Too OLD to get flexible? Can you get flexible at any age? Is stretching for adults? SCIENCE EXPLAINS

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Can you learn splits or bridges at any age? What factors affect how flexible you can get? Do kids really get flexible faster?
This video will answer all these question based on science aka: anatomy, physiology and scientific research!

1. What happens when we stretch?
2. What happens when we age and how that affects stretching ?
3. Hypermobility ? What is is and how it affects flexibility
4. Conclusion and progression pictures

Beighton's score (mobility test):

All music is by Joakim Karud !

Join me on insta for more cali and stretching content !

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I am 21 years old, and i started stretching when i was 20 because i started taking dance classes, i was pretty stiff, could't even touch my feet, let alone being Hypermobile, and after one year and half of stretching every week and learning about my body, finally i got my middle split, and i'm very close of getting my front split. Was it easy? No. Did it hurt? Like hell. But it was worth it. You only need patience and perseverance. And ofc someone who can guide you trought it. Like alekz for example. Dont believe any of those videos that says "Get your split in 2 day" because its pretty much imposible unless you are 3 year old kid and even so. So don't get discourage people you can do it!!!


Great video! I started stretching at 29! I'm definitely getting better after nearly 2 years of practice


I’m 42 and stiff as a board. Thank you for giving me hope that even at my age I can still get flexible. I will start my journey of flexibility. Subscribing


I do remember being naturally flexible as a child, I could pretty much do the splits after a couple of times of stretching. I never continiously stretched though so I lost all of my flexibility. I started stretching regularly at the age of 23 and I now pretty much have my front splits on both sides (on good days), but it did take me about 7 months of stretching.
Great video!


I am 57 and I want to start training to do the splits 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🙏🏽


I’m 31 Yrs. Old and I’m determined to get both my front and middle split


I started stretching at 30 and have been doing it mostly regularly for about 1 year. My original goal was to improve my posture which I have already achieved!! Now I want to do the middle splits but I’m still a bit further away for that.


I’m 65 and have been doing yoga for several years. More in the last couple years along with cycling and running. I’ve made great progress with flexibility and have much less common back pain than used to. I’m thinking of adding splits to my yoga routine.


53 and working on improving my shoulder and hip mobility with good progress these past 6 months. Thanks for the good news!


Howdy from🇺🇸 done !! I’m 63 and I just started to stretch on a regular basis and my crazy goal is doing the splits. You video just gave me the motivation for keep going and I am planning on following your videos as well!!


Im 14. I want to learn ballet and ice skating. My parents made me so focused on my studies since I was 6 that I couldn’t think of a life without being successful in lessons. Right now I am starting to realise what I want from life and I’m always crying when I think of ice skating and ballet. My mom took me to ice skate because she realised how much I want it and I was so happy. After that I always tried to dance like those figure skaters in the rink when I came home from school. I’m also watching beginner ballet videos from youtube but until this video I didn’t really have hope that I could do these sports because they need flexibility. I know I’m late, but it’s still possible. There is also one more big problem which is money and my family doesn’t have the money to send me to those classes honestly. I don’t know what to do but yeah, we’ll see. At least I found my passion, and even though im late ( as most figure skaters and ballerinas start when they are 3-4 years old ) and it may not be financially possible I think I can find a way if I can make my parents understand how much I want it. We only live once after all right?


I started doing stretching exercises - calinetics - recently, a few months before my 58th birthday, which is on the day that you posted this video. It's been 4 months of regular stretching and I am able to do things that I couldn't do previously - touch my knees with my forehead standing and also seated. I can move my feet in circular movements without any issues. I'm still a long ways from doing the split, but that's a goal. Honestly since I've been stretching my body is looking better than it's ever looked before - except for the hang dips because my default position is seated in front of a computer screen so I developed a flat backside, which has become a touch more rounded with a bit of meat on it. I love the stretching and the other strengthening exercises because it's proved to me that when I commit to the daily stretch routines it pays huge dividends. Thanks for posting this information. Really glad to have it confirmed that there's no age limit to stretching one's body!


This is hell of a channel to answer to all my split queries.... My God..this is awesome ...This gorgeous woman offers so much in just a single video in a comprehensive manner that otherwise requires a great deal of research and intuitive thinking... Not to ignore academic approach ... !!! Thank you ..I am just mesmerized !! I get discouraged to split because every time I try to stretch beyond my comfort zone .the joints react painfully....

I have been practicing martial arts from school days.. I suck at splits... My beighton score is less than 5.... age 28.. Male....


When did you start stretching and what inspired you to do it ?
(and if this video helped you please smash the like button for some fairy stretching dust)


Holy crap I’m so glad I found your channel! I’ve just started my flexibility journey and I love your videos ❤️


I’m currently 17 and I want be extremely flexible, I wanna be able to do everything I was able to when I was in tap dance when I was younger


Your videos are amazing ! I started stretching and doing Yoga at 23 during the first quarantine, so 1 and a half years ago. Since i was abroad most of the time, living in different apartments or in hostels or in a car i didnt have a steady environment and it was hard to find the time and place to stretch on a regular basis, which as you say is the key to progress! last week though i managed to do a full front split on both sides for the first time! I wish I had found your channel earlier in the beginning of my training, because you include everythign thats important, warm up, stretches, strength training and all based on science! cant wait to try all your stretching excercises!! thank you so much :)


Hi... I'm 19 and I've started stretching since 2 years on my own, and I've started learning some ballet techniques to help me be a better contemporary dancer.

I've started hearing the term "knee hyperextnsion" all over the internet, especially by ballerinas. And they're many tutorials out there about how to get knee hyperextnsion. My question is, is it possible and is it healthy to have knee hyperextnsion?

Hyperextended knees look pretty but dangerous at the same time...

And thanks for the videos. Keep up the great work😊❤️!


As a child I was super flexible in the hips. Splits, both feet behind my head very comfortably scaring all the adults in the room type party trick. I got older and had children. Now I wish to start stretching again. I'm 48 and just starting. I'm still super flexible in the hips only, but not splits type flexible. More very flexible for someone whom is 48 and overweight (mum / grandma body) :D I just want to do it for me.


I started at 10 years old and recently I started stretching again after a 2 year break. From January this year (15 years old) to September this year (16 years old) my flexibility has improved. Thank God there's no certain age.
