Learn to Muscle Up || Learn Quick

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In this episode of Learn Quick I learn how to do muscle ups. I set my milestone at 5.

A huge thanks to him for providing me with some footage on short notice!


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Music Credits:

All music from Epidemic Sound
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Nearly a 100 days just for a vid now that's determination if I have ever seen it


"lets do a muscle up"
left elbow- yes
right elbow- nah


Are we just gonna ignore the fact that he put 93 days of content into 8 minutes


Because of you, I tried to do this as a sophomore in college. I got to the point to where I could do 7 pull ups and plenty of dips unassisted. I purchased the resistance bands, expecting to be able to do an assisted muscle up, no problem. I struggled exactly like you did, and got discouraged thinking I had the strength to do it, just like you did. I was also working out outside like you, but it became winter so I stopped. (Not an excuse, but I tell myself it is.) Fast forward 4 years later, I watch this video again and see my fiancé bettering herself by working out and changing her body for the better. I began training pull ups again last month, and ordered more resistance bands because I lost the others. 2 days ago, I was able to do my first assisted muscle up with 3 bands. Tonight I did 8 in a row, then 3 in a row, then 1 more. Getting over that bar was the most amazing feeling. I watch your video almost daily now all the way through to know that it is possible for me to do this, and it keeps me motivated to train harder, eat better, make sacrifices and live healthy. Thanks Mike


me: "I wanna try doing that too!"

my country: "in terms of pull up bars... we have no bars"


I like this vid because it shows a guy really struggling to learn a muscle up instead of a super buff dude who it makes it look so easy. It appears to me the bands must have really helped. I think now that maybe they will help me. I am 71 years old and can do 13 clean pull ups because I have spent the last 6 months getting stronger with pull ups, push ups, shoulder dips, and Burpees. So I know now I have the strength, what I do not have is the technique. I guess the bands will help with that. It's worth a try. A lot of young guys at the park tell me they know I have the strength but they are not quite good enough and coaching me on the technique. Enjoyed your video.


This video was the start of my calisthenics journey. 3 years later i can't imagine my life without training. It helped me a lot. Thank you Mike for the motivation


The real question is how he found all of those random bars near him


Day 1: park equipment looks brand new
Day 93: park equipment is bent


Thats literally how I felt when i first did it lol. I was at the gym and i busted out the smoothest muscle up, got down, and hollered "FUCK YEA". The guy next to me is just like "dude.... you shouldve recorded that". Such a great moment for me lol


This is such a good and transparent video.

Congrats dude. It's not easy to do a muscle up. Not everyone can do it.


I used to teach these all the time, and there are a few ways to do them faster and easier.

1: Get extremely explosive doing perfect form pullups. This is starting from a complete dead hang, and pulling all the way until your chest presses into the bar. If you cheat this, it's only going to take longer and you'll need to sacrifice somewhere else to make it happen, leading to a really ugly muscle up. You don't need to be able to do 20 regular ones this way, but being able to do a few with a lot of explosiveness is key.

2: When you've got the pull up section down and you're consistently getting to the top quickly and you start your attempts at transitioning to the dip, act as though directly above the bar there's a pane of glass. Try to smash the glass with your forehead. You've probably heard that your body tends to follow your head, and this is no exception. Use the momentum to bring your shoulders, then upper arms, then elbows over the bar. The dip is by a wide margin the easiest part, so to be honest I wouldn't even worry about it unless you're awful at them.

3. Less volume, more frequency. Doing fewer reps and sets per day, but doing it every day will get most people there way faster. People think you don't have enough time to recover, but with less workload per day, there's less to recover FROM. In addition, all exercises with complicated motions (bench press, squat, deadlift, clean and jerk, snatch, etc) are SKILLS as much as they are strength based. Muscle ups absolutely fit into this category. Skills in general improve faster the more often you practice them, rather than how much time you spend doing them per session.

I sincerely hope this helps somebody!


When I got into calisthenics i was 14 years old. I have a fitness park near my house. After school me and other 2 friends went to this park. At first i was only able to do 2 pull ups. In a short period of time my other friend did his first muscle up, that's when i found this video. It motivated me ALOT. I started to practice but I still wasnt even near to do one. I did 5 pull ups at this point. I kept rewatching this vid to get motivated even more and it worked. This time i rly was practicing hard. After 2 months i was able to do 10 pull ups and i could do chicken wing muscle ups. But i wasnt satisfied with that so i trained even harder. In 2 months i am finally able to do a muscle up. Took me almost half a year i think.
Thank you for the motivation, I felt like i should write this cos you motivated me so much . :)

Edit: i can do 15 now, keep pushing you will get it :D


When you do that first muscle up it’s such an amazing feeling


It would be interesting to see how much his body transformed over the period.

*EDIT - For some reason this comment has triggered the odd few. I said it would be interesting to see any transformation. Wether that be none or lots, it would be interesting to see the change of someone that hadn’t been doing regular exercise to daily pull ups/muscle ups. That is all.


I watch this video about once every 2weeks for motivation. At the start of this year I couldn’t do 1pull up. On the 13 of October I did my first MUSCLE UP


I love normal people empowering themself and struggling many times. This is the real life. Thank you so much.


I saw this video 2 years ago, and because of it now I'm on calisthenics. I've got 5 muscle ups after some time, slow muscle ups, 20 pull ups and other skills. Currently I'm working on the planche and handstand. Than you Mike, for inspiring me to learn something new!


One of the best muscle up videos ever mate. Both funny and you kept your shirt on the whole time!


You should do learning to type 150 words per minute.
