Jordan Peterson - Should You Get Married?

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Dr Jordan B. Peterson on whether you should focus on a monogamous relationship. What does Jordan Peterson think about marriage difficulties? Should people break up and get divorced? How does Jordan Peterson advise people in hard relationships?

#jordanpeterson #marriage #divorce


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People should take marriage seriously. Personally, I take marriage very seriously, which is why I'm not getting married.


"A bachelor is often a lonely man fantasizing about the joys of marriage. A husband is often a tortured man fantasizing about the joys of loneliness."- Mark Twain


The problem with marriage today is that not only can one party “escape, ” but when they do, they get cash and prizes at the other party’s expense. Only a fool signs a contract where your counterparty benefits by breaching the contract.


I'm married to myself. We fight often.


I say this as an old man who was proudly and lovingly married to my wonderful wife until she died. No.

Regardless of what JBP says, the real answer for men in the west is "absolutely not." If you want to know why, look at the numbers. The majority of marriages end in divorce, usually within a few years (7-15). 80%+ of divorces are initiated by women. 90%+ of custody goes tl the mother, even when she is clearly neglectful/abusive towards the child(ren). 95%+ of alimony isbstolen from men by the State & given to women. False accusations are used against men in "family" court as a matter of course. Leslie Levy showed us that when she hired a videographer to record her CLE class where she taught "family" court attorneys how to do just that, and then uploaded it to the official Williamson County website.

If that isn't enough, then go watch Michael Long tell his story on Rekieta Law's channel. Go look up the multiple tales of fathers being stripped of their children because they don't want their children to undergo harmful medical procedures like puberty blockers & genital mutilation. Look at the stories of fathers being denied even partial custody or mere "visitation" with their own children because the father is allergic or otherwise medically unable to take the WuFlu injections. Look at the numbers of homeless men who were forced out of their own homes by the women they married & the State that those women used to destroy those men's lives.

There is no longer any real benefit to marriage for men. Marriage is all risk, and no reward for a man. He no longer marries his wife, but he now marries the combination of her & her real husband Big Daddy Government, and any time she has a bad day she can send the armed enforcers of Big Daddy Government to kidnap/kill him.

You can say "not all women are like that, " but society, the law, and the courts ensure that all women *can* be like that at any time, and they will be *rewarded* for it.


Find someone or something WORTHY to commit to, but never settle out of some sense of shame.


Until divorce laws change men should stay very far away from marriage. Do not enter into a contract with the state.


Been there, done that. Lost 2 houses and alienated from 4 of my children. Never again.


I'm actually in the situation now. I'm 38, been looking for someone to settle down with, but I live in Los Angeles and most people are mentally ill. It's not easy finding a Conservative minded girl around Los Angeles. I just stay single, I figure if it happens great, if not whatever. Being single is way better than being married to someone you're not happy with. If the other person doesn't enhance your life, it's not worth it.


I always wanted to get married but getting married today is like playing russian roulette.


so cool that someone made this clip because this EXACT part was the part I called my brother about (he’s currently going through some marital problems) and I said “you gotta hear this”.


Marriage is a noble thing. But modern culture has desecrated its sacredness.


Negotiation is one of the hardest things to master, but it will set you free.


While I admire Dr. Peterson, marriage in American in this day is an awful deal for men. Everything can be taken away by the courts on a whim.


For western men? Absolutely not. Of course its a good deal for women.


But this is making the assumption that the party with nothing to lose but all to gain from leaving the marriage doesn’t bail as soon as it gets difficult. It’s a fallacy in modern relationships.


I don’t know why I didn’t work out with my first partner but everything was so negative and I stayed for 12 years. Now I’m in a relationship that looks like how people describe what marriage should be…having both ups and downs. I love it🤣 we have had very difficult times but we both wanted to work through it and things got better.


" Better solo than in bad company. " California marriage is a BAD choice. Marriage in the more affordable, " fly over states", may be possible with a high quality prenup, relative equal credit rating, and mutual understood parachute procedures. Professional people with high paying jobs( men or women) are targets for exploitation via romantic tools. Marriage is nice, but the financial, emotional expense is not worth it. My 2 cents.


Not everyone should marry. Even though I was raised in a happily married, two parent family, I am a 66 year old woman who has never been in love and I have a very low libido. I have also spent most of my life celibate and haven’t had sex enough times to feel comfortable having sex. I have platonic friendships with men that have lasted for decades. I would make a horrible and unhappy wife. I’d rather be alone than be married and wish that I was alone.


Absolutely. Just make sure he or she is your best friend.
