Yoga For Pelvic Floor | Yoga With Adriene

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Yoga For The Pelvic Floor- full yoga workshop with Adriene. This all-levels session focuses on how to build strength, stabilize, soften, and awareness in the pelvic floor. This will influence all yoga asana as well as provide you valuable time to breathe and center. Connect brain and body in a way that serves.

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Take this time to learn, explore, and enjoy.

Let me know how it goes down below! Namaste!

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
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Yoga has the power to bring people together.

Though our practice we find a spot to share together.

To move, to breathe, to high five and thrive on common ground.

So, gather ye, one and all.

I hope you enjoy this week’s free workshop style practice…

Let me know how it goes in the comment section down below!

PS: New love letter in your box! With lots of love and your FREE Yoga Calendar for August!


Adriene, just wanted to share how helpful this video was for me. I have a history of sexual trauma and never realized how much this impacted my pelvic floor and lack of sensation in that area. This video, while I struggled with the movement (a lot) made me feel sensation I haven’t in many years. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and had to share that this video changed my life. I feel like I found a missing puzzle piece to my healing. Thank you endlessly.


Adriene, I want you to know that your yoga videos have helped me through so much... through everything that dragged me down in life. I look forward to following along to your uploads - it’s part of my routine. I don’t know what I would have done without your videos, I tried to overdose last year, was barely clinging on to life, down to the the wire. I’m 19 and male which i guess is probably strange for someone who watches this content but your yoga saved me and I am so grateful for all you have given me... your kind words, inspiration and uplifting view on life and your beautiful yoga, it has done more than I probably even know to help me. Thank you, for all that it’s worth :)and I want you to know I have made it to a happier place now, and I have friends who support me and I look forward to living again, and your videos have helped me maintain my brighter outlook on life. I Hope you’re doing well and I will be loving every video you continue to put out and I know if I hit rougher times again, I can always just sit down and follow along to some of your videos. 🙏 thank you 😊


My whole pelvic floor is covered in endometriosis lesions, and this yoga seemed to help with the pain. It would be really amazing if you did a yoga for endometriosis pain!


I recently started pelvic floor physical therapy for pelvic floor dysfunction, urinary urgency and frequency. I learned some of these movements and poses with my physical therapist (who also happens to be a yogi), so thank you for creating a full practice for it! It helped to seamlessly tie together different poses I have been working on.


Some of this practice went over my head. Particularly with the fire breathe. I have a hard time focusing on when to breathe out and when to breathe in when it came to the pelvic lifts. Learning to not beat myself up when I don't master something right away. This is a journey, and I intend to be patient and loving toward myself as I grow and develop more in my practice. Thank you again Adriene for putting together this build playlist.


I have been watching your videos on the pelvic floor and lower back for a couple weeks now, and it has been seriously helpful in my treatment for vaginismus. It's not very well talked about, but it's basically an involuntary tightening of the pelvic floor when it comes to vaginal insertion of anything, including tampons, and the attempt to do so is very painful. So doing these videos have really helped me loosen up, and made dilating a much easier experience and my progression noticeable. Thank you!


Hello yoga friends and YWA practioners! Just wanted to share that I'm celebrating 200 days of daily yoga and meditation today! So proud over that achievement. I've never been close to such a long streak before 🙏🏼🙏🏼 It's been a challenging journey but I'm so excited to get to one year! Peace


Probably the most under-addressed, highly important area of the body. Thank you for taking the time to create this!! I have a lot of awareness of this area but I still struggle with it ... I have hypermobility affecting the positioning of my sacrum and pelvis, which has led to a litany of problems that I can't afford to treat. So doing a practice like this is extra important for me, even just to keep those muscles as active as possible and hope that it helps. Thank you, Adriene!! I love you!! Namaste <3


I haven't fully understood the importance of giving some love to my pelvic floor until this practice! Thank you Adrienne for this wonderful practice, as always. I also lost it when Benji walked towards you by the end of the breathing exercise. He was like, "you ok mom?" haha so adorable.


I've recently had a lot of problems with my bladder, I've been finding this exercise helpful so far. Hoping it will help me to a point where I don't have bladder issues anymore.
My mum recommended your channel to me, She does Yoga every day :)


As a woman who had two children I found yoga to be instrumental to strengthening my pelvic muscles. I had trouble getting the most out of kegel exercises, I would forget or not do them correctly. Yoga helps me visualize the muscles and actually feel the strength of my abdominals. I'm adding this routine to my favorites.


Today (July 29) is my 60th birthday! I consider this practice a gift. Thank you very much!!


