@MikeWinger tried to slip his false teaching into the Bible. #christian #bible #catholic

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Advice for Mike Winger supporters:

This video is a “Short”. It is a clip from a much longer episode (which has been linked in the description since the day this “Short” was posted).

If you feel the need to leave a comment, then you might want to watch the full video, that way you can prevent yourself from writing something stupid.

Or… you can skip the full video, and just leave a stupid comment, which we can then highlight in a video that shows how a lack of education and a disregard for common sense are keeping Protestantism alive.

Your choice. God bless!


Mike Winger is the last Bible teacher i would be worried about. He admits when he’s wrong, thinks critically and tries his best to do the Lord’s work. His life is reflective of Christ in so many ways


Hmmm I am not sure what your point is in this video. Mike is advocating that we follow the Biblical gospel as opposed to any false gospel. My brother, we have bigger battles to fight than this, especially since it seems like a misrepresentation of Mike's view.


Dude took 5 seconds of Mike's video out of context just to make it seem like Mike's talking about some random false gospel we've all received. The Gospel message Paul preached to the galatians is the same gospel message which has been preached before and after the galatians and that is the only gospel.


I’ve seen enough Mike Winger to know that anyone who accuses him of false teaching or any kind of trickery is the one doing the false teaching or trickery.


Try and get clicks some other way besides caricaturing and misinterpreting a solid and faithful Bible teacher like Mike Winger.


so we're taking a snippet out of context for clicks? got it!


Thats a mischaracterization of what Mike said and you know it. He said contrary to the gospel preached originally. Not contrary to what you've heard today.


Mike Winger one the best Bible teachers on YouTube 💥


I’m so glad basically every comment is calling this video out for the slanderous clickbait that it is.


Lol I love how all the comments are just defending Mike. Winger is the most solid teacher on YouTube and isn’t scared to say “I don’t know” on things.


This guys plan backfired. Lol Praise God!!


My gosh let’s split hairs some more. Mike is an excellent teacher and a very Godly man. Nobody doubts this. The caption for this video is gross.


So... Winger's mistake was in that he assumed that:
1. Paul's gospel was the same as the gospels we have today.
2. Holy Spirit speaks to us through His word even though Paul wrote this letter to Galatians. In this case, we would read scriptures as if it were addressed to us for our guidance.

To address the first point,
1. Paul summarizes his gospel multiple times in the epistles. It's no different in its teaching than the rest of the scripture.
2. All scripture is God-breathed... it means that scripture can not contradict itself. If Paul preached the gospel, and Peter also preached the gospel, and the gospel is understood in a certain way and laid out by John, I would have no problem believing that Paul and Peter taught the essential aspects of the gospel message without contradicting John.

Seeing as to how many sermons are not classes on biblical exegesis and are intended to teach in a language acceptable and easily relatable to the audience, I have no problem with this.

When you are just simply picking on him, one might conclude that you've got nothing else on him. You've got to be smarter than this!


No this is hater nonsense. Winger teaches solid doctrine.


Pastor Mike Winger is a great guy. He does not mislead or misintepret the Bible. The Catholics teach a false gospel


This video didn’t go anywhere. It stated the obvious, things Mike Winger wouldn’t disagree with, as if they were refutations of his point, then the video flips and agrees it can be applied in the way Mike Winger applied it. So I guess he’s not wrong?


It is truly unbelievably insane that you’re going against Mike Winger who’s a solid biblical teacher to promote the Roman Catholicism which is NO WHERE NEAR the Biblical Church that Jesus established.


You literally just said that Mike was incorrect and then explained exactly what he meant in his short video. Considering Galatians as a teaching tool, we can infer that comparing the teachings of others to the teachings of the Bible is proper wisdom. From what I can tell, you are assuming Mike was referring to comparing the teachings of others to more random teachings. Sounds like a straw man argument to me.


God bless mike winger, he is a great teacher
