How To Train Aggressive CHIHUAHUA

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How To Train Aggressive CHIHUAHUA. If your dog or puppy is being aggressive to other dogs then today you can learn how to deal with this.


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Here on The Fenrir Chihuahua Show we make videos about man’s best friend so if this is your first time here don’t forget to subscribe! These videos are made and aimed at adults in a stage of their life to purchase or adopt a dog, we want to help them choose the right breed and become excellent canine leaders to help end the number of dogs that end up in shelters.

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#Chihuahua #dogtraining #FenrirCanineLeaders
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I’m sorry but he didn’t give us any tips on how to train an aggressive dog. He just pitched his training program


I have a rescue 9 year old. She was seriously abused and almost starved to death when we got her. Now 4 years later she's a happy health more trusting doggy. But she's still dog aggressive. I'm excited to learn new ways to live with her.


We got our chihuahua when he was 8 weeks old (he's almost 9 months old now) and most of our training has worked out well, for example potty training, going on walks and so on. The majority of the time he is a very sweet and playful dog but out of nowhere he can get outbursts of aggression where he either bites our feet or barks a lot. Trying to distract his biting with a toy fails 95% of the time and we give him a treat when he manages to stop, but other times he just keeps going regardless of what I do. It's the same with his barking. Sometimes I manage to calm him down using commands or distractions but most of the time he just ramps up in intensity. I don't know why he is like this. It can happen out of nowhere, like he can be asleep and wake up just go off, and I feel like a failure for not being able to make him stop.


My chi is 4 years old. I did not give him much contact to other dogs when younger although I did take him to puppy training and Silver training. The problem is he barks at other dogs on walks. I've noticed it's less bad on longer walks. I have two dogs and it is hard to control the two of them. Walking them separately helps but it's less practical.


One of my 2 chihuahuas - 10 month old brothers - is incredibly skittish, pulling out of his halter, scared of people, kids, other dogs. We adopted them at almost 8 months. They are so different. They were raised together in a very sheltered environment with no socialization, etc. His brother is just your average little pup. Smart, takes things in stride, a tiny bit nervous but getting better and is learning his boundaries. The one chi does react out of anxiety. They're walked many times a day, play hard, and have diversions. Both dogs are not aggressive with my husband and me. We can tell the anxious dog is smart and can learn but his anxiety overrides everything. We do our best to communicate as calmly as possibly. He walks on a leash well only if he has his brother as the leader. Otherwise he pulls to go back. We initially were going to only adopt the anxious dog then were sent videos that the pair were very bonded and decided to take both. That may have been a mistake. When we met the anxious dog he hid and would not approach and ran to escape. His brother warmed up very quickly. The night we met them and before we picked them up the next day to take them home we discussed not taking the skittish one even though we had already paid for him and wouldn't get our money back. But instead we felt really bad for them and took them both. Our vet even said he may have to be medicated daily because it is just how he is. I've had so many great dogs. (and was a vet tech) Plus, not all of my past dogs came from great situations, either, but this one is really stressing out the family.


SO glad I found this channel! Just what I need!!! Will be binging for weeks lol


Is there any longer videos of this?.. i would love to go into detail about this as I've been upset for the past year now since we got our new dog, he bites and attacks, we were barley able to save his life. Id like to learn a lot more.


I can controle my 2 chi’s pretty well on walks. But it goes wrong when other people let their dogs go off on mine saying that their dog is friendly. I pick mine up when they refuse to leach their dog. I give my dogs the wrong signal but fear for their safety! Many dogowners do not controle their (mostly big)dogs. I see them going on a walk with their owners !


no way this is a channel. i need more 🙌🙌


Resctivity is not caused by the owner. Puppies in a litter are very much individuals, and by 5 weeks age you can clearly tell who is socially confident with people and other dogs, and who’s not. I never buy a puppy before I’ve seen its behaviour with strange dogs, (my older dogs) because small dogs in particular is extremely hard to change if they have a fearful or unsocial disposition.


Our Chihuahua Barked at our neighbours kid, the neighbour then goes on to say, she is going to report us and her kid is suffering with nightmares, and now sleeps in her mother's bed, and her daughter may need therapy.

So I say to her Grow up will ya, and she then saids Why Are "YOU" threatening me. 😂.. So yeah that's what we going through at the moment

And let me just clarify our dog didn't bite, she just Barked at her kid which her daughter is 8 years old by the way.

So beware of a Chihuahua because you could get PDSD and require years of therapy lol oh and don't say Grow up to anyone coz it's classed as threatening behaviour 😂


My chihuahua hates having a lead on and hates going on walks he’s bites when I try put his harness on. He does like other dogs and will try bite and he doesn’t like new people petting him. He’s used to walk for miles when he was a puppy. I think he’s got really bad anxiety just unsure on what to do


My chihuahua is 9 years old, his whole life we basically shut off his contact to other animals and acts really bad when he sees other animals, not just dogs or cats. He goes out of his way to attack we had an incident about 5 years ago when he flew across the road to attack a border collie, then recently my cousins brought their friends dog who they had been baby sitting over and my dog jumped higher than usual and not her tail tip, (just the end fur, the dog wasn’t hurt xx) and his back feet WERE on the ground just to clear up confusion, he was forced to let go and then even more recently my dog ran across the road outside of our garage and chased down my neighbors cat until it climbed up a tree. We’ve wanted a second dog for ages, but knowing how bad he is we can’t get one, is it to late to train my dog?


My dog is 11 yrs old. We moved into a high traffic area with many other dogs and my chihuahua lunges at large dogs. Yesterday she attacked a 50lb dog! She wiggled out of her harness and went for his neck! Thank God no one was hurt, but I’m feeling very discouraged. Now, our mile or two walks are limited. I’m so discouraged. Can you guide me? She isn’t motivated with treats, which is frustrating. I even considered reining her, but she’s my everything. Now she’s housebound…. With occasional small walks outside, not our normal 1-2 mile “sniffaris” as we call them. 😔


My 5 year old chihuahua has become really aggressive towards me and bites me when I pick him up, he was very gentle but has changed. I took him to the vet and medically there is nothing wrong with him. The vet said he just has psychological problems. Love him so much but I just don’t know what to do😢


We have an 8 year old neutered male Chihuahua and a 6 year old female spade Staffordshire Cross. We recently rescued an 8 month old female spade Staffordshire Cross. Both staffies are now getting along after establishing their pack position. However, the Chihuahua is not having it and attacking the new pup. Of course she gets excited and it just blows up from there. Any tips?


Our dog will attack (or protect) anyone who he is near at any given time. We are fostering this 7 year old chihuahua . He is typically loving and sweet, but will try to bite when he thinks someone may be a threat to whomever he is closest to at the moment. Any thoughts? Thanks


My chihuahua-frenchie mix attacks the heels of guests and can draw blood obly when they are trying to leave. Why does this happen and what can be done? She otherwise likes people and has no issue with their arrival.


Please please help me and my chi chi’s. My deerhead has lost her mind! She crates up with her daughter (chi weenie). She wants to kill our other chi and my 100 lb Great Pyrenees. Today caused me to have a meltdown. I have to use crates to keep attacks from happening to my senior chi. Until today there has been no blood shed other than mine. I am disabled so my activity varies day to day.


My son recently passed away and I inherited his cane corso. He is a well behaved dog, but my chihuahua attacks him when he gets close to me or my husband. Besides dealing with my grief …I am at my wits end dealing with my chihuahua.
