How to Push-Start a Car with a Dead Battery
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Left your lights on at the mall again? Here's how to get your car started without the use of jumper cables.
Step 1: Turn ignition on
Turn your ignition to the "on" position.
Step 2: Engage clutch; put into gear
Press the clutch firmly to the floor and put the car into gear.
First or second gear will work, but try second gear to reduce the jolt when the vehicle starts.
Step 3: Push car
Have your friend or friends push the car until you have achieved a speed of five to 10 miles per hour.
Let your friends know when you are about to pop the clutch so that they can get out of the way.
Step 4: Release clutch
Release the clutch pedal slowly.
Don't be afraid to give the engine a little gas at this stage, but not too much.
Step 5: Drive
Drive for a short distance after you feel the car start; just to make sure that the vehicle is actually running. Don't forget to go back for your friends.
Did You Know?
On average there is over 3,000 feet of wiring in every car.