[CLASSIFIED] 'Only a Few People On Earth Know About It'

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I’m here to say and let you know that god is very real. Every time I was down bad, no money, no job, depressed I prayed onto him and every single time he has come through for me. I now have a job and my own place! God bless!


There's a book called money's hidden magic, and it talks about how using some secret tehniques you can attract a lot of money, it's not some bullshit law of attraction, it's the real deal


I understood that every hardship is a blessing.
This is the exact experience that one faces when having bad times. I'll, broken, sadness, empty pocket, betrayed and failure.
And the harder the hardship the more power you gain.


It's like when you get a feeling someone is looking at you without you being able to see them, you turn around and someone is there looking directly at you. You knew it, but you didn't see it. Energy we can't see and haven't been told we can use, so we don't know.


I had a dream when I was 20, I asked God to show me where I would live when I’m 60. It was a log cabin in Pacific Northwest, but I thought it was a past life because of the cabin. I know today live in that cabin!


Was waiting for my car to warm up in the winter of 2011. I was sitting up straight with my eyes closed, just chillin. Suddenly, in a flash of a fraction of a second, I see myself driving and a deer jumps out in front of me. The deer slams into my windshield (I drove a small car).
It jolted me, my eyes burst open, and I gasped. As I made the drive home, I began to notice this looked like the flash. I looked down at my speedometer, and I was going about 45. I slowed it down by about 10mph, and a few seconds later, a deer ran across the road.

I pulled over and began to weep. I couldn't help it. It just I'm kind of a stoic dude, so this was strange. It was just very overwhelming what I had just witnessed.

If any scientist can prove that event was not my mind going into that special state, I'll kiss their ass. I know what I saw. I was awake. It was the most intense feeling I'd ever felt in my life, and I will never forget it.


I swear i had a teacher in greece who's main class was chemistry. Although a casual day she started telling us a whole mindset theory that everything comes from nothing and that nothing is that calm state this wise man says. Everyone thought she was on drugs but she knew exactly what she was talking about. I still think most of the people still dont get it but i trust the process. her name was Zagotsi ! Shot out to her for taking that brake to open about something bigger in purpose. For sure she made at least on of his students see the whole thing different.


When I was 14yrs old I had a dream I met a brunette girl with long hair who I had two daughters with . Long story short when I was 16 I met a brunette girl and I’ve been with her for over 25yrs and we have two daughters together . Crazy how the universe works . I’ve had dreams like these my whole life and I take them very seriously.


I've had near death experiences and I felt so much love and peace that I didn't want to come back! I didn't go through a tunnel or anything like that but I could feel God's love! I love God!❤❤❤❤


You wouldn't believe how many chances God gives us to choose to become better humans . I've experienced all of these things and didn't think I'd live to see 30 . I'm 60 and still want to live . Only now not for me but for others and especially Jesus . Hallelujah


1.Accept death then you understand life.
2.Accept failure/weaknesses then you understand hardships.
3.Accept denial then you understand acceptance 🙂


All I know is everytime I've been so down and truly begged god for just a simple opportunity then I've always had a miracle pop up within the near future


5 minutes 10 seconds in he starts. 1 Meditate 2 calm your mind
3 Ask yourself what it is. 4 Am I sensing this or guessing? 5 Once you're sensing it you're mind will begin to know.
6 Practice Practice
Then you'll begin to know when you are fabricating or knowing.
Develop a mindful state
Trust the being -ness of knowing


My bf and I were trauma bonding a couple weeks ago. He has family that’s abandoned him and mine were just emotionally disregulated. He had a grandma that took him upon her wing and passed away when he was young. When we moved in together and he educated me about her… I immediately felt her presence. he started bawling😥


Have had this happen twice in my life. Once as a child and once as a teenager. The one that really stuck with me though was when I had a dream that I was riding a bike down my hill and I couldn’t stop. I put my feet down but nothing helped. I rode all the way down the hill into a wooden fence and on impact I woke up. Didn’t really think about it. But a few months later I had to go get my little brother from the neighbors house. I took his bike not thinking anything of it. But once I started going down the hill I remembered the brakes were out. Tried to stop with my feet but I didn’t have shoes on so I got concrete burn on the bottoms of my feet. About half way down I realized what was about to happen. I knew it was the only way to stop and I aimed right for the fence. Ended up having to crawl back up the hill because the skin was gone on my feet. It genuinely scared me for a while and I was scared to dream. I partially think that’s why I can’t remember my dreams anymore.


I was a hopeless drug addict. Went to jail a few times. Homeless, lost everything in life. I had nothing, nobody, and kept overdosing, but somehow stayed alive to keep living the nightmare. I went to treatment (again), and out of desperation begged God yet again to guide me and carry me until I could stand on my own again. And I believed he would. That was key. He carried me, and still holds me up sometimes. I'm getting everything back now. I've been sober for awhile. I have my own place, decent job, starting school in the fall, and mending relationships with my family. Even on the worst days I always have my faith, and that is enough for me. As long as I have that I know I have a chance. I am so grateful and love Yahweh and Yeshua unconditionally for the blessings that have been bestowed upon me.


My husband's lost his key and I concentrated deeply within me and I told him exactly where it was. 🤗


I am just delving back into spiritualism [all encompassing] which interested me in my younger years. Then life struck and the treadmill didn't stop until retirement. I am awe struck at what I am learning vs the treadmill I left behind. I am truly thankful for the internet and those who share ths knowledge. Thank you for this video.


Since I was 5, I have had dreams, & seen visions that would come to pass quickly, or later on. This has happened over, over, over, over. There have been messages about my family, associates, people I have not seen in decades, and even world events.


One New Year’s Eve night, I had my friend (my designated driver) drive me and another friend home after leaving a party. I was very drunk and fell asleep on the passenger side of my car. In my dream, I saw us driving down the highway exactly as were were in real life. And I watched us veer off to the left and go over the guardrail, falling and falling into the tops of some trees that were below. I screamed and woke up to see us actually going off the left side of the road…literally seconds away from that guardrail. Thanks be to God that I screamed the way I did because I woke up my friend who had fallen asleep at the wheel. I am in tears full of gratitude as I type this because I know it was because of the grace of God that we’re all still alive. Unfortunately, I have never experienced anything like this since. And coming across this video I am intrigued to learn how I can develop this skill.

Update: I am no longer seeking to develop this “skill” and I was wrong to ever think that I should. The Most High has led me this far, that is more than sufficient!!!
