How I Work 14 Hours a Day (Without Losing Focus)

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The Average Net Worth in the country I came from, Portugal, was 44 thousand euros.

A flight from New York to Hong Kong on Lufthansa 1st class costs 43 thousand euros.

Non-the-less, there are 50,000 millionaires in Portugal, and 5.2 million in the world. And most started from scratch.

So where are them? Where do multi-millionaires have meetings? How do they earn in a month what the "average" earns in a year?

These are the questions I had growing up. When you're raised by a single mother, where everything around you is little and scarce. A little apartment. A little country. Opportunities won't easily fall on your lap...

But If you have what I had.

An extraordinary ambition.

An obsession with fulfilling my mission, whatever the cost.

Then you might actually make it, from the mud to the marble.

I'm still not even close to where I must be... Far from it.

But most average, complacent people would say I'm pretty successful.

Yes sir, a couple hundred thousand a year is pretty decent...

If you have little goals.

No one has ever changed the world with a few hundred thousand £$€.

"Good intentions" won't move the needle. Only millions of dollars, hard work, and bold bets will. That's the truth.

We've only got one shot at changing the world. In the most literal sense of the word.
So I'm making sure mine counts.

I suggest you do the same.
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Amazing content!!1 Thanks for sharing Tomás 💪
