10 Foods You'll Never Eat Again After Knowing How They Are Made | REACTION

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10 Foods You'll Never Eat Again After Knowing How They Are Made | REACTION



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I lived in India for almost a year and my husband would not let me eat any where outside of the house. Thank God he loves me enough to protect me from the situation I could have been in. He is Nepali and lived in India for 6 years and knew what he was doing.


You gotta watch this “vegan” food too. HIGHLY processed.


This is why I pray before ALL of my meals. Even in the US I think it's worse than we are willing to admit to ourselves. I've seen too many people walking and digging in their arseholes, their noses, not washing hands after going to the bathroom, the whole gambit...


I am Japanese, and I got to say that we don't eat doughnuts with bees in it. Please don't get China and Japan confused.


Dude, I've been making my own vanilla extract, breads & ice cream. Also buying grass-fed beef (other meats/fish too) & organic fruits & veggies, etc. This pandemic, while horrible, has made me focus on being self-sufficient & live a more natural life-style. No, I'm not vegan, paleo, keto or whatever. I'm just being more mindful. Be well.


One more thing! I am a retired longshoreman, and when I was younger, I worked in Crockett, California at the C & H sugar plant. Nothing but longshoreman work the sugar in the hold of the ship. Our job was to sweep the sugar from the bulkheads to the center of the hold, so that the deck crane could pick it up! I saw with my own eyes working in the hold of that ship, were fellow longshoreman urinating and defecating in the bulkheads of the ship, trying to hide in the corner where the sugar was, because they were too lazy to climb up the ladder to the dock which was 4o to 60 feet, and about 100 yards to the bathroom once on the dock! I spoke to my boss about it and he said, the sugar has to pass through a processor which sterilizes the sugar going through the pipes! And there’s nothing to worry about! Needless to say, I stop eating sugar, not because I’m a diabetic, but because of what I’ve seen! I had just started that job, so I couldn’t speak to anyone else in fear of losing my position in the industry! Sorry!


In summary - avoid all street food when traveling 🤢


"I ain never that hungy i ain't never that hungry !"lmaoo i felt that 🤣🤣🤣


FYI: Did you all also know that they are higher standards to make dog and cat food there are stricter guidelines for them to be able to sell the food for the animals however there are less quality standards for the human consume food pay attention. Some dog food even has whitening capabilities for the dog say they have more vitamins and minerals and more nutrients in them than we do in our own food there a lot of preservatives and a lot of additives that cannot and will not be used for animal consumption however we are able to consume it so please read your labels folks


“ Imma go to the front yard and eat me some grass” don’t do that dre 😂😂😂


I don’t know what kind of vanilla extract is that but coining from the Caribbean and growing up back in the islands my grandma made her own vanilla extract from the vanilla bean. She was a naturalist she made a lot of her own spices, hot sauce things like that because she always said she never trusted man made products.


I've been trying to lose weight thank you for the motivation.


That why we Black people say Grace before and after the meal some even pray while eating.... Lord don't let this fish bone get caught in my throat🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


*It’s crazy how this 18 minutes and 26 seconds video educated tf out of me better than my Biology & Food Education college courses. I don’t think I want no more humans cooking for me! I’ll cook my own food and definitely be reading the ingredients on the labels from now on. And continue to pray over all my food before eating anything.* 💯🤢🤮


THIS is why I ALWAYS pray🙏 & say grace over my food. Even if I cooked the food myself; because, I don't know who handled the food before it got to the grocery store or who handled it while it was in the store before I bought it. A few years ago, my cousin sent me a video she saw on Facebook where researchers in a country in South America showed how they make bread 🍞 from roaches 🪳they grow & harvest themselves in their labs. 🤢🤮 ☠ ⚰


Thats why I cook my own food. Everything from main dishes to dessert. Stopped using food dyes and fake vanilla flavoring years ago. Get some vodka and vanilla beans, you have vanilla for life.


In the US, the USDA allows a certain percentage of bugs to be sold in foods packaged in factories 🤢


I lost it when you said, “Who said this shit was okay!?” 😂😂😂


My cousin was in hospital for a month after visiting India in 2017. She literally lost 50lns and looked like she was dying at the end. Don't eat street food n don't drink tab water there🤢
Today's lesson: don't eat Asian street food/food outside the u.s. Period🤮🤮🤮


To all those people that laughed at me for traveling with my Quaker oatmeal packets, meal replacement shake packets, & my blender bottle in my suitcase...

After seeing this, I'm Thanking God I listened to my gut.
