Dietitian Reviews SANNE VLOET Body Reset Plan | KETO Elimination Diet for Bloating & Inflammation??

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Hi everyone, welcome to Abbey's Kitchen! In today’s highly requested episode of YouTuber reviews, we’re going to be revisiting Victoria's Secret Model Sanne Vloet and her controversial body reset plan and keto elimination diet.

A few disclaimers:

1) The information in this video is for education and entertainment purposes only, so you should always speak to a health care provider about your unique health needs.

2) Please be kind in the comments, here and on Sanne's channel

3) TRIGGER WARNING: some graphics and discussions may be disturbing to some viewers so feel free to skip this video.

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Xoxo Abbey

Contribution by: Giselle Segovia RD MHSc
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I reset my body by holding the power button down for a while


the commitment for updating us through labourrrr !!! you are a QWEEENNNN xxx


I’m so happy I came across your channel, Abbey! I’m tired of seeing crash diets and misinformation all over the internet. Your channel provides a scientific and realistic view on food and nutrition. As a girl who has a difficult relationship with food, THANK YOU


Hey Abbey! Can you please make a video about the FODMAP elimination diet (and IBS)? Thank you for sharing correct info with us haha


Honestly these influencers should pay Abbie for her insight and super detailed nutrition advice, they don't know how good they got it!! 😂🤗


Also, a video with Abby Langer just came up on my feed and BRING HER BACK 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Those videos of you two were so funny.


Love these videos! I would like to see one on Emily Didonato


I can not believe you filmed this disclaimer part while in early labor.. You're literally a superwoman


hey!!! thanks for addressing this video... definitely been thinking about it since she uploaded it :)
p.s. i think she mentioned once that her name was pronounced "sawn-uh vloot" but i could be wrong haha


People really think just because you get bloated after a meal means you need to change your diet? PSA! Just because after a meal your stomach isn’t as flat as the photoshopped influencers you see on Instagram does not mean you need to change your whole diet.


Another vid, another comment.

I half agree that the trainer may have been out of their depth in giving nutritional recommendations, and perhaps they should have said to go to a dietitian or nutritionist for a thorough plan if they, as a trainer, weren't qualified to give such advice.

I also agree that the trainers advice for a 2 week keto elim diet before slow reintroduction of ordinary foods was perhaps not the best idea, and that testing blood sugar was a dumb way to determine inflammation. However, that's all I'm on board for.

The diet keto elim should have lasted maybe 4-6 weeks since that's about when the body gets somewhat used to the diet, and from there they should have begun to test adding different low carb keto friendly foods for a time to see if any were causing problems, then add in higher fiber low carb foods to see if fiber or certain foods with fiber were the problem, then add higher carb/protein foods to see if carbs/protein or foods with those things were the problem.

Also, as usual Abbey uses studies to craft an anti-keto narrative. She says there's evidence that keto can help with inflammation, but says that reduced inflammation may be caused by the supposedly necessary elimination of fiber and other fermentatable carbs on a ketogenic diet, but also essentially says that fiber is good for the digestive tract and that it's reduction may cause problems that require elimination diets in the first place. First of all, that's a clever catch .22; if keto elimination diet works, it's possibly cuz there's no fiber, but it could also fail because there's no fiber, either way avoid keto. Second, I guess she's never heard of pecans, or filberts, or other high fat, high fiber, low carb plant foods that people on keto can eat as a fiber source, but it wouldn't fit her narrative I guess.

she cites a study at 11:06 to back up her statement that keto could worsen inflammation and gut bacterial populations, but that study means nothing. It had people eating 40% fat at most, and compared them to groups eating 20% and 30% fat. 40% is not high fat or keto because keto people usually eat at least around 70% fat, so that study means nothing for keto eaters.
Even assuming that the gut bacterial diversity of keto people does take a hit as the study claims, considering that people still tend to get IBD/IBS relief on keto, among other benefits, is the decreased gut diversity really an issue after that? Maybe the other bacterial types that disappear are less necessary for biological functions on keto? Just spitballing tbh, but still, the decrease in gut flora diversity comes alongside all the other typical benefits of keto like decreased inflammation, decreased insulin resistance, decreased bloating, etc. Would it be a big problem for keto that gut flora diminishes if these other health benefits also come with the package?

