Why I Left Lordship Salvation (PART ONE) | Theocast

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When Christ gave the rich young ruler the “law” to obey, it was because he asked what he could “do” to gain salvation. He must obey the Law perfectly, and continually. Which of course no man can do, which is why we need a Savior.


Lordship Salvation made me a terrible person. Grace Salvation made me graceful to others!


When God convicted me of my sin and convinced be that I was a lost church member, it broke my heart. I didn't think God would or could love and forgive a hypocrite sinner like me. When I truly understood that God really did love me, according to the Bible, I called on Him. I Believed God. I fell in love with Him. He became my Lord and Saviour.


“I’m not who I ought to be, but hallelujah, I’m not who i was.” Voddie Baucham


The lord led me out of calvinism and it took a while for all the presuppositions that i was holding on to to actually leave, then i was able to see the text for what it truly said and not what i was making it say because of my presupposed
Theology that was instilled in my mind, i now live a better christian life without all the condemnation i was putting on myself through false teachings. I now have peace and Joy looking to Jesus as my
Savior and what he has done for me.


This is beautiful Pastor Jon! Your journey is EXACTLY what I experienced! From obsessing over my own fruit and falling into despair (and consequently open sin)because of self examination, to peace, rest, and joy in the finished work of Christ! Thank you!
“I’m weary with my former toil
Here I will sit and rest a while,
Under the shadow I will be
Of Jesus Christ the apple tree.”


On that perfect standard, ,, we say who could be saved, but Jesus said for man it is imposible but for God everything is possible. Glory to Jesus


I used to attend a church and... there was a group of women there who started the whole self-inspection thing. I left shortly after that - although I didn't completely understand it, i knew looking INSIDE isn't looking at HIM. And in MY opinion, they were trying to take the place of the Holy Spirit.


Thank you for this message. You spoke directly to where I came from, the anxiety and introspection trying to figure out if my emotions and thoughts were correct. Since, therefore, we have now been justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from the wrath of God. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son, much more, since we are now reconciled, shall be saved by his life! Praise God!


I'm thankful for Lordship salvation. It caused me to be become so utterly beaten down and tired of the Christian life that I ditched mainstream fundamentalism and began to actually enjoy the Christian life.


Thank you!! I need the reminder. Your very good at explaining this, praise God I left Lordship salvation and Jesus showed me true freedom looking at him


I love this perspective, thank you my brother!


(Despite my knitpicky critiques) This is a good teaching. I like how he spots the SUBJECTIVISM of L.S.



Amen, so you have left lordship, those stories make my day, you are a walking miracle, Amen


““But why do you call Me ‘Lord, Lord, ’ and not do the things which I say?”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭6‬:‭46‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. ( 1 JOHN 2;19 KJV) Lordship Salvation has taken me into an intimacy with my God, Savior, and Friend, Jesus Christ in such a beautiful way that i left religion so i may just Love, Obey, and Follow my Friend, the Almighty Word forever. May i decrease so He may increase forever in me Forever, for whosoever has not his Spirit is none of His.


Jon: Thanks as a "Reformed" Pastor for your honest, biblical and courageous presentaion. You have a tremendous opportinity to speak into the pitfalls of this persuasion that can be way more effective than those that may not be wholly Calvinistic in their soteriology, like myself. You've indentified the major areas of Biblical truth with the spiritual and practical deficiences this error has brought. It's hurting the Church and causing undo division by those that hold this error so rigidly, that if questioned or cautioned, charge that we actually don't believe the Gospel. They are suspicious of every profession and are obsessed with an evangelism to the saved, who they beleive on the main, arent saved. The Scriptures warn us of such inquisitons: Matt 13:24-30 (parable of the wheat and the tares); James 4:11. Are there apostates in the Church? Are there false professions? Certainly there are but I must let God, the all knowing and perfect judge, deal with that which I have no right or authority to judge or know. Jesus warns us that in our persuit of inquisition for authenticity I can end up doing great harm to true believers and even myself as His servant. This will be a great resource to share with my fellow Christians who are caught up in this confussion. Thanks again!!!


Romans 4 is very clear on this! God Bless!


I am so grateful that I am no longer following Calvinist preachers. In fact, I should not be following any men at all. I should follow Jesus and his word. ❤ The topic should not be controversial. The Bible is very clear that we are saved by grace through faith and not by works of any kind. Woe to any preacher that complicates Gods free gift. 🎁


Amen!! My obedience is the fruit of the faith in the work of Jesus that saved a wretch like me! My works in faith still fall short in the physical but are fulfilled in my faith IN Jesus's work on the cross. Eyes on Jesus! Not turning from the left or right. He is my hope and STAY. It is my works that were crucified in Him on the cross, I died, now it is Christ who lives in me, who accomplished all the righteousness that my faith in Him will attain. It is a perfect faith, because He provided it for me by grace!! OH LORD what a Saviour You are in Christ Jesus my Lord! Thank you Lord Jesus!!!
