How to Fix a Large Hole in the Wall -- by Home Repair Tutor

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Do you need to learn how to fix a large hole in the wall? Maybe someone decided to place Mike Tyson's Punchout with your drywall?
We've got you covered. This video will walk you through step-by-step how to fix a hole that's bigger than 6x6 inches. And in the end nobody will notice there was a hole.
The first step is to access the situation and measure the hole where it's the largest. Some areas of the hole might be smaller than others and that's why you what to figure out the largest dimension, both length and width.
Take these measurements and transpose them on a new piece of drywall. Cut that piece to size and place it over the hole. Trace the outline of the new piece on the wall and cut along the marks with a drywall saw.
You might want to make the new hole be slightly bigger than than old one, like 1/8 of an inch. This way the new drywall piece will fit perfectly.
I prefer mixing up setting-type joint compound because it can dry faster than pre-mixed joint compound. Apply a 6 inch wide by 3/16 thick layer of joint compound over the horizontal butt joint between the old drywall and new piece. Then embed paper tape on that joint and smooth it out.
In the video I'll give you specific instructions on how to do all this.
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