How to Naturally Treat a Dog With Worms (100% Effective Home Remedy!)

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There are a half dozen common worm types that can affect your dog so here's the major signs to look out for:

• If your dog vomits or coughs up, check the contents for signs of life such as 1inch long wriggly roundworms that look like spaghetti. Often coughing up is due to roundworms passing through the lung causing irritation and the worm is coughed up. I've personally seen this situation happening on several occasions.
• Does your dog have a fever?
• Does your dog lick their rear end or scoot about on their bum indicating possible tape worm eggs that look like sesame seeds stuck around the anal exit (be sure it's not an anal gland issue first).
• Your dogs stool is key to prognosis. Check for any jelly like substance, small rice grains, long and very thin stringy vermicelli like noodles, brown globs of mucus or 1inch long white pinworms.
• Your dog can go off his food, be lethargic and have a dull lifeless coat.
• The opposite can be true where your dog is ravenously hungry all the time and is still losing weight with a distended belly as the worms are eating his food in the gut.

If you suspect worms but can't be sure, the next thing to do is take a quarter sized portion of fresh stool sample in a clean plastic container to your vet to be analyzed.

There are generally four main types of internal worms dogs can become infected with and these are:
• Roundworms
• Hookworms
• Tapeworms
• Whipworms

How to Naturally Treat A Dog With Worms:
For complete eradication of all dog worms using a natural treatment, I highly recommend using a tincture of Black walnut, clove and wormwood. It's natures answer to de-populating worms in your dog. The combination of these three natural ingredients will kill the adult worms, larvae and eggs, breaking the worm life cycle.

• Black Walnut Hulls come from the black walnut tree
• Wormwood comes from the Artemisia shrub
• and Common Cloves come from the clove tree

What's the benefit of using a natural home remedy for worms in dogs ?
By combining the three herbs as a single treatment, you'll kill the adults, the developmental stages and the eggs of at least 100 different parasites in your dog.

It's 100% natural, made from wild herbs and effective on liver flukes, amoebas, giardia, coccidia and all the worms mentioned above.

How to Get Rid of Worms in Dogs?
You can obtain this combination treatment as a readymade bottled tincture. The treatment plan involves putting drops into your dogs food daily over a two week period, stopping for a week then continue with another two week application. The included instructions will give you the correct amount to give according to human weight, on average 150lb. So for example, a 50lb dog would take 1/3rd of the dose, a 25lb dog 1/6th of the dose and so on.

Besides treating worms in dogs, it's also very effective against yeast infections and Urinary Tract Infections (UTI's)

Don't use with pregnant or lactating dogs.
#howtonaturallytreatadogwithworms #dogworms #dogwithworms
Рекомендации по теме

*7lb Dog - 1 drop*
*12lb Dog - 2 drops*
*18lb Dog - 3 drops*
*22lb Dog - 5 drops*
*27lb Dog - 6 drops*
*35lb Dog - 7 drops*
*45lb Dog - 9 drops*
*55lb Dog - 11 drops*
*65lb Dog - 13 drops*
*80lb Dog - 16 drops*
*100lb Dog - 20 drops*


Dan I followed the protocol you gave for the black walnut, took a stool to vet today, not a sign of worms .
I praise Yahusha for sending me to your channel, and I thank you for loving animals !!!


Thank you so much. Being a new pet parent can be overwhelming trying to do your best. There is a lot of ppl taking your naïve mind as way to get a lot of money out of you so seeing this natural way of taking care of your pup really soothes my spirit. Thank you again


Dan, you are a very patient man!! I see questions being asked that you've answered in your video & asked again repeatedly in the comments. Thank you for your videos. I am an amateur herbalist with 3 dogs & appreciate all of the guidance you provide. I think maybe doing a weight chart pinned to the top might be helpful with all of the redundant questions. Thank you again for your time and patience ❤🐾


I use diatomaceous earth (food grade) for my dog Dan Scott. I’ve need following your 5 step program for my dog who has had chronic stomach problems and so far it’s amazing how fast she has turned around to looking healthy and enjoying her food again. Thank you.


Thank you so much I can go to bed knowing my dog will be okay I’m buying everything


I just found a little worm in my puppies poop, thank you so much for this!! I found a couple things on Amazon then I saw you added a link on one of the comments thank you!


Thank you for this knowledge! Treating my dog for hookworms. Really appreciate this info on natural treatments!


I started treatment for my Husky Luna a couple of days ago. I’m a little nervous but I have not seen any complaints :) Thanks for the information, I’m also giving her canned food, coconut oil and a splash of apple cider vinegar in her water. Also she’s 53 lbs so I’ve been giving her 15 drops a day.


Amazing man...i got clear idea about this i understand how to treat a dog with worms...thank you foe uploading this video must do more videos like this..keep going !!!!


I used this for my dogs when they showed some mild signs of worms and it worked great! I had also read black walnut & wormwood could be used in small doses daily as a heartworm preventative instead of the harsh chemical options from the vet, do you think 5-6 drops of this would help prevent heart worms? Thank you!


Dan I have the one with alchol in it.
it hits the blood stream quicker in my opinion, I had itchy bottom and soon as I took it stopped immediately! I
The brand is plnt pure living!


this video worth a billion dollar, I love you doc


Pumpkin seeds, coconut oil, carrots and apple cider vinegar.


Thank you so much. We decided to treat our dog holistically and I’ve ordered the medication on Amazon. Ll be watching your channel closely. Our puppy is 5 months old. ❤


Thanks a lot for this information! Can I use this tincture on cats as well?


Good afternoon Dan hope you and your family are well you are a true gentleman I watch all your videos kind regards from Scotland


i was really looking for something like this. worms are really a headache for me as well and this remedy seems to be working. thanks for this and diet too. this will help


Thank you for this information!
So what do I do if my dog is pregnant to help with worms?
Also with the puppies when they come?


Great info. The hand talking was hypnotizing
