Top 5 Differin Mistakes You Are Making

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Not getting the results from your adapalene? Here are 5 common mistakes you might be making!

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Skyfyx is Asia's premier skincare advice channel. Skynfyx is run by a group of skin doctors and skincare experts who want everybody to achieve flawless skin at the cheapest possible cost. Skynfyx also can customize a skincare range just for your skin condition.

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follow all of these or i will stalk you
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1. Expecting overnight result
2. Stopping adapalene prematurely
3. Not using the right amount
4. Forgetting moisturizer
5. Stopping adapalene when having purge


He is good at explaining. Highly recommended.


I just started Adapalene, & this was encouraging. My acne has been going off! Now I can relax and instead of being concerned I can enjoy the fact that the product is actually doing it's job :)


Been using Adapalene for 1 year + now. It has helped me control my adult acne. Highly recommend.


Differin is the only product that has effectively helped me get rid of acne. I was worried about the purging too but i am so happy with my skin now. I started in mid April and as of June now, my skin has definitely cleared up. Still a few scars but way better than before. Now when i walk outside without makeup and i still feel confident : )


My purge happnd for 18 weeks! Just as i thought it was getting better, another purge comes. Thank God I was resilient and really trusted the product, on my 8th month, my skin was way better than before, so healthy and the glow is very diff. Still cont using adapalene up till today with no regrets.


What a crisp video! so informative and answers everything!


I have oily/acne-prone skin and started out with mild-moderate adult acne, I occasionally got painful cystic acne as well. Luckily, I had minimal purging when I first started Differin, acne became slightly worse for a few weeks, but I saw improvements at around 6 weeks and my skin was less oily. That was 10 years ago when I was in my 20s…I’ve been using it on and off since. Nowadays I alternate it with Tretinoin 0.05% cream, and my skin looks great. I still get hormonal PMS acne around my chin, but they clear up quickly without leaving behind scars. I will never stop Differin or Tretinoin. Please stay away from the sun if you use those products, or you’ll just be making things worse! If you will be in the sun, use a good sunscreen, an oil-free, non-comedogenic one with spf30 (atleast), the sunscreen I use is also by Differin, they make a good one for oily/acne-prone skin, Cetaphil is another brand that has a good non-comedogenic sunscreen for oily/acne-prone skin.


I use Tretinion gel instead. started off 3 days a week for a month, 4 days a week for following month, then slowly increasing the number of days by each month. Fast forward 5 months later, my skin is actually starting to glow. Though there are occasional mild breakout on chin, it went away in few days as opposed to weeks i used to have.
What product i use is full set of eucerin pro acne range in companion with tretinoin gel.
Morning: cleanser, toner, moisturiser, then sunscreen spf 50 for the entire face.

Night routine: Cleanser, toner, moisturiser, then T gel as final step. Sometimes i put benzyl peroxide on some inflammed acne.

Also, your diet also plays a major role in skin care.


Finally someone explain it clearly. Im using almost 4 months and no more acne (after weeks of research). But it so hard to explain to my friends about it. Gonna just share this vid next time :) thank u.


Don’t forget sunscreen! Adapaline makes your skin more sensitive to the sun.


Thanks our Digital Skin Doctor for a systematic, structured and comprehensive explanation😇


Been using this product for 9 months now. Thought I would not find anything to clear my acne. I’ve tried all the skincare available in the market but this is the only thing that worked!!! I rarely get acne now. Best decision ever.


Adaplene is the best thing I have used for my acne, 5 months down and the acne that I have struggled with for 11 years is gone!!!


Great video jam packed with great information. My skin could not handle the use of tret. So I started adapalene instead & I could not be happier. I had to pen in reminders at the beginning so that I didn’t over so it but now (after 8 weeks) I’m on at least 4 times a week. It’s truly a process centred around trust when it comes to retinol. It’s so worth it though ✨


My face has been peeling off ever since I started & I’ve been applying before moisturizer.. you just saved my face 😭


I have been using tidact with adapalene for almost 2 months and my acne is getting less and less, only my face is oily. but my mistake is when the acne is gone, I don't use enough adapalene and the acne starts to come back


your channel is so informative, doc. i absolutely love your channel‼️😭


Thanks for the video. No wonder my body acne worsened when I started using Differin gel. However, when I used 0.5% salicylic acid, there isn't any purging period. Acne stopped growing and got under control. I wonder why


I’ve been using adapalene for more than three months and it works wonder. I used adapalene before moisturizer for first 5-7weeks and now i apply after moisturizer. Will keep using for years start now. Thank you doctor!
