Why I'm able to work 12 hours a day with 100% focus - 6 ONE-MINUTE Habits

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Honestly, my secret weapon in life has been the ability to focus more intensely and for longer than the vast majority of other people. Intense focus, leading to a better understanding of concepts and mental clarity, IS THE SKLL that got me outstanding grades at Cambridge University and keeps me at the top of my game in my job as a corporate lawyer 🔥

So, in this video, I share some of the tiny one-minute habits that keep me focused working 12-14 hour days as a corporate lawyer at a top London law firm. These "micro habits" are individually small tweaks to your daily routine, but together and over time, they compound to have a hugely positive impact on your ability to work for long hours in a state of flow. So yeh, prepare to have your focus and concentration radically improved by a handful of magical habits 🙌

00:00 6 One-Minute Habits That Keep Me Focused
00:52 Time Yourself To Distraction
02:42 Set Personal Deadlines
04:45 Plan to Work in Waves
06:20 Menos - My Brand for Young Professionals
07:37 Smile
09:42 Set a Daily Non-Negotiable
10:01 Plan at the End of your Day


Menos - Minimalist, sustainable design (by Liam & Beth)


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... The course walks you through how to build your customised version of my insanely powerful (but simple) Trello productivity system (aka the app that keeps me focused for 10 hours per day!) 📱


About Me

I'm a lawyer, part-time YouTuber, son, brother, startup founder, fiancé, black coffee drinker and plant dad. I graduated from Cambridge University (where I studied French and Spanish), topped my law school class and now work for a corporate law firm in London as a trainee solicitor (which takes up a lot of my time)!

Around that, I'm a big fan of discovering new ways of thinking, of balancing work with life, and of performing to the very best of my ability. Ohh, and being happy. And I try to share all that on this YouTube channel 😀

Fun fact: I believe we massively overplay the role of “natural talent” 😮 AND… I also believe that TOGETHER, WE ARE ALL CAPABLE OF POSITIVITY, PRODUCTIVITY AND SUCCESS.


Information, views and opinions depicted in this video are my own. Information visible on screens or in documents does not relate to my work as a lawyer for clients.
Рекомендации по теме

The last habit tip was so helpful, especially for me. I used to have a hard time falling asleep because I would spend hours thinking about what I need to do the next day. Now, I just follow the tip and it has made a huge difference.


Just a quick word of encouragement - your videos are simply the very best I have ever seen. 100% pro, entertaining, charming and educational. Well done x


This is the first video of yours I have seen, and I really enjoy what you're doing. I like your style of narration and storytelling, as well the content you are actually presenting. These are really great and doable tips, rather than the usual productivity YouTube outlining a whole crazy schedule. You could easily take even just one of these tips and benefit greatly from it. I also like your transparency, especially when talking about timing your focus, it made you and the video feel more relatable - while you still mantain your authority in the subject due to your tips being so good.

Currently watching your brand ad for the backpacks, and honestly I love it. The fact that the one ad in this video is for your own brand, incredibly inline with your niche and demographic, and done in a very cool way with the bags being recycled. It doesn't feel so much like a normal ad, it is actually congrusive to the video, selling what seems to be a legitimately good product, that is also good for the earth. I love it man, keep it up. You got a sub from me


This was a great video, thanks for sharing. Im going to implement the timer, as when I time block, I think I’m overly ambitious about how long I can stay focused for maybe timing myself will help me plan on my day more effectively knowing that I can really only focus for 45 to 90 minutes at a time


the 30 sec intro made me sub
holy shit that was an awesome video intro, you made it to the point without even talking


Wow that bit about the Sydney Opera House! Great tips thank you.


The thing I love about your videos is they are not just a list of a bunch of good ideas. This is value rich content that I can actually take into my real life and apply starting tomorrow morning. I’m so happy I found this channel. Keep up the good work. Thank you.


Amazing Tips, Liam! Thank you so much :)


Yooo the editing is dope!! I hope the youtube algorithm notices this


I am Brazilian. And I love your video productions


I loved the video! I am trying to apply each of these tips to improve the quality of my days.


Really cool vidéo ! I'll watch it tomorrow


Just bought the bag, and this video has been super helpful, thank you.


First-time viewer and subscribed to the first video. Great content.


"The training was hard, but i told myself suffer now, and live the rest of your life like a champion “ - Muhammad Ali
The best part of staying focused like this is that you can work really hard for only 2, 3 years and set up the rest of your life


Those noises in the intro are soo soo sooo satisfying


Very inspiring personality and amazingly done video!thank you!


So helpful for my investment banking life too lol btw u look great in suite !


Who is proud of working 12 hours a day? I did a 10 hour shift once and swore to myself that I would never do that again


I sat outside yesterday and set the timer for 15 minutes, Ended up being out for 35! It felt good after walking to get a coffee. I need to do this more for walks and getting outside.