I love you so much Adriene, Thanks of you, I have started yoga two years ago. It literally changed me, my body, soul, flexibility, my mood. Thank you! Namaste 🙏🏼


This practice is a real blessing for endometriosis sufferers like myself! Thank you so much, Adriene!


I loved this practice! Hip openers are always heart openers for me. Today I embraced all my feelings with gratitude. Namaste, Adriene!


I think this is a really powerful practice for everyone but especially for us senior yogis. It really was a full body workout for me and attention to detail and breath was essential. I was a little uncertain whether I should be squeezing on the breath in or on the breath out 🤔 I wonder if other yogis wondered this too ? Maybe it was just me but I worried that this mattered, I’m sure it did. See you tomorrow on the mat for some more strength building 🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️🙏💞


1:00 - Belly breathing
3:50 - CHEERLEADER POSE with right foot back, twist left, lift pelvic floor
6:57 - Repeat with left foot back, twist right, lift pelvic floor
9:27 - COBBLER’S POSE / BUTTERFLY POSE with pelvic lift
11:08 - Lie down with knees bent, feet planted. Breathe and lift the pelvic floor. Imagine a diamond shape with an upper and lower triangle. You can try to isolate which triangle you lift by either focusing on the sensation of trying not to pee or trying not to pass gas.
15:00 - Lift the lower back on inhale, lower your back and lift pelvic floor on the exhale
16:14 - BRIDGE POSE - Lift hips up, chest to chin and chin to sky. Release. Repeat.
17:34 - Put feet together. Interlace fingers behind the head. Relax everything
18:06 - COBBLER BRIDGES - Keep hands where they are. Draw knees together. Lift pelvic floor. Release legs back down. Draw knees together, lift pelvic floor, lift hips, release legs back down. Repeat 2 more times.
19:26 - If you want a little more, lift the shins, spread legs open, lift pelvic floor as you bring legs together. Repeat. Find the variation that suits you today.
21:24 - SUPINE TWIST - Hug the knees to the chest. Hold your right knee to your chest, send your left leg out. Take your right knee to your left side. Open your right arm. Turn onto your right ear. On your exhale, lift your pelvic floor.
22:28 - Repeat switching sides
23:34 - Return to center. Rock the spine.
23:54 - FROGGY POSE with heels lifted and lift the pelvic floor,
25:08 - MALASANA - If deep yogic squat is in your practice, you can lower the heels and do that.
25:18 - PUPPY POSE - If neither pose is available to you, you can come into puppy pose
25:45 - Pick your variation. Breathe deep, hear your breath, lift the pelvic floor
26:15 - HOVERING TABLE - Come to all fours. Bring the knees under the hips, wrists under the shoulders, curl the toes under, press away from your yoga mat. Inhale, exhale and lift the pelvic floor. Maybe hover the knees..
27:07 - CHILD’S POSE / BALASANA - Lower, join the knees, lower the hips, send fingers down to your toes, forehead to the earth. Relax and soften everything.
27:40 - DOWNWARD FACING DOG plus lift the pelvic floor on each exhale
29:42 - Lie on your back, put your hands on your lower belly, lift the knees just over the hips, engage your lower back and lift your pelvic floor. Lower toes down and take a moment to fully relax. Repeat. Close your eyes.
30:20 - If that is too much for you today, do one leg at a time. Don’t go too fast
32:31 - Rock as many times as feels awesome for you.
32:45 - BREATH OF FIRE / KAPALABHATI PRANAYAMA - Sit up tall. Hands on the lower belly. Breathe deep, directional breath down. Lift the pelvis as you breathe out. Now speed up with short, sharp, repeated exhales.
36:02 - Take deep breaths. Soften and relax everything.
36:49 - SHAVASANA - Lie on your back. Let everything soften and relax. Close your eyes. Let your weight melt into the earth. Give thanks for your journey, for this practice. Take what you need and leave behind anything you don't need.
38:12 - From my heart to yours, draw the palms together. Thumbs to third eye. Namaste.


Thank you for this gift. I struggle with core and pelvic floor exercise as I have a stoma and pelvic radiation damage, this practice really helped me to start to finally feel these muscles responding. I am very new to exercise of any sort but having lost 48 pounds I finally feel able to be more active, and your practices have become part of my daily routine. My cats enjoy it too and often seem to join in. Thank you again I value the time each day that I share with everyone here.


This practice is GOLD. It's one of my favourites, it changes everything. I started to think more of my pelvic floor while I'm doing the other routines. I feel like it was a "dead spot" until i did this practice for the first time. Now i do it once in a while. Thank you dear Adriene!
