The Point Chris Rosebrough Concedes Jim Staley Is Right About The Sabbath Debate

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This is the moment Chris Rosebrough made Jim's Case
On May 10th, at 5:30pm, two Christian pastors shared the stage to debate a profound biblical question: Should Christians keep the Sabbath? Each man presented his case. This event was presented in front of a live audience at Passion for Truth Fellowship and was streamed live to thousands who tuned in.

The Participants
Jim Staley - is the director of Passion for Truth Ministries and Pastor/Teacher of Passion for Truth Fellowship in St. Charles, MO. He has been featured on God's Learning Channel, Sky Angel Network, WorldNetDaily, Sid Roth's It's Supernatural program and many others. His teachings and messages are heard daily and weekly on radio stations around the country and are translated into multiple languages and broadcasted into Christian television stations around the world. For years, Jim was an evangelical Christian apologist in the St. Louis area, teaching Bible study classes and equipping Christians to better defend their faith and evangelize. Since 2007 he has dedicated his life to helping believers further understand the Christian Roots of their faith by diving into the original cultural context, language and idiomatic expressions and how to apply them today.

Chris Rosebrough - is a Christian apologist, captain of Pirate Christian Radio, host of the Fighting for the Faith radio program, and Pastor at Kongsvinger Lutheran Church in Oslo, MN. He has been featured on the History Channel 2's series, The Bible Rules, and is a regular guest on the radio program, Issues, Etc., on KFUO in St. Louis. He has lectured at several conferences in the USA, and has been featured with prominent Christian authors and theologians such as, Phil Johnson & Dr. James White. Chris has a degree in religious studies & Biblical Languages.
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What’s interesting is that all Christians believe that we need to keep 10 commendments and every church has them but we are still debating about keeping sabbath.


How does 'Say that again" in a baffled tone translate into I concede?


I though the title of this video was very disingenuous and unfair to Chris. This would be bearing false witness don't ya think? Did Chris, ever say "I give up you win?" If not  you are willfully misrepresenting the man, and that is breaking the  9th commandment which say's thou shall not bear false witness.


People, it is OK to keep the Sabbath, Jim shows you where in the Bible it says this. What is the debate? Those that say it was changed to another day? If one of the Ten Commandments was changed, that's a big deal, and we should see where scriptures says that a commandment was changed. Jesus taught us many things, if he wanted us to replace Sunday as the Sabbath, HE WOULD HAVE TOLD US, especially after is resurrection when he met with the apostles. Wouldn't this have been high on this list to teach us, this new day to keep the Sabbath. Yes, you can worship on Sunday, but the Sabbath is always, forever and ever the 7th day. It is such a blessing to keep, it is our engagement ring!


I grew up in the church and don't recall hearing about the Sabbath I was told about it a few years ago. I too was sceptical. Prayed a lot about it, asked for him for confirmation, guidance. God is so good. I have no doubt the sabbath is an absolute blessing!!In this crazy world who wouldn't want to dedicate a day for him! one that he also sanctified. Our lives have been so blessed since we started really trusting in Gods word, our relationship with him. Read your bible, ask for HIS guidance, confirmation. It's a blessing


Wait a second who made this video? This is very deceptive, and I am offended, according to the entry picture in the list it says he gives up but the video is cut off before he gives any answer.


Christian Pastors on the Torah:

"The Old Testament is done away with"

On tithing:

"Let's turn to Malachi"


You all keep saying funny how the video cuts off before he can respond. It doesn't matter if he does or not. There is no response. Nowhere in the scripture did. Jesus change the sabbath to Sunday. Constantine and the roman catholic church changed it.


My point exactly. We must obey the Shabbat .


Christ became our Sabbath. We can approach The Throne of God any day of the week. Any time of day. We don’t need a temple or man (priest/rabbi etc.). Sabbath properly translated means ‘rest’. Without Christ, one has no rest.


Where is the rest of this?! I'd love to see it. Christians are waking up. The Sabbath was instituted at creation. What a delight to keep God's commandments!


Funny how the video cuts off before he can respond.


Why did you edit the clip to hide the response Chris gave? He clearly didn't submit to the point, and he clearly rebutted it in the full clip. This is deceptive editing.


God's true sabbath will always prevail, and will set you free.."The sabbath was made for man and not man for the sabbath" amen


I didn't see the part where he conceded. Am I missing something?


Christ is our Sabbath rest, this debate is futile


Keep the Sabbath and the rest of the commandments and love Yah as he requests


The Sabbath controversy is probably the most obvious way to show who the sheep vs goats are. Sheep= ROM 8:4... Goats = ROM 8:7. Sheep = ACTS 5:29 ...Goats=MATT 15:14


Staley doesn't get it, Jesus IS our Sabbath rest.


The law is still the same and the covenant was new by the fact that God would put his law on their minds and heart ( Jeremiah 31:31-34). Does it get more clear than (Matthew 5:17-18). If your still on earth than the laws are the same? Does one steal, does one lie, does one commit adultery? I'm truly confused on what the argument is about, because anything outside of God's law is honestly giving atheism a valid point. If their is no moral law or laws change with time then why bother with a changing God from one book to the next. You see, so the laws have to be binding.
