriage. His famous words to me, "I'm going break you down!" I plotted my exit for nearly a year, and I swore to myself I would be free in 2023. My divorce was final November 18th. After he physically abused me. I have a 3 year restraining order on him. He also has to do anger management along with alcohol treatment. I moved and I am able to work from home. He has tried to bash me to my family and on social media. My family turned on him. My dad bought me a shotgun. I have no contact with the narcissist or his family. Now it's about healing and self love. I fell out of love after our 2nd year of marriage it was the getting away from the evil environment I allowed myself to get in because I ignored the red flags. I decided not to be angry or to keep reliving the abuse. I actually thank him! Even though I have to climb the mountain of healing. I will be stronger, wiser, smarter, full of love, and light. I win the prize of true love of self and freedom. I believe in me.


Thank you. Day 1- struggling. Guilt. Shame. Broken. Battered. To make it even worse, I’m an alpha male and let this happen. How did I get here? I’m ashamed, embarrassed and fearful of the unknown and being 45, single parent and single.

Couldn’t take the constant gas lightning, blame, bring de-valued and emasculated. I may be an alpha male, but I am sensitive and always aware of others feelings.

After years of abuse, I just couldn’t’
take it any longer. Started self learning and understanding who this person was. That’s when I discovered the narcissistic personality. It was eye opening and empowering. I began to regain a little strength and continued to learn. When she acted a certain way, it wasn’t surprising, it was expected. I was beginning to learn who this person was.

After 5 years and only 2 months into the marriage, after years of guilt, confusion, self doubt and shame, I finally knew what I had to do to escape. Yesterday, it happened.

If you are reading this years from now, I’ll be glad to update you on my journey. This is real, these are real people, and yes, it can happen to the most strong, powerful and confident men.