Things like the soft denouncment of red meat at 13:58 are why I comment. Abbey says the YouTuber may have a hard time with meat generally, then grandstands about *red meat* specifically when red meat is likely to not be included in the 2 week keto elim, since it's infamously controversial in nutrition science. Even if Sanne did plan to eat it, Abbeys own study says there there is a mere **association** between red meat and negative health outcomes, not that red meat causes those outcomes. Plus the study she cites is only in women and not in the general population, so by her standards it shouldn't count, but I guess population standards can be more relaxed when the study supports a stance you agree with.

"Detoxing, " while overused and nearly devoid of meaning due to improper usage, is actually something the body does do. All it means is clearing out things that are harmful, and while the process can't be rushed by scams like juice cleanses and such, uncovering and eliminating harmful foods from the diet is the whole point of elimination diets; it's giving your body a chance to recover from the toxic things that were pumped into it and keeping those things out, basically like drug withdrawal but for food. Use of the terms detox or "full body reset" change nothing. The body is always "detoxing", the keto elim diet is just meant to root out what the toxic substance may be. Also, walnuts are too high carb for most keto eaters.

At 15:57 you say she's eating 95 grams of carbs. I would agree if you said "net carbs, " because that's what keto people usually count, since "net" excludes fiber and other carbs not absorbed by the body. Everything you say that is premised on this 95 number is therefore somewhat dubious.

Lastly, Abbey commented on the need for keeping track of glycemic index and glycemic load to know if the body can handle carbs; it's actually more about insulin index, which glycemic index is a heuristic for. Diabetes is only technically a problem with internal blood sugar control; it's actually a problem with internal blood insulin control. This matters because while carbs can spike people's blood sugar and insulin response, proteins can spike their insulin response, but not their blood sugar; it's that effect on insulin that causes real problems, and Insulin levels are rhe more accurate marker of potential problems in the body compared to blood sugar levels.

And, done.


Lol love early labour Abbey popping in. Always trying to be so informative and fair and I appreciate it!


I would love to see you review Youem's (Heal Your Living) what I eat in a day videos :)


I agree with most points made in this video and think the advice given to follow a ketogenic diet as a sort of reset was definitely bad advice. Where did they come up with 2 weeks as being the best amount of time to fix any sort of problem? Measuring blood sugar to see what a food response will be and equating it with inflammation is also making me smack my forehead over here. I appreciate you pulling research and using it to back your expertise however, I had an issue with you citing the Wan et al. (2019) finding as a way to make a point that keto may cause inflammation and reduce the concentration of good bacteria. While the paper did show a high-fat diet could cause this issue, it is worth noting that the higher fat diet was not a keto diet as it still contained 40% of calories from carbs. Additionally, the fat source consumed during the study (which was provided to participants) was soybean oil and according to the paper " It should be noted that the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) was relatively high in the higher-fat diet group (24% of total energy) owing to exclusive use of soybean oil, which is rich in n-6 PUFA. A higher intake of n-6 PUFA has been reported to have proinflammatory effects." I'd like to see a study like this on participants who are on a true ketogenic diet and are consuming a more realistic variety of fats in the diet. I cycle on and off keto and soybean oil is NOT something I consume.


Congratulations yummy mummy!! Can you please cover LisaLisa D1 l personally think the information she gives about weight loss very questionable.


But this is not keto like cheese is allowed, also eggs and also nuts

I also saw a test with carbs in combo with butter or smth and the glucose didn't spike that much as when it was eaten by itself

And yes carbs with fiber are good for stabilising glucose spikes plus makes you feel full plus helps the gut microbiota which is very important

Plus carbs help in building muscle actually


for some reason, I always read it as 'Sanne Violet' until I heard you say it out loud lol


would love to hear your thougts on keepupwithliv!


These are not so fancy, but maybe Emi Wong or Krocks in the Kitchen?


The trainer is going way out of his expertise. Last semester in my Physiology of exercise class our professor gave all the students who wanted to be personal trainers an important message, Do NOT get into nutrition problems with your clients! That is not your job, that's when you direct them to a Dietitian!... I loved that professor and that's exactly what is happening here. Her trainer is not being responsible. So glad you made this video Abbey!
