Dog bites people who come over

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Watch a rare in-home session where I go through multiple solutions to aggression when people come over.
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I've seen the poke in the neck work on many occasions. I volunteered at a rescue for several years and it was actually a small female dog that taught me that trick. I happened to have a large unruly puppy out for a walk with a small female dog. The female had a litter a while back, not recently. I believe it was because she had raised her own puppies, that she knew how to make this large puppy behave. She went at his neck with a hard poke, just a couple times, and had him under control. Dogs amaze me.


It's so refreshing to have a trainer who works with dogs that don't get one treat and immediately become the perfect dog! Sometimes the dog needs corrected, just like humans!


I work with a family where their “mini-husky” nipped my upper thigh from behind me. I bring treats regularly for her but that hasn’t helped because the family also needs to teach her how to allow guests to enter the home. I have told them that I won’t be coming in the house now since that happened. A trainer like this is so helpful!


This "playback" method of video is so effective in helping to understand and learn. Real world scenarios. Human meeting. All positive reinforcement! Great video.


Mad respect from the beginning of the video to the end of the video where the dog is with you off leash just hanging out in the living room. I was shocked to see y'all get there in one session and I'm sure the client was too!


For anyone reading this: I know that dog training can be difficult sometimes, but you're doing great. Keep up the good work, and your dog (and your own sanity) will thank you for it! ❤️💕


He has a really clear body language and it shows very clearly that he got so much more relaxed and expectations changed.


Great advise -- especially reconditioning him from having to be put back in "the room" which would only reinforce negative behavior.


That was pretty amazing. You make it easy to really understand and grasp these methods and put real life work to prove it


Very impressive! You can see the change in mind in this dog's face and body language.

First time meeting you, growling, barking, teeth snapping... First time meeting Prince, ears back, eyes blown&fixed, "mean" face...
To: open eyes, wagging back and tail, ears forward and interested, smelling and 'happy go lucky' with you all in the room, offering his playball to you. And those who say you don't do positive reinforcement are liars.
This is the best example! But the difference is, that you still address and correct unwanted behavior, setting boundaries and limitations for the dog to live and react and be safe - and be happy! - in. And for the owners to copy.
Great work!


Have this issue in my house. So this was great info. New to yur channel and believe me I’ve been watching ALOT of vids. I’ve been separating my dog in a bedroom w/guest coming over so this was something great for me to see. Thank you!


Her house is so beautifully clean and well organized! If that is a reflection on her inner life she will be very capable of getting that dog under control and organizing him.


I’ve started using that giving treats to my dog from the person who walks up to me when my dog is on the leash. Saw it in one of your other videos, as my dog isn’t confident sometimes and would growl, even though I know the person and we are exchanging friendly conversation. I didn’t think the behaviour would generalise like that, this has been a great learning for me. Thank you, I didn’t know how to work on this behaviour. So relieved, as it’s working.


I have a 13 month old German shep, i love your explanations and if one way doesn’t work try this or this…. You are a great trainer, you have taught me so much. I use all your examples thank you so much


probably the best video so far on this channel. A lot of new techniques i haven't seen before, all in one video.


This is great Joel, thankyou for the thorough explanations. Pls do more teenager dominant pup (6-12 mths) videos as well, in Australia many families got puppies during the COVID lockdown and really need help with puppy issues esp. managing biting, jumping, leash pulling, digging etc. as we’re still in lockdown (since late June) puppies are not getting chances to socialise with other dogs nor are we able to get training/trainers to see our issues in person. Have tried all the positive reinforcement & treat strategies without much success.


Thank you for this in house “door bell ring“ how to fix aggression. I can do this!
I have two dobes, one overly friendly, one excitable. I can use your methods to direct both of them. I am so much more convenient and in control. ❤️


Thanks Joel, appreciate the insight at your clients house. Very helpful.


Excellent video!! I like the way you explain the dogs problem and then give advice and show how to solve it. Thank you for sharing 🙂


WOW! Joel, you are truly amazing, my friend. I have one really well behaved dog (Boxer) and one not so well behaved(Shiba Inu) though not aggressive. You have help ME so much. I always learn from you. Thanks, and God bless you!
