Top 10 Surprising Foods You Should NEVER Reheat At All Costs (But Why?)

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✅ Rice
It may seem harmless, but According to Food Standards Agency, you can suffer from food poisoning by eating reheated rice. This is because rice contains highly resistant bacteria called Bacillus Cereus.

✅ Spinach
Leftover spinach is definitely no one's favorite snack, but there is also a paramount health concern stopping you from reheating this leafy green. Spinach and other vegetables with a high nitrate content can be carcinogenic when reheated.

✅ Breast Milk or Formula
It is so temptingly convenient for new parents to reheat baby milk in the microwave in the middle of the night or day when the child is cranky. You can warm up breast milk and formula as well as baby food in a pot over the stove, but microwaving should be avoided at all costs as it can hurt your baby.

✅ Eggs
Eggs are a staple in many dishes in every cuisine, but few people know that eggs or egg-containing meals are pretty likely to cause health problems when reheated. According to the Food and Drug Administration, reheating eggs or dishes containing eggs as an ingredient that has been left out for more than an hour or two can cause food poisoning by the group of bacteria, Salmonella.

✅ Mushrooms
Mushrooms should be consumed as soon as they are prepared. They are a powerhouse of proteins and minerals, so reheating causes the further breakdown of the protein compounds into non-digestive end products, causing havoc in your gastrointestinal tract.

✅ Potatoes
Potatoes are a staple in many meals and are often kept as leftovers when people are unable to finish their meals. When you leave out cooked potatoes for too long, the warm temperatures tend to promote the growth of the bacteria, Clostridium botulinum, commonly found in potatoes.

✅ Seafood
Seafood that has been caught and immediately frozen is safe to consume at a later date. However, you should be wary of cooked or fresh seafood that has been left out at room temperature for too long. It might be harboring bacteria, and reheating will not kill these bacteria.

✅ Chicken and Processed Meat
Chicken in the restaurant and processed meat, in general, are usually cooked twice, just like the French fries we discussed earlier. Due to this reason, they ultimately result in chewy and tough bites when reheated for the third time.

✅ Celery
Celery is another vegetable with high amounts of nitrates, so it is just not safe to reheat it. These can release toxic, unhealthy compounds, which are cancerous in nature and highly harmful to the human body. It is usually eaten raw, but some dishes contain celery as an ingredient, such as bolognese and soup.

✅ Beets
Again just like celery and spinach, beetroot is also a high nitrate-containing vegetable that should not be reheated at any cost. These nitrates release carcinogens when reheated, which could potentially cause changes in a cell’s DNA, leading to cancer and other fatal diseases.


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#horizonshealth #nutrition #foodstonoreheat

Top 10 surprising foods you should never reheat at all costs (but why?)
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I just reheated rice and spinach and ate it while watching this 😭


There are studies that show that cooling and heating leftover rice (and pasta) is beneficial. I cook rice and inmmediately refrigerate what I am not going to eat. I reheat it and I never had any problems. You should revise your advise, it is a lot of wasred food.


What a bunch of what ifs. I am 82. I guess I must be a super human. I have been eating reheated foods my whole life. The big problem with todays food is all the chemicals added by the food companies. This Horizons Health gets a thumbs down.


I must be the luckiest 70 year old person on the planet. This might be all scientific, but in the realm of my life, it is all nonsense.


I love fried rice made with scrambled eggs, bacon, and green onions. I've been making and reheating fried rice for over 50 years and have NEVER had food poisoning or any discomfort at all from reheated fried rice (or any other kind of rice) with these ingredients. I never leave leftover food on the counter to cool for more than 30 minutes before covering it and putting it in the fridge. I also make many dishes that contain mushrooms, potatoes, chicken, and/or celery that I've reheated in the microwave the next day and have never had food poisoning or discomfort from reheating them either. I NEVER USE FOIL to cover foods I put in the fridge; I only use foil for cooking, never for storing. I do agree about not reheating spinach, seafood, or processed meat because their flavor does go off and food poisoning is a risk. If you keep your kitchen and utensils clean (use only a clean utensil each time you taste while cooking!) and put leftovers in the fridge within 30-45 minutes of stopping their cooking, your risk of food poisoning is non-existent unless some ingredient in the dish was bad to begin with (which you should have noticed while preparing it). You CAN put food that is still warm (not HOT) in the fridge - just vent your lid or plastic wrap if the food is still warm and don't let the warm dish touch other dishes or containers on your fridge shelf. If you have glass shelves in your fridge, put a mat or a cutting board underneath warm dishes do you don't crack your shelf. NEVER TIGHTLY COVER anything that's still warm when you put it in your fridge - your food can sour or create a bacteria-friendly environment - just leave the lid ajar or vent the saran wrap then go back into the fridge an hour or so later when the food has chilled and tighten down the lid or the saran wrap covering it. No one has ever gotten food poisoning from food that's been prepared in my kitchen - and I've been cooking since the mid-1960's.


Seriously? I have been reheating these foods since i was a girl. Im 35 now


I am not reheating food in the microwave, only in gas stove.


A couple of minutes in an air fryer brings French Fries back to life.


First best reason not to put eggs in the microwave is because they can explode. Even removing the shell doesnt help. You gotta slice em up.
About general reheating. I really dont think many of the mentioned foods are dangerous at all IF you follow basic safety measures.
Minimize exposure to room temperature at all costs. Either store it in the fridge or cook it. Same goes for leftovers.
Let it cool down as quickly as possible and into the fridge it goes.
Aside of that, some things are just really bad for reheating. Like fries.


If the rice reheating was correct, everyone in Southern Louisiana would be dead.


It’s stupid to worry about reducing nutritional value, since the nutritional value will be zero if you toss it into the garbage can. Now, toxic effects and other dangers are certainly another matter.


How am I still Alive??..I reheat everything 😮


Are you a scientist pls keep your options to your self we have eaten this foods and we preheat them all the time


Do you know the best way to eat rice with less carbs? Cooked rice left overnight in fridge and reheat, not in microwave, that way high carb in rice reduced significantly from converting into sugar .
If you save leftover food in a well clean closed container in fridge and reheat when you eat again is safe. I am been doing that for decades, specially on the days I pack food lunch to work, who doesn't? Nothing harmful happened, same with other people. All depending your sanitary


I remember when micros first hit the market in the US. One of the major selling points as I was told is that micros heat more evenly😂😢😮😅😊


Thank you for caring and keeping us informed 🙏. Happy Holidays!


I suspect much of the fried rice you get at restaurants is reheated.😮


Rice should be cooked the previous day for making egg fried rice the next day for best results.


Besides the breast milk and sea food, I have reheated all these my whole life and I'm a senior and nothing has ever happened.


Very informative and helpful indeed! Thank you so much! God bless the channel! From philippines! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
