6 Ways to Treat a Sore Throat at Home (Natural Remedies and Cures)

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What are the best Natural Remedies and Cures for treating a sore throat at home?

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➡️ Chamomile Tea
Not only is it a tasty drink, but chamomile tea is also great for soothing and providing relief for a sore throat. It contains different compounds that are loaded with anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and pain-relieving properties. While the chamomile properties of the tea help to naturally treat the sore throat, if you warm up the temperature, this has soothing benefits as well.

➡️ Gargle Saltwater
You’ve likely heard of this one because it's a natural home remedy that seems to get passed down from generation to generation. The reason it has such staying power because it works. Saltwater is a hypertonic solution that works to draw the liquids that are inside of the cells to the surface.

➡️ Chicken Soup
Chicken soup isn’t just good for the soul. It’s great for the throat as well. Studies found that chicken soup can inhibit neutrophil migration which is what causes the throat to become sore and inflamed when an infection is present. There are a couple of things to keep in mind, though.

➡️ Marshmallow Root
If you've browsed the interwebs for any period of time, you've probably seen marshmallows listed as a remedy for a sore throat. Unfortunately, that’s just an urban legend. However, marshmallow root, on the other hand, can do the trick when it comes to treating a sore throat.

➡️ Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne Pepper, and Clover Honey
Over recent years, apple cider vinegar has been promoted as a cure for almost everything it seems. From losing weight to improving skin, many act as if it contains miracle-working ingredients. All you have to do is combine a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with three teaspoons of clover honey and one teaspoon of cayenne pepper. Mix it in a glass of warm water and drink it.

➡️ Licorice Root
Licorice root is a rare natural remedy that is popular in both Eastern and Western medicine. It's been used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including colds and sore throats.




Medicine and Respiratory Therapy are continuously changing practices. The information in this video is for educational and entertainment purposes only. For medical advice, please consult with a physician or qualified medical professional.


0:00 - Intro
1:07 - Chamomile Tea
1:51 - Gargle Saltwater
2:31 - Chicken Soup
3:19 - Marshmallow Root
4:38 - Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne Pepper, and Clover Honey
5:28 - Licorice Root



#SoreThroat #SoreThroatCures #HomeRemedies
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I feel empathy for everyone with a sore throat right now.


I never thought it would hurt THIS BADLY


When it's 3am and you just tryina fix your throat to go back to sleep 🙃


Thats why be thankful to God next time when you arent sick i never did until now im watching those videos for my sore throat!


I have sore throat combined with wisdom tooth pain 🙂🙃 can't describe how hell it hurts


Thank you soooo much! I did the honey teaspoon, marshmallow root, the tea, and put salt and baking soda in a warm water. This made a difference instantly within 20 minutes. My throat has been hurting all day up until now. Your a life saver


Beneficial home remedies ... salt with warm water is effective.


For any of you guys that have sore throats, a remedy that I use that works is using steam, just get a random pot, fill it up with water and put it on the gas until it starts boiling. Then grab a blanket, hover your head over the pot and put the blanket over you and then inhale with your mouth. This will help hydrate the throat and make it more moist


I've been doing salt with warm water for 2 days now, but I seen your remedy about apple cider vinegar with honey and cayenne pepper. I'm trying that right now. I've only had two sips and I already feel relief.
Thank you very much for making this video.


Right now the pain is killing me....thats why i came here.


Chamomile tea with honey is one of the best natural grandma remedies for sore throat. I love it and use it every morning and evening.


I now have a sore throat for three days now. And the first day of having this sore throat was hell


to get rid of sore throat in one day .
- eat one peppermint
- then drink chamomile tea
- then eat a vapo cool severe throat lozenge
• You can find all of these in your local grocery store



I've been having a sore throat for 3 days this video helped


I have a kings island trip with my crush Thursday and today I woke up with a sore throat. I’ll try anything.


I had a sore thoart 2 times and they both lasted for 2 months! Thank you for this viddd


An old Russian remedy is raspberries crushed and boiled with local honey added, it's like a raspberry honey tea. Or warmed milk with local honey.


Guys let me tell a very simple method by which I got relief in just on day.
1. As u wake up drink a glass of water at a time interval of 10 minutes for one hour.

2. Next drink 2 teaspoons of honey but swallow it as slow as u can.(u already can fell a bit relief)

3. Drink a cup of tea with some ginger and pepper added (needs to be hot).

Now u should feel a bit better.
But if u can't beat the pain gargle with some salt water.

Thank u👍👍


There is a a tea in most grocery stores called throat coat tea. It contains both marshmallow root and licorice root. It’s amazing for sore throat and it’s very sweet so even my kids happily drink it.


This was so helpful and it is a life saver! I was going to go on a plane but when I got my sore throat I thought I would not be able to go but once I tried that tea it helped!
